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estimated, actual, and max are good for db func, need to address clos…
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danieljordan-caci committed Jan 15, 2025
1 parent aa6e280 commit 26610d9
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Showing 4 changed files with 199 additions and 143 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
-- function that calculates a ppm incentive given mileage, weight, and dates
-- this is used to calculate estimated, max, and actual incentives
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION calculate_ppm_incentive(
ppm_id UUID,
pickup_address_id UUID,
destination_address_id UUID,
move_date DATE,
mileage INT,
weight INT,
is_estimated BOOLEAN,
is_actual BOOLEAN
is_actual BOOLEAN,
is_max BOOLEAN
Expand All @@ -24,11 +30,12 @@ DECLARE
cents_above_baseline NUMERIC;

IF NOT is_estimated AND NOT is_actual THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Both is_estimated and is_actual cannot be FALSE. No update will be performed.';
IF NOT is_estimated AND NOT is_actual AND NOT is_max THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'is_estimated, is_actual, and is_max cannot all be FALSE. No update will be performed.';

SELECT, ppms.pickup_postal_address_id, ppms.destination_postal_address_id, ppms.expected_departure_date
-- validating it's a real PPM
INTO ppm
FROM ppm_shipments ppms
WHERE = ppm_id;
Expand All @@ -37,19 +44,19 @@ BEGIN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'PPM with ID % not found', ppm_id;

contract_id := get_contract_id(ppm.expected_departure_date);
contract_id := get_contract_id(move_date);
IF contract_id IS NULL THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Contract not found for date: %', ppm.expected_departure_date;
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Contract not found for date: %', move_date;

o_rate_area_id := get_rate_area_id(ppm.pickup_postal_address_id, NULL, contract_id);
o_rate_area_id := get_rate_area_id(pickup_address_id, NULL, contract_id);
IF o_rate_area_id IS NULL THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Origin rate area is NULL for address ID %', ppm.pickup_postal_address_id;
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Origin rate area is NULL for address ID %', pickup_address_id;

d_rate_area_id := get_rate_area_id(ppm.destination_postal_address_id, NULL, contract_id);
d_rate_area_id := get_rate_area_id(destination_address_id, NULL, contract_id);
IF d_rate_area_id IS NULL THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Destination rate area is NULL for address ID %', ppm.destination_postal_address_id;
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Destination rate area is NULL for address ID %', destination_address_id;

-- ISLH calculation
Expand All @@ -61,7 +68,7 @@ BEGIN
) * (weight / 100)::NUMERIC * 100, 0
RAISE NOTICE 'Estimated price for ISLH: % cents', estimated_price_islh;
Expand All @@ -75,7 +82,7 @@ BEGIN
) * (weight / 100)::NUMERIC * 100, 0
RAISE NOTICE 'Estimated price for IHPK: % cents', estimated_price_ihpk;
Expand All @@ -89,14 +96,14 @@ BEGIN
) * (weight / 100)::NUMERIC * 100, 0
RAISE NOTICE 'Estimated price for IHUPK: % cents', estimated_price_ihupk;

-- FSC calculation
estimated_fsc_multiplier := get_fsc_multiplier(weight);
fuel_price := get_fuel_price(ppm.expected_departure_date);
fuel_price := get_fuel_price(move_date);
price_difference := calculate_price_difference(fuel_price);
cents_above_baseline := mileage * estimated_fsc_multiplier;
estimated_price_fsc := ROUND((cents_above_baseline * price_difference) * 100);
Expand All @@ -109,7 +116,8 @@ BEGIN
-- now update the incentive value
UPDATE ppm_shipments
SET estimated_incentive = CASE WHEN is_estimated THEN total_incentive ELSE estimated_incentive END,
final_incentive = CASE WHEN is_actual THEN total_incentive ELSE final_incentive END
final_incentive = CASE WHEN is_actual THEN total_incentive ELSE final_incentive END,
max_incentive = CASE WHEN is_max THEN total_incentive ELSE max_incentive END
WHERE id = ppm_id;

RETURN total_incentive;
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions pkg/models/ppm_shipment.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -323,10 +323,10 @@ func FetchPPMShipmentByPPMShipmentID(db *pop.Connection, ppmShipmentID uuid.UUID

// a db stored proc that will handle updating the estimated_incentive value
// this simulates pricing of a basic iHHG shipment with ISLH, IHPK, IHUPK, and the CONUS portion for a FSC
func CalculatePPMIncentive(db *pop.Connection, ppmID uuid.UUID, mileage int, weight int, isEstimated bool, isActual bool) (int, error) {
func CalculatePPMIncentive(db *pop.Connection, ppmID uuid.UUID, pickupAddressID uuid.UUID, destAddressID uuid.UUID, moveDate time.Time, mileage int, weight int, isEstimated bool, isActual bool, isMax bool) (int, error) {
var incentive int

err := db.RawQuery("SELECT calculate_ppm_incentive($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)", ppmID, mileage, weight, isEstimated, isActual).
err := db.RawQuery("SELECT calculate_ppm_incentive($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)", ppmID, pickupAddressID, destAddressID, moveDate, mileage, weight, isEstimated, isActual, isMax).
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("error calculating PPM incentive for PPM ID %s: %w", ppmID, err)
Expand Down
177 changes: 111 additions & 66 deletions pkg/services/ppmshipment/ppm_estimator.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -203,7 +203,13 @@ func (f *estimatePPM) estimateIncentive(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, oldPPMShip

// if the PPM is international, we will use a db stored proc
contractDate := newPPMShipment.ExpectedDepartureDate
contract, err := serviceparamvaluelookups.FetchContract(appCtx, contractDate)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err

// if the PPM is international, we will use a db func
if newPPMShipment.Shipment.MarketCode != models.MarketCodeInternational {

calculateSITEstimate := shouldCalculateSITCost(newPPMShipment, &oldPPMShipment)
Expand All @@ -219,12 +225,6 @@ func (f *estimatePPM) estimateIncentive(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, oldPPMShip
return oldPPMShipment.EstimatedIncentive, newPPMShipment.SITEstimatedCost, nil

contractDate := newPPMShipment.ExpectedDepartureDate
contract, err := serviceparamvaluelookups.FetchContract(appCtx, contractDate)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err

estimatedIncentive := oldPPMShipment.EstimatedIncentive
if !skipCalculatingEstimatedIncentive {
// Clear out advance and advance requested fields when the estimated incentive is reset.
Expand All @@ -248,45 +248,15 @@ func (f *estimatePPM) estimateIncentive(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, oldPPMShip
return estimatedIncentive, estimatedSITCost, nil

} else {
var mileage int
pickupAddress := newPPMShipment.PickupAddress
destinationAddress := newPPMShipment.DestinationAddress

// get the Tacoma, WA port (code: 3002) - this is the authorized port for PPMs
ppmPort, err := models.FetchPortLocationByCode(appCtx.DB(), "3002")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch port location: %w", err)

// handling OCONUS/CONUS mileage logic to determine mileage checks
isPickupOconus := pickupAddress.IsOconus != nil && *pickupAddress.IsOconus
isDestinationOconus := destinationAddress.IsOconus != nil && *destinationAddress.IsOconus

switch {
case isPickupOconus && isDestinationOconus:
// OCONUS -> OCONUS: no mileage (set to 0)
mileage = 0
case isPickupOconus && !isDestinationOconus:
// OCONUS -> CONUS: get mileage from port ZIP to destination ZIP
mileage, err = f.planner.ZipTransitDistance(appCtx, ppmPort.UsPostRegionCity.UsprZipID, destinationAddress.PostalCode, true, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate OCONUS to CONUS mileage: %w", err)
case !isPickupOconus && isDestinationOconus:
// CONUS -> OCONUS: get mileage from pickup ZIP to port ZIP
mileage, err = f.planner.ZipTransitDistance(appCtx, pickupAddress.PostalCode, ppmPort.UsPostRegionCity.UsprZipID, true, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate CONUS to OCONUS mileage: %w", err)

// now we can calculate the incentive
estimatedIncentive, err := models.CalculatePPMIncentive(appCtx.DB(), newPPMShipment.ID, mileage, newPPMShipment.EstimatedWeight.Int(), true, false)
estimatedIncentive, err := f.calculateOCONUSIncentive(appCtx, newPPMShipment.ID, *pickupAddress, *destinationAddress, contractDate, newPPMShipment.EstimatedWeight.Int(), false, false, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate estimated PPM incentive: %w", err)

return (*unit.Cents)(&estimatedIncentive), nil, nil
return estimatedIncentive, nil, nil

Expand All @@ -306,7 +276,7 @@ func (f *estimatePPM) maxIncentive(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, oldPPMShipment
// we have access to the MoveTaskOrderID in the ppmShipment object so we can use that to get the customer's maximum weight entitlement
var move models.Move
err = appCtx.DB().Q().Eager(
"Orders.Entitlement", "Orders.OriginDutyLocation.Address", "Orders.NewDutyLocation.Address",
).Where("show = TRUE").Find(&move, newPPMShipment.Shipment.MoveTaskOrderID)
if err != nil {
return nil, apperror.NewNotFoundError(newPPMShipment.ID, " error querying move")
Expand All @@ -322,14 +292,27 @@ func (f *estimatePPM) maxIncentive(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, oldPPMShipment
return nil, err

// since the max incentive is based off of the authorized weight entitlement and that value CAN change
// we will calculate the max incentive each time it is called
maxIncentive, err := f.calculatePrice(appCtx, newPPMShipment, unit.Pound(*orders.Entitlement.DBAuthorizedWeight), contract, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if newPPMShipment.Shipment.MarketCode != models.MarketCodeInternational {

// since the max incentive is based off of the authorized weight entitlement and that value CAN change
// we will calculate the max incentive each time it is called
maxIncentive, err := f.calculatePrice(appCtx, newPPMShipment, unit.Pound(*orders.Entitlement.DBAuthorizedWeight), contract, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return maxIncentive, nil
} else {
pickupAddress := orders.OriginDutyLocation.Address
destinationAddress := orders.NewDutyLocation.Address

return maxIncentive, nil
maxIncentive, err := f.calculateOCONUSIncentive(appCtx, newPPMShipment.ID, pickupAddress, destinationAddress, contractDate, *orders.Entitlement.DBAuthorizedWeight, false, false, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate estimated PPM incentive: %w", err)

return maxIncentive, nil

func (f *estimatePPM) finalIncentive(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, oldPPMShipment models.PPMShipment, newPPMShipment *models.PPMShipment, checks ...ppmShipmentValidator) (*unit.Cents, error) {
Expand All @@ -352,32 +335,51 @@ func (f *estimatePPM) finalIncentive(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, oldPPMShipmen
newTotalWeight = *newPPMShipment.AllowableWeight

isMissingInfo := shouldSetFinalIncentiveToNil(newPPMShipment, newTotalWeight)
var skipCalculateFinalIncentive bool
finalIncentive := oldPPMShipment.FinalIncentive
contractDate := newPPMShipment.ExpectedDepartureDate
if newPPMShipment.ActualMoveDate != nil {
contractDate = *newPPMShipment.ActualMoveDate
contract, err := serviceparamvaluelookups.FetchContract(appCtx, contractDate)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

if !isMissingInfo {
skipCalculateFinalIncentive = shouldSkipCalculatingFinalIncentive(newPPMShipment, &oldPPMShipment, originalTotalWeight, newTotalWeight)
if !skipCalculateFinalIncentive {
contractDate := newPPMShipment.ExpectedDepartureDate
if newPPMShipment.ActualMoveDate != nil {
contractDate = *newPPMShipment.ActualMoveDate
contract, err := serviceparamvaluelookups.FetchContract(appCtx, contractDate)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if newPPMShipment.Shipment.MarketCode != models.MarketCodeInternational {
isMissingInfo := shouldSetFinalIncentiveToNil(newPPMShipment, newTotalWeight)
var skipCalculateFinalIncentive bool
finalIncentive := oldPPMShipment.FinalIncentive
if !isMissingInfo {
skipCalculateFinalIncentive = shouldSkipCalculatingFinalIncentive(newPPMShipment, &oldPPMShipment, originalTotalWeight, newTotalWeight)
if !skipCalculateFinalIncentive {

finalIncentive, err := f.calculatePrice(appCtx, newPPMShipment, newTotalWeight, contract, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return finalIncentive, nil
} else {
finalIncentive = nil

finalIncentive, err = f.calculatePrice(appCtx, newPPMShipment, newTotalWeight, contract, false)
return finalIncentive, nil

return finalIncentive, nil
} else {
pickupAddress := newPPMShipment.PickupAddress
destinationAddress := newPPMShipment.DestinationAddress

// we can't calculate actual incentive without the weight
if newTotalWeight != 0 {
finalIncentive, err := f.calculateOCONUSIncentive(appCtx, newPPMShipment.ID, *pickupAddress, *destinationAddress, contractDate, newTotalWeight.Int(), false, true, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate estimated PPM incentive: %w", err)
return finalIncentive, nil
} else {
return nil, nil
} else {
finalIncentive = nil

return finalIncentive, nil

// SumWeightTickets return the total weight of all weightTickets associated with a PPMShipment, returns 0 if there is no valid weight
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -738,6 +740,49 @@ func (f estimatePPM) priceBreakdown(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, ppmShipment *m
return linehaul, fuel, origin, dest, packing, unpacking, storage, nil

// function for calculating incentives for OCONUS PPM shipments
// this uses a db function that takes in values needed to come up with the estimated/actual/max incentives
// this simulates the reimbursement for an iHHG move with ISLH, IHPK, IHUPK, and CONUS portion of FSC
func (f *estimatePPM) calculateOCONUSIncentive(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, ppmShipmentID uuid.UUID, pickupAddress models.Address, destinationAddress models.Address, moveDate time.Time, weight int, isEstimated bool, isActual bool, isMax bool) (*unit.Cents, error) {
var mileage int
ppmPort, err := models.FetchPortLocationByCode(appCtx.DB(), "3002") // Tacoma, WA port
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch port location: %w", err)

// check if addresses are OCONUS or CONUS -> this determines how we check mileage to/from the authorized port
isPickupOconus := pickupAddress.IsOconus != nil && *pickupAddress.IsOconus
isDestinationOconus := destinationAddress.IsOconus != nil && *destinationAddress.IsOconus

switch {
case isPickupOconus && isDestinationOconus:
// OCONUS -> OCONUS, we only reimburse for the CONUS mileage of the PPM
mileage = 0
case isPickupOconus && !isDestinationOconus:
// OCONUS -> CONUS (port ZIP -> address ZIP)
mileage, err = f.planner.ZipTransitDistance(appCtx, ppmPort.UsPostRegionCity.UsprZipID, destinationAddress.PostalCode, true, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate OCONUS to CONUS mileage: %w", err)
case !isPickupOconus && isDestinationOconus:
// CONUS -> OCONUS (address ZIP -> port ZIP)
mileage, err = f.planner.ZipTransitDistance(appCtx, pickupAddress.PostalCode, ppmPort.UsPostRegionCity.UsprZipID, true, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate CONUS to OCONUS mileage: %w", err)
// covering down on CONUS -> CONUS moves - they should not appear here
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid pickup and destination configuration: pickup isOconus=%v, destination isOconus=%v", isPickupOconus, isDestinationOconus)

incentive, err := models.CalculatePPMIncentive(appCtx.DB(), ppmShipmentID, pickupAddress.ID, destinationAddress.ID, moveDate, mileage, weight, isEstimated, isActual, isMax)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate PPM incentive: %w", err)

return (*unit.Cents)(&incentive), nil

func CalculateSITCost(appCtx appcontext.AppContext, ppmShipment *models.PPMShipment, contract models.ReContract) (*unit.Cents, error) {
logger := appCtx.Logger()

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