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Annotation Guidelines

Tucker Chapin edited this page Dec 29, 2018 · 3 revisions

BetterVRV relies on user-submitted annotations and timestamps to enable skipping past intros/outros/etc. and autoplaying episodes when the main content has ended.

When you are watching an episode, consider clicking on the BetterVRV "plus" icon on your Chrome menubar and annotating the episode with some timestamps. It only takes a moment and makes everyone else's experience that much better.

The popup should be relatively self-explanatory and in most cases best-judgement should be sufficient, but here are some general guidelines to use when you do decide to help out.

If you experience an issue with a timestamp or a skip, please flag it and I will take a look.

All timestamps

Try to get as close to the start/end point of each section as possible. This doesn't have to be frame-perfect, but ideally within a second or two.

Always stay on the safe side: everyone would rather watch a split second of the intro, than miss a moment of actual content before or after the episode. So if there is a moment when an annotation is ambiguous (like a fade to black/white) then try to cut within the intro/outro/etc. rather than potentially cutting out real content. For example, lets say the intro of an actual episode runs from 00:30.00 to 02:00.00, ideally these would be the annotations, but 00:31 or 00:30.46 to 01:58 or 01:59.30 are better than running longer and going outside those boundaries.


If there is no intro, mark it as such. Intros do not include the titlecard for an episode, which often comes at the end of an intro.


Outros are not necessarily the credits, but the whole repeated theme/ending sequence. Some episodes will not have an outro. Credits rolling over actual action/content of the episode is not considered a part of the outro. Please do not mark these as outros as people with auto-skipping enabled will have this cut off.


Post-scenes (after-credits, post-op, etc.) are sequences of actual content that happen after the outro or credits. This is typically disjointed from the main body of content and is sometimes superfluous or a light-hearted skit. Please mark these types of post-outro scenes. They should not include any of the outro or preview.


Previews are pretty self-explanatory. They often occur in the last 15-30 seconds of an episode and are often lead by a "preview" title card and end with the end of the episode. Previews include the preview card and most content that comes afterward. However, if it is just a title card for the next episode, this does not count as a preview and should be left unmarked and the episode marked as "no preview."

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