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Chick and Paddy is built with the least depedencies as possible, as you already see in README file. However, the app strictly follows best practices for a typical MAUI application in MVVM and could be used as the template for any new MAUI applications. This design is derived from TodosApp for Xamarin.Forms sample application.

NOTE: The app is only built for iOS, Android for now.

High level arch

Key concepts

  • Clean Architeture
  • Featured base
  • Repository Pattern
  • MVVM
  • Shell Navigation

Page Sequence Diagram

This is how a page lives in the app. The details are explained later in this document.

Folder structure

--------Mvvm              // - Contains MVVM bases
--------Navigation        // - Contains Navigator and its helper
------Core                // Contains core classes and components used by features
--------Converters        // - Contains shared value converters
--------Dal               // - Contains database access logic 
--------Api               // - Contains API request logic 
------Features            // Groups components by feature
--------Todos             // - A group for Todos feature
------UI                  // Contains UI only classes/components
--------Effects           // - Contains custom effects
--------MarkupExtensions  // - Contains custom markup extensions
--------AppColors            // - Contains color used across the app
--------Dimens            // - Contains dimension values including spacing, font sizes, etc
--------Fonts             // - Contains custom fonts
------Platforms           // - MAUI folder
------Resources           // - MAUI folder
----ChickAndPaddy.Tests         // Contains non-ui tests
----ChickAndPaddy.UITests       // Contains UI tests


1) Overview

We don't need another framework or library such as Prism or FreshMvvm. All navigations within the app could be done perfectly with Shell navigation.

To make our VMs really easy to test and not depend on Shell navigation, there is an interface, IAppNavigator, to abstract the way we go back and forth between pages.

All the page navigations are defined in AppShell.xaml and AppShell.xaml.cs files.

    ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate app:TodosPage}" />
Routing.RegisterRoute("new-todo", typeof(NewTodoPage));

2) How to pass data between pages

We do navigation based on Shell, we also pass data its way with the use of IQueryableAttribute.

Data are serialized in JSON while passing between pages. The serialization and deserialization of this data is hidden from our actual usages

  • within AppNavigator while attaching data to the navigation URI
  • within an extension for IDictionary<string, string> while getting out the data in the desired strongly type.

3) Navigation Events

Wit the help of our custom AppNavigator and several base VMs, we could distinguish two diferent navigation events

  • OnInit: When we open the page for the firs time
  • OnBack: When we go back from the subsequence page

The base VMs are

  • OnBackAwareViewModel: Use this one if we only care about OnBack event
  • OnInitAwareViewModel: Use this one if we only care about OnInit event
  • NavigationAwareBaseViewModel: Use this one if we care about both OnBack and OnInit events

Dependency Injection

To make components easisy to wire up togehter, but loosely coupled, we use DryIoC for dependency injection.

All dependencies are declared within App.xaml.cs in method RegisterTypes.

static MauiAppBuilder RegisterServices(this MauiAppBuilder builder)
        builder.Services.AddSingleton<IAppNavigator, AppNavigator>();
        builder.Services.AddSingleton<IAppSettingsService, AppSettingsService>();

        return builder;

View and ViewModel

View (a MAUI page) always comes along with a ViewModel class. They stands side by side in Pages folder.

ViewModel is paired with a View with following steps.

1) Constructor injiection

public partial class ForgotPasswordPage
	public ForgotPasswordPage(ForgotPasswordPageViewModel vm)

		BindingContext = vm;

2) Register with DI container

in MauiProgram.cs

static MauiAppBuilder RegisterPages(this MauiAppBuilder builder)
    builder.Services.AddPage<ForgotPasswordPage, ForgotPasswordPageViewModel>();

2) Page lifecycle

Apart from navigation events, we also listen for page appearing and dispearing events.

To make this happen, we define two base classes

  • BasePage: To check for the base VM and invoke the right method for each event
  • BaseViewModel: To define corresponding async methods for page events
BasePage.OnAppearing        <-------->      BaseViewModel.OnAppearignAsync

BasePage.OnDisappearing     <-------->      BaseViewModel.OnDisappearignAsync


We use SQLite as the local database for the app with the help of EFCore SQLite.

On top of EFCore, we define generic repository class and concrete repositories which follow Repository Pattern to avoid DRY and make things easier to extend and maintain.

DTOs vs Entities vs Models

  • DTOs: Classes for transfering data via Restful APIs or communicating with 3rd-party APIs
  • Entities: Classes for storing data in our local database
  • Models: Classes for binding data on the UI

In many apps, you might combine these 3 into single class, but it isn't a good practice and make things hard to change or always have to change. By separating them, we could freely define the right thing for the right purpose.


  • Model in MVVM usually comes with Property Changed.
  • Entity in Realm must inherits from RealmObject, and cannot have its sub class
  • DTO in Restful API usualy has JSON attributes