diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index aab1b298ab4..a0df9b774a6 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ commands:
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ commands:
diff --git a/playwright/tests/admin/officeUsers.spec.js b/playwright/tests/admin/officeUsers.spec.js
index fd7646a2604..64fb83f27dd 100644
--- a/playwright/tests/admin/officeUsers.spec.js
+++ b/playwright/tests/admin/officeUsers.spec.js
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ test.describe('Office User Create Page', () => {
// The autocomplete form results in multiple matching elements, so
// pick the input element
- await page.getByLabel('Transportation Office').nth(0).fill('JPPSO Testy McTest');
+ await page.getByLabel('Transportation Office').nth(0).fill('PPPO Scott AFB - USAF');
// the autocomplete might return multiples because of concurrent
// tests running that are adding offices
- await page.getByRole('option', { name: 'JPPSO Testy McTest' }).first().click();
+ await page.getByRole('option', { name: 'PPPO Scott AFB - USAF' }).first().click();
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
await adminPage.waitForPage.adminPage();
@@ -110,6 +110,161 @@ test.describe('Office User Create Page', () => {
await expect(page.locator('#telephone')).toHaveValue('222-555-1234');
await expect(page.locator('#active')).toHaveText('Yes');
+ test('has correct supervisor role permissions', async ({ page, adminPage }) => {
+ await adminPage.signInAsNewAdminUser();
+ // we tested the side nav in the previous test,
+ // so let's work with the assumption that we were already redirected to this page:
+ expect(page.url()).toContain('/system/requested-office-users');
+ await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'Office Users', exact: true }).click();
+ expect(page.url()).toContain('/system/office-users');
+ await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Create' }).click();
+ await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Create Office Users', exact: true })).toBeVisible();
+ expect(page.url()).toContain('/system/office-users/create');
+ // we need to add the date to the email so that it is unique every time (only one record per email allowed in db)
+ const testEmail = `cy.admin_user.${Date.now()}@example.com`;
+ // create an office user
+ const firstName = page.getByLabel('First name');
+ await firstName.focus();
+ await firstName.fill('Cypress');
+ const lastName = page.getByLabel('Last name');
+ await lastName.focus();
+ await lastName.fill('Test');
+ const email = page.getByLabel('Email');
+ await email.focus();
+ await email.fill(testEmail);
+ const phone = page.getByLabel('Telephone');
+ await phone.focus();
+ await phone.fill('222-555-1234');
+ // Define constants for all roles checkboxes to be tested
+ const customerCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Customer', { exact: true });
+ const contractingOfficerCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Contracting Officer', { exact: true });
+ const servicesCounselorCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Services Counselor', { exact: true });
+ const primeSimulatorCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Prime Simulator', { exact: true });
+ const qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Quality Assurance Evaluator', { exact: true });
+ const customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Customer Service Representative', { exact: true });
+ const governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Government Surveillance Representative', {
+ exact: true,
+ });
+ const headquartersCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Headquarters', { exact: true });
+ const taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Task Ordering Officer', { exact: true });
+ const taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Task Invoicing Officer', { exact: true });
+ // Define constants for privileges
+ const supervisorCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Supervisor', { exact: true });
+ // Check roles that cannot have supervisor priveleges
+ await customerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(customerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await customerCheckbox.click();
+ await contractingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(contractingOfficerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await contractingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await primeSimulatorCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(primeSimulatorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await primeSimulatorCheckbox.click();
+ await qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox.click();
+ await customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await headquartersCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(headquartersCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await headquartersCheckbox.click();
+ // Check roles that can have supervisor priveleges
+ await taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await servicesCounselorCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(servicesCounselorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await servicesCounselorCheckbox.click();
+ // Check selecting roles after having supervisor selected for unallowed roles
+ await customerCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(customerCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await contractingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(contractingOfficerCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await primeSimulatorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(primeSimulatorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await headquartersCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(headquartersCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ // Check selecting roles after having supervisor selected for allowed roles
+ await taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await servicesCounselorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(servicesCounselorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ // Continue test to ensure form still submits with valid information
+ // The autocomplete form results in multiple matching elements, so
+ // pick the input element
+ await page.getByLabel('Transportation Office').nth(0).fill('PPPO Scott AFB - USAF');
+ // the autocomplete might return multiples because of concurrent
+ // tests running that are adding offices
+ await page.getByRole('option', { name: 'PPPO Scott AFB - USAF' }).first().click();
+ await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
+ await adminPage.waitForPage.adminPage();
+ // redirected to edit details page
+ const officeUserID = await page.locator('#id').inputValue();
+ await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: `Office Users #${officeUserID}` })).toBeVisible();
+ await expect(page.locator('#email')).toHaveValue(testEmail);
+ await expect(page.locator('#firstName')).toHaveValue('Cypress');
+ await expect(page.locator('#lastName')).toHaveValue('Test');
+ await expect(page.locator('#telephone')).toHaveValue('222-555-1234');
+ await expect(page.locator('#active')).toHaveText('Yes');
+ });
test.describe('Office Users Show Page', () => {
@@ -228,6 +383,178 @@ test.describe('Office Users Edit Page', () => {
await expect(page.locator(`tr:has(:text("${email}")) >> td.column-lastName`)).toHaveText('NewLast');
+ test('has correct supervisor role permissions', async ({ page, adminPage }) => {
+ const officeUser = await adminPage.testHarness.buildOfficeUserWithTOOAndTIO();
+ const email = officeUser.okta_email;
+ await adminPage.signInAsNewAdminUser();
+ expect(page.url()).toContain('/system/requested-office-users');
+ await page.getByRole('menuitem', { name: 'Office Users', exact: true }).click();
+ expect(page.url()).toContain('/system/office-users');
+ await searchForOfficeUser(page, email);
+ await page.getByText(email).click();
+ await adminPage.waitForPage.adminPage();
+ await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Edit' }).click();
+ await adminPage.waitForPage.adminPage();
+ const disabledFields = ['id', 'email', 'userId', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt'];
+ for (const field of disabledFields) {
+ await expect(page.locator(`#${field}`)).toBeDisabled();
+ }
+ const firstName = page.getByLabel('First name');
+ await firstName.focus();
+ await firstName.clear();
+ await firstName.fill('NewFirst');
+ const lastName = page.getByLabel('Last name');
+ await lastName.focus();
+ await lastName.clear();
+ await lastName.fill('NewLast');
+ // The autocomplete form results in multiple matching elements, so
+ // pick the input element
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Transportation Office').nth(0)).toBeEditable();
+ // Add a Transportation Office Assignment
+ await page.getByTestId('addTransportationOfficeButton').click();
+ // n = 2 because of the disabled GBLOC input
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Transportation Office').nth(2)).toBeEditable();
+ await page.getByLabel('Transportation Office').nth(2).fill('AGFM');
+ // the autocomplete might return multiples because of concurrent
+ // tests running that are adding offices
+ await page.getByRole('option', { name: 'JPPSO - North East (AGFM) - USAF' }).first().click();
+ // Set as primary transportation office
+ await page.getByLabel('Primary Office').nth(1).click();
+ await page.getByText('You cannot designate more than one primary transportation office.');
+ await page.getByLabel('Primary Office').nth(1).click();
+ // set the user to the active status they did NOT have before
+ const activeStatus = await page.locator('div:has(label :text-is("Active")) >> input[name="active"]').inputValue();
+ const newStatus = (activeStatus !== 'true').toString();
+ await page.locator('div:has(label :text-is("Active")) >> #active').click();
+ await page.locator(`ul[aria-labelledby="active-label"] >> li[data-value="${newStatus}"]`).click();
+ // Define constants for all roles checkboxes to be tested
+ const customerCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Customer', { exact: true });
+ const contractingOfficerCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Contracting Officer', { exact: true });
+ const servicesCounselorCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Services Counselor', { exact: true });
+ const primeSimulatorCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Prime Simulator', { exact: true });
+ const qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Quality Assurance Evaluator', { exact: true });
+ const customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Customer Service Representative', { exact: true });
+ const governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Government Surveillance Representative', {
+ exact: true,
+ });
+ const headquartersCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Headquarters', { exact: true });
+ const taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Task Ordering Officer', { exact: true });
+ const taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Task Invoicing Officer', { exact: true });
+ // Define constants for privileges
+ const supervisorCheckbox = page.getByLabel('Supervisor', { exact: true });
+ // Disable existing roles for testing
+ await taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ // Check roles that cannot have supervisor priveleges
+ await customerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(customerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await customerCheckbox.click();
+ await contractingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(contractingOfficerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await contractingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await primeSimulatorCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(primeSimulatorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await primeSimulatorCheckbox.click();
+ await qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox.click();
+ await customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await headquartersCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(headquartersCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await headquartersCheckbox.click();
+ // Check roles that can have supervisor priveleges
+ await taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await servicesCounselorCheckbox.click();
+ await supervisorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(servicesCounselorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await expect(supervisorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await servicesCounselorCheckbox.click();
+ // Check selecting roles after having supervisor selected for unallowed roles
+ await customerCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(customerCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await contractingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(contractingOfficerCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await primeSimulatorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(primeSimulatorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(qualityAssuranceEvaluatorCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(customerServiceRepersentativeCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(governmentSurveillanceRepresentativeCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ await headquartersCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(headquartersCheckbox).not.toBeChecked();
+ // Check selecting roles after having supervisor selected for allowed roles
+ await taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await taskOrderingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ await taskInvoicingOfficerCheckbox.click();
+ await servicesCounselorCheckbox.click();
+ await expect(servicesCounselorCheckbox).toBeChecked();
+ // Continue test to ensure form still submits with valid information
+ await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' }).click();
+ await adminPage.waitForPage.adminPage();
+ await searchForOfficeUser(page, email);
+ await expect(page.locator(`tr:has(:text("${email}")) >> td.column-active >> svg`)).toHaveAttribute(
+ 'data-testid',
+ newStatus,
+ );
+ await expect(page.locator(`tr:has(:text("${email}")) >> td.column-firstName`)).toHaveText('NewFirst');
+ await expect(page.locator(`tr:has(:text("${email}")) >> td.column-lastName`)).toHaveText('NewLast');
+ });
test('prevents safety move priv selection with Customer role', async ({ page, adminPage }) => {
const officeUser = await adminPage.testHarness.buildOfficeUserWithCustomer();
const email = officeUser.okta_email;
diff --git a/src/components/Admin/ImportOfficeUserButton/validation.test.js b/src/components/Admin/ImportOfficeUserButton/validation.test.js
index 379cb8a7be6..7639ea9876f 100644
--- a/src/components/Admin/ImportOfficeUserButton/validation.test.js
+++ b/src/components/Admin/ImportOfficeUserButton/validation.test.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-import { checkRequiredFields, checkTelephone, parseRoles } from './validation';
+import { checkRequiredFields, checkTelephone, parseRoles, parsePrivileges } from './validation';
import { adminOfficeRoles, roleTypes } from 'constants/userRoles';
+import { elevatedPrivilegeTypes } from 'constants/userPrivileges';
describe('checkRequiredFields', () => {
it('success: does nothing if all fields provided', () => {
@@ -71,3 +72,36 @@ describe('parseRoles', () => {
expect(parseInvalidRoles).toThrowError('Invalid roles provided for row.');
+describe('parsePrivileges', () => {
+ const supervisorPrivilege = { privilegeType: 'supervisor', name: 'Supervisor' };
+ const safetyPrivilege = { privilegeType: 'safety', name: 'Safety Moves' };
+ it('fail: throws an error if there are no privileges', () => {
+ function parseEmptyPrivileges() {
+ parsePrivileges('');
+ }
+ expect(parseEmptyPrivileges).toThrowError('Processing Error: Unable to parse privileges for row.');
+ });
+ it('success: parses one privilege into an array of len 1', () => {
+ const privileges = elevatedPrivilegeTypes.SUPERVISOR;
+ const privilegesArray = parsePrivileges(privileges);
+ expect(privilegesArray).toHaveLength(1);
+ expect(privilegesArray).toContainEqual(supervisorPrivilege);
+ });
+ it('success: parses multiple privileges into an array', () => {
+ const privileges = `${elevatedPrivilegeTypes.SUPERVISOR}, ${elevatedPrivilegeTypes.SAFETY}`;
+ const privilegesArray = parsePrivileges(privileges);
+ expect(privilegesArray).toHaveLength(2);
+ expect(privilegesArray).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([supervisorPrivilege, safetyPrivilege]));
+ });
+ it('fail: throws an error if there is an invalid privilege', () => {
+ function parseInvalidPrivileges() {
+ parsePrivileges('test_privilege');
+ }
+ expect(parseInvalidPrivileges).toThrowError('Invalid privileges provided for row.');
+ });
diff --git a/src/scenes/SystemAdmin/shared/RolesPrivilegesCheckboxes.jsx b/src/scenes/SystemAdmin/shared/RolesPrivilegesCheckboxes.jsx
index 1cc554ed70d..d2fdac32c02 100644
--- a/src/scenes/SystemAdmin/shared/RolesPrivilegesCheckboxes.jsx
+++ b/src/scenes/SystemAdmin/shared/RolesPrivilegesCheckboxes.jsx
@@ -50,6 +50,36 @@ const RolesPrivilegesCheckboxInput = (props) => {
input.splice(index, 1);
+ if (input.includes(roleTypes.PRIME_SIMULATOR)) {
+ index = input.indexOf(roleTypes.PRIME_SIMULATOR);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ input.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (input.includes(roleTypes.QAE)) {
+ index = input.indexOf(roleTypes.QAE);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ input.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (input.includes(roleTypes.CUSTOMER_SERVICE_REPRESENTATIVE)) {
+ index = input.indexOf(roleTypes.CUSTOMER_SERVICE_REPRESENTATIVE);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ input.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (input.includes(roleTypes.GSR)) {
+ index = input.indexOf(roleTypes.GSR);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ input.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (input.includes(roleTypes.HQ)) {
+ index = input.indexOf(roleTypes.HQ);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ input.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
if (privilegesSelected.includes(elevatedPrivilegeTypes.SAFETY)) {
@@ -110,8 +140,16 @@ const RolesPrivilegesCheckboxInput = (props) => {
const parsePrivilegesCheckboxInput = (input) => {
- var index;
- if (rolesSelected.includes(roleTypes.CUSTOMER) || rolesSelected.includes(roleTypes.CONTRACTING_OFFICER)) {
+ let index;
+ if (
+ rolesSelected.includes(roleTypes.CUSTOMER) ||
+ rolesSelected.includes(roleTypes.CONTRACTING_OFFICER) ||
+ rolesSelected.includes(roleTypes.PRIME_SIMULATOR) ||
+ rolesSelected.includes(roleTypes.QAE) ||
+ rolesSelected.includes(roleTypes.CUSTOMER_SERVICE_REPRESENTATIVE) ||
+ rolesSelected.includes(roleTypes.GSR) ||
+ rolesSelected.includes(roleTypes.HQ)
+ ) {
if (input.includes(elevatedPrivilegeTypes.SUPERVISOR)) {
index = input.indexOf(elevatedPrivilegeTypes.SUPERVISOR);
if (index !== -1) {
@@ -140,7 +178,6 @@ const RolesPrivilegesCheckboxInput = (props) => {
return privilegesArray;
}, []);
// filter the privileges to exclude the Safety Moves checkbox if the admin user is NOT a super admin
const filteredPrivileges = officeUserPrivileges.filter((privilege) => {
if (privilege.privilegeType === elevatedPrivilegeTypes.SAFETY && !adminUser?.super) {
@@ -168,7 +205,8 @@ const RolesPrivilegesCheckboxInput = (props) => {
- Privileges cannot be selected with Customer or Contracting Officer roles.
+ The Supervisor privilege can only be selected for the following roles: Task Ordering Officer, Task Invoicing
+ Officer, Services Counselor.
The Safety Moves privilege can only be selected for the following roles: Task Ordering Officer, Task Invoicing