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File metadata and controls

103 lines (79 loc) · 3.93 KB



The FileDataSink framework is a utility framework that helps configuring and writing DataFrames.

This framework provides for writing to a given path into the specified format like com.databricks.spark.avro (before Spark 2.4.x), avro (starting with Spark 2.4.x), parquet, orc, json, csv...

This framework supports different save modes like overwrite or append, as well as partitioning parameters like columns and number of partition files.

The framework is composed of two classes:

  • FileDataSink, which is created based on a FileSinkConfiguration class and provides two main functions:
    def writer(data: DataFrame): Try[DataFrameWriter[Row]]
    def write(data: DataFrame): Try[DataFrame]
  • FileSinkConfiguration: the necessary configuration parameters

Sample code

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import com.typesafe.config.Config

import{ pureconf, _ }

val dataframe: DataFrame = ???

val sinkConfiguration: FileSinkConfiguration = ???

Optionally, one can use the implicit decorator for the DataFrame available by importing

Sample code

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import com.typesafe.config.Config

val dataframe: DataFrame = ???

import{ pureconf, _ }

val sinkConfiguration: FileSinkConfiguration = ???

Configuration Parameters

  • path Required
    • the path where the result will be saved
  • format Required
    • the format of the output file; acceptable values are json, avro, orc and parquet
  • mode Optional
    • the save mode can be overwrite, append, ignore and error; more details available here;
  • partition.columns Optional
    • a sequence of columns that should be used for partitioning data on disk;
    • they should exist in the result of the given sql;
    • if empty no partitioning will be performed.
  • partition.number Optional
    • the number of partition files that will end up in each partition folder;
    • one can always look at the average size of the data inside partition folders and come up with a number that is appropriate for the application;
    • for example, one might target a partition number so that the partition file size inside a partition folder are around 100 MB
  • buckets Optional
    • define if the output will be bucketed "Hive" style
    • if any of these parameters fail during configuration validation the entire bucketing configuration will be ignored
    • the used output function is saveAsTable using the path parameter as the table name
    • number Required
      • the number of buckets
    • columns Required
      • columns used for bucketing
    • sortByColumns Optional
      • sort columns
  • options Optional
    • additional options that can be passed to the Apache Spark DataFrameWriter;
    • due to it's complex structure, this parameter can not be passed as a command line argument, but it can only be passed through the application.conf file;
    • some useful options, available for most of the output formats are:
      • compression: possible values like none, bzip2, gzip, lz4, snappy
      • dateFormat: default yyyy-MM-dd
      • timestampFormat: default yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX
    • more details available here;


For the more details about the optional parameters consult the DataFrameWriter API and sources.