This repository contains a library and a set of tools that are useful for working with Twinleaf quantum sensors and accessories.
The proxy makes a device attached via serial port available via ethernet. To use it:
tio-proxy --auto
When there are more than one serial port available, it is necessary to specify the port using:
[linux]> tio-proxy -r /dev/ttyACM0
[macOS]> tio-proxy -r /dev/cu.usbserialXXXXXX
[wsl1] > tio-proxy -r COM3
With the proxy running, a set of tools can be used on the data stream.
Logging data:
tio-tool log
Issuing commands:
tio-tool rpc
There are a variety of additional useful functions. To see all tool options run:
tio-tool --help
Displays a live stream of incoming data with an optional color-coded threshold option.
Running the tool:
tio-monitor [yaml_path]
Yaml format to specify desired ranges: field_name: {min: 0.0, max: 10000.0}
With rust language tools, install the tools using:
cargo install twinleaf-tools