The Ontology for Managing Geometry (OMG) is an ontology for describing geometry descriptions of objects. It provides means to support the application of multiple geometry descriptions of the same object as well as the description of the geometry evolution over time. The OMG is based the concepts introduced in the Ontology for Property Management (OPM) ontology.
This ontology was created within the research project SCOPE, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
- base URI:
- Canonical URI for the HTML representation:
- Canonical URI for the Turtle representation:
- Canonical URI for the n-triples representation:
- Canonical URI for the JSON-LD representation:
- Canonical URI for the RDF/XML representation:
The most recent version of OMG is always available in this GitLab/GitHub repository
The OMG ontology should be as static as possible. Software and use case specific extensions should be realised using the File Ontology for Geometry formats (FOG), which can be found on GitHub.
For contributions to the OMG ontology, please use the GitHub repository (Mirror of the GitLab repository).
Presentation for the W3C Linked Building Data Community Group, 11.12.2018
An online sparql-visualizer demo is available, containing sample Abox triples and example queries. The RDF literals in the Abox triples are dummies to make it more easily to visualize them as a graph.
The initial version of the ontology (v0.1) is documented in: Wagner, Anna, Bonduel, Mathias, Pauwels, Pieter & Rüppel, Uwe(2019). Relating Geometry Descriptions to its Derivatives on the Web. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3 2019). Chania, Greece. DOI: 10.35490/EC3.2019.146
Anna Wagner - TU Darmstadt
Mathias Bonduel - KU Leuven
Pieter Pauwels - UGent