- Fix merge command regression introduced in previous release. (#246)
- Sanity check the virtual environment used to build wheels.
- Fix issue where some command errors where not reported as comments on the PR. (#244)
/ocabot migration
: Automaticaly check line in Migration issue when merging the according Pull Request. (#192)/ocabot migration
: A new migration PR can overwrite the PR in the migration issue only if the latter is closed. (#218)
- When calling
/ocabot migration
if a previous Pull Request was referenced in the migration issue, post an alert on the new Pull Request to mention the previous work. (#191) - Refactored wheel builder, adding support for
in addon directories, towards removingsetup
directories. (#212) - Update pinned dependencies. (#213)
- Search for addons maintainers in all the branches of the current repository. (#183)
- Make the command
/ocabot migration
working when migration issue doesn't contain migration module lines. (#190) - Tweak /ocabot usage presentation. (#199)
- Added support for Odoo 15 (via a setuptools-odoo and maintainer-tools update). (#156)
- Fixed the mention to maintainers on new pull requests. Also mention maintainers when a PR is reopened. (#166)
- Try to avoid git fetch lock issues and sentry alerts pollution by retrying automatically. (#177)
- Reduce error noise by suppressing BranchNotFoundError in then merge branch status handler. (#178)
- Consider comment made when reviewing Pull request. It so allow users to review and launch commands in a single action. (#182)
- Update dependencies, drop support for python 3.6 and 3.7. Test with python 3.10. #175
The GitHub token used by the bot could be leaked into GitHub comments on pull requests in some circumstances. Please upgrade and rotate tokens.
- Add "/ocabot migration" command, to link a PR to the migration issue and set the milestone. (#97)
- Added support for Odoo 15 (via a setuptools-odoo and maintainer-tools update). (#156)
- Improved layer caching in the Dockerfile
- Dockerfile: new version of oca-gen-addons-table
- Improved dry-run mode for the wheel publisher
- Better handling of non-fresh index pages in wheel publisher
- Do not call for maintainers when the PR does not modifies any addon
- Add /ocabot rebase command
- Use Celery 5
- Upload wheels to a package index with twine.
- Pre-install setuptools-odoo in the docker image, so wheel builds run faster.
- Add a call to maintainers when a PR is made to addons that have no declared maintainers. (#130)
- Refresh all pinned dependencies in requirements.txt. (#140)
- Ignore check suites that have no check runs. This should cope repos that have
but where Travis is enabled at organization level. (#141)
- Add the possibility to set multiple github organizations in GITHUB_ORG setting (for organization wide scheduled tasks) (#127)
- Build and publish metapackage wheel from
in main branch bot task. (#133)
- ocabot merge: only mention maintainers existing before the PR. (#131)
- Upgrade
to 2.6.3 in Docker image
- Add more logging of status and check suites results. (#121)
- Publish wheels also in nobump mode. This exception was probably done with the
goal of saving space, but for migration PRs where people use
ocabot merge nobump
, we want to publish too. (#123)
- Ignore Dependabot by default in check-suite ignores, along with Codecov. (#115)
- Update maintainer-tools to get the latest
. It fixes a regression where the main branch operations were failing whenREADME.md
is absent. (#118)
- Make
option required onmerge
command, addingnobump
option that was before implicit. Bot adds comment on github, if the command is wrong. Message are customizable in theenvironment
file. (#90) - Make
configurable. (#111) - Add
. (#112)
- ocabot merge: add a "bot is merging ⏳" PR label during the test and merge operation. (#73)
- Add three new settings available in the
file that allow to add extra argument, when calling the librariesoca-gen-addons-table
. (#103) - Make the "ocabot merge" command update
from news fragments inreadme/newsfragments
using towncrier. (#106) - Add
configuration options to control the conditions to set theApproved
label. (#107)
Bug fixes
- do not fail on
twine check
when an addon has nosetup.py
Bug fixes
- do not mention maintainers when they open PR to module they maintain #92
- do not mention maintainers more than once #91
- mention maintainers in pull requests to their addons #77
Bug fixes
- main branch bot: do not run on forks on pushes too, not only in cron jobs
- prune removed remote branches in git cache
- make
(use rebase instead of merge)
Bug fixes
- Ignore /ocabot merge commands in quoted replies (lines starting with >).
- Better logging of subprocess output, for Sentry support.
- Do not change current directory so a multithreaded task worker should be safe.
- Bump setuptools-odoo version for Odoo 13 support.
Bug fixes
- Do not bump version nor attempt to generate wheels for addons that are not installable.
- Improved command parser (#53)
- Call external tools with universal_newlines=True for better output capture (unicode instead of binary) and, in particular, better display of errors in merge bot.
- Better detection of modified addons (using diff after rebase instead of diff to merge base).
- merge bot: allow addon maintainers to merge (#51)
- main branch bot: ignore repos that are forks of other repos when running the main branch bot actions in the nightly cron
- main branch bot: do not run the organization-wide nightly crons if GITHUB_ORG is not set
- merge bot: do not rebase anymore, create a merge commit
Bug fixes
- Do not attempt to build wheels for uninstallable addons.
- Fix issue in detecting modified setup directory.
- When rsyncing wheels to the simple index, use default directory permissions on the target
Bug fixes
- Update OCA/maintainer-tools to correctly pin docutils 0.15.1.
- Fix traceback in on_pr_green_label_needs_review.
- Build and publish wheels to a PEP 503 simple index. Publishing occurs on /ocabot merge with version bump, and after the nightly main branch actions.
- Simplify the docker image, removing gosu. Run under user 1000 in /var/run by default. Can be influenced using docker --user or similar. The default docker-compose.yml needs UID and GID environment variables.
Bug fixes
- Merge bot: fix detection of modified addons in case main branch was modified since the PR was created.
- Update OCA/maintainer-tools to pin docutils 0.15.1 (see OCA/maintainer-tools#423).