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To change types, change values
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This is the seventh of a series of articles on “Type Parameters and Type Members”. You may wish to [start at the beginning]({% post_url 2015-07-13-type-members-parameters %}); more specifically, this post is meant as a followup to [the previous entry]({% post_url 2015-07-30-values-never-change-types %}). However, in a first for this series, it stands on its own, as introductory matter.

A program is a system for converting data from one format to another, which we have endowed with the color of magic. In typed programming, we use a constellation of types to mediate this transformation; a function’s result can only be passed as another function’s argument to the extent to which those parts of the functions’ types unify.

We rely on the richness of our types in these descriptions. So it is natural to want the types to change as you move to different parts of the process; each change reflects the reality of what has just happened. For example, when you parse a string into an AST, your program’s state has changed types, from String to MyAST.

But, as we have just seen, due to decisions we have made to simplify our lives, [values cannot change types]({% post_url 2015-07-30-values-never-change-types %}), no matter how important it is to the sanity of our code. At the same time, we don’t want to give up the richness of using more than one type to describe our data.

Fortunately, there is a solution that satisfies these competing concerns: to change types, change values. You can’t do anything about the values you have, but you can create new ones of the right type, and use those instead.

Type-changing is program organization

In values with complex construction semantics, it is common to write imperative programs that leave “holes” in the data structures using the terrible null misfeature of Java, Scala, and many other languages. This looks something like this.

class Document(filename: Path) {
  // this structure has three parts:
  var text: String = null // ← a body of text,
  var wordIndex: Map[String, List[Int]] = null
    // ↑ an index of words to every
    // occurrence in the text,
  var mostPopular: List[(String, Int)] = null
    // ↑ the most frequently used words
    // in the text, and their number of
    // occurrences

Now, we must fill in these variables, by computing and assigning to each in turn. First, we compute the corpus text.


Then, we compute and fill in the word index. If we didn’t fill in text first, this compiles, but crashes at runtime.


Finally, we figure out which words are most popular. If we didn’t fill in wordIndex first, this compiles, but crashes.


How do I know that? Well, I have to inspect the definitions of these three methods.

  def initText(): Unit =
    text = Source.fromFile(filename.toFile).mkString

  def initWordIndex(): Unit = {
    val words = """\w+""".r findAllMatchIn text
    wordIndex = words.foldLeft(Map[String, List[Int]]()){
      (m, mtch) =>
        val word = mtch.matched
        val idx = mtch.start
        m + (word -> (idx :: m.getOrElse(word, Nil)))

  def initMostPopular(): Unit =
    mostPopular = wordIndex.mapValues(_.size).toList
      .sortBy(p => 0 - p._2).take(10)

This method of organizing object initialization is popular because, among other properties:

  1. it seems self-documenting,
  2. you don’t have to pass data around, and
  3. steps can be customized by subclassing and overriding.

However! It has the tremendous drawback of preventing the compiler from helping you get the order of initialization correct. Go, look; see if you can spot why I said the latter two calls would crash if you don’t get the order exactly right. Now, I have four questions for you.

  1. Would you trust yourself to notice these implicit dependencies every time you look at this code?
  2. Suppose you commented on the dependencies. Would you trust these comments to be updated when the initialization details change?
  3. Would you trust subclasses that customize the initialization to respect the order in which we call these three init functions?
  4. Could you keep track of this if the initialization was significantly more complex? (This is a toy example for a blog post, after all.)

Ironically, as your initialization becomes more complex, the compiler becomes less able to help you with uninitialized-variable warnings and the like. But, this is not the natural order of things; it is a consequence of using imperative variable initialization but not representing this variable refinement in the type system. By initializing in a different way, we can recover type safety.

The implications of refinement, linked above, are much less severe than those of unrestricted type-changing of a variable. So Flow did not solve, nor did it aim to solve, those difficulties by introducing the refinement feature.

The four types of Document

If we consider Document as the simple product of its three state variables, with some special functions associated with them as whatever Document methods we intend to support, we have a simple 3-tuple.

(String, Map[String, List[Int]],
 List[(String, Int)])

Let us no longer pretend that it is any more complicated than that.

But this cannot be mutated to fill these in as they are initialized, you say! Yes, that’s right, we want a type-changing transformation. By changing values, this is easy. There are three phases of initialization, so four states, including uninitialized.

(String, Map[String, List[Int]])
(String, Map[String, List[Int]], List[(String, Int)])

For interesting phases, such as the final one, we might create a case class to hold its contents, instead. Let us call that class, for this example, Doc.

final case class Doc
  (text: String, wordIndex: Map[String, List[Int]],
   mostPopular: List[(String, Int)])

Finally, we can build 3 functions to take us through these steps. Each begins by taking one as an argument, and produces the next state as a return type.

  def initText(filename: Path): String =

  def initWordIndex(text: String): (String, Map[String, List[Int]]) = {
    val words = """\w+""".r findAllMatchIn text
    (text, words.foldLeft(Map[String, List[Int]]()){
       (m, mtch) =>
       val word = mtch.matched
       val idx = mtch.start
       m + (word -> (idx :: m.getOrElse(word, Nil)))

  def initMostPopular(twi: (String, Map[String, List[Int]])): Doc = {
    val (text, wordIndex) = twi
    Doc(text, wordIndex,
          .sortBy(p => 0 - p._2).take(10))

If we have a Path, we can get a Doc by (initText _) andThen initWordIndex andThen initMostPopular: Path => Doc. But that hardly replicates the rich runtime behavior of our imperative version, does it? That is, we can do reordering of operations in a larger context with Document, but not Doc. Let us see what that means.

Many docs

Dealing with one document in isolation is one thing, but suppose we have a structure of Documents.

sealed abstract class DocumentTree
final case class SingleDocument(id: Int, doc: Document)
  extends DocumentTree
final case class DocumentCategory
  (name: String, members: List[DocumentTree])
  extends DocumentTree

In the imperative mode, we can batch and reorder initialization. Say, for example, we don’t initialize Document when we create it. This tree then contains Documents that contain only Paths. We can walk the tree, doing step 1 for every Document.

  // add this to DocumentTree
  def foreach(f: Document => Unit): Unit =
    this match {
      case SingleDocument(_, d) => f(d)
      case DocumentCategory(_, dts) => dts foreach (_ foreach f)

// now we can initialize the text everywhere,
// given some dtree: DocumentTree
dtree foreach (_.initText())

The way software does, it got more complex. And we can be ever less sure that we’re doing things right, under this arrangement.

The four phases problem, stuck in a tree

Our tree only supports one type of document. We could choose the final one, Doc, but there is no way to replicate more exotic document tree initializations like the one above.

Instead, we want the type of the tree to adapt along with the document changes. If we have four states, Foo, Bar, Baz, and Quux, we want four different kinds of DocumentTree to go along with them. In a language with type parameters, this is easy: we can model those four as DocTree[Foo], DocTree[Bar], DocTree[Baz], and DocTree[Quux], respectively, by adding a type parameter.

sealed abstract class DocTree[D]
final case class SingleDoc[D](id: Int, doc: D)
  extends DocTree[D]
final case class DocCategory[D]
  (name: String, members: List[DocTree[D]])
  extends DocTree[D]

Now we need a replacement for the foreach that we used with the unparameterized DocumentTree to perform each initialization step on every Document therein. Now that DocTree is agnostic with respect to the specific document type, this is a little more abstract, but quite idiomatic.

  // add this to DocTree
  def map[D2](f: D => D2): DocTree[D2] =
    this match {
      case SingleDoc(id, d) => SingleDoc(id, f(d))
      case DocCategory(c, dts) =>
        DocCategory(c, dts map (_ map f))

It’s worth comparing these side by side. Now we should be able to step through initialization of DocTree with map, just as with DocumentTree and foreach.

scala> val dtp: DocTree[Path] = DocCategory("rt", List(SingleDoc(42, Paths.get(""))))
dtp: tmtp7.DocTree[java.nio.file.Path] = DocCategory(rt,List(SingleDoc(42,

scala> dtp map Doc.initText
res3: tmtp7.DocTree[String] =
DocCategory(rt,List(SingleDoc(42,contents of the file!)))

You wouldn’t avoid writing functions, would you?

There is nothing magical about DocTree that makes it especially amenable to the introduction of a type parameter. This is not a feature whose proper use is limited to highly abstract or general-purpose data structures; with its Strings and Ints strewn about, it is utterly domain-specific, “business” code.

In fact, if we were likely to annotate Docs with more data, Doc would be a perfect place to add a type parameter!

// suppose we add some "extra" data
final case class Doc[A]
  (text: String, wordIndex: Map[String, List[Int]],
   mostPopular: List[(String, Int)],
   extra: A)

You can use a type parameter to represent one simple slot in an otherwise concretely specified structure, as above. You can use one to represent 10 slots.

Parameterized types are the type system’s version of functions. They aren’t just for collections, abstract code, or highly general-purpose libraries: they’re for your code!

Unless you are going to suggest that functions are “too academic”. Or that functions have no place in “business logic”. Or perhaps that, while it would be nice to define functions to solve this, that, and sundry, you’ll just do the quick no-defining-functions hack for now and maybe come back to add some functions later when “paying off technical debt”. Then, I’m not sure what to say.

The virtuous circle of FP and types

Now we are doing something very close to functional programming. Moreover, we were led here not by a desire for referential transparency, nor for purity, but merely for a way to represent the states of our program in a more well-typed way.

In this series of posts, I have deliberately avoided discussion of functional programming until this section; my chosen subject is types, not functional programming. But the features we have been considering unavoidably coalesce here into an empirical argument for functional programming. Type parameters let us elegantly lift transformations from one part of our program to another; the intractable complexities of imperative type-changing direct us to program more functionally, by computing new values instead of changing old ones, if we want access to these features. This, in turn, encourages ever more of our program to be written in a functional style, just as the switch to different Doc representations induced a switch to different document tree representations, map instead of foreach.

Paying it Back

Likewise, the use of functional programming style feeds back, in the aforementioned virtuous circle, to encourage the use of stronger types.

When we wanted stronger guarantees about the initialization of our documents, and thereby also of the larger structures incorporating them, we turned to the most powerful tool we have at our disposal for describing and ensuring such guarantees: the type system. In so doing, we induced an explosion of explicit data representations; where we had two, we now have eight, whose connections to each other are mediated by the types of functions involved.

With the increase in the number of explicit concepts in the code comes a greater need for an automatic method of keeping track of all these connections. The type system is ideally suited to this role.

We induced more explicit data representation, not more representations overall. The imperative Document has four stages of initialization, at each of which it exhibits different behavior. All we have done is expose this fact to the type system level, at which our usage can be checked.

Don’t miss one!

As it is declared, the type-changing DocTree#map has another wonderful advantage over DocumentTree#foreach.

Let us say that each category should also have a document of its own, not just a list of subtrees. In refactoring, we adjust the definitions of DocumentCategory or DocCategory.

// imperative version
final case class DocumentCategory
  (name: String, doc: Document,
   members: List[DocumentTree])
   extends DocumentTree

// functional version
final case class DocCategory[D]
  (name: String, doc: D,
   members: DocTree[D])
  extends DocTree[D]

So far, so good. Next, neither foreach nor map compile anymore.

TmTp7.scala:70: wrong number of arguments for pattern
⤹ tmtp7.DocumentCategory(name: String,doc: tmtp7.Document,
⤹                        members: List[tmtp7.DocumentTree])
      case DocumentCategory(_, dts) =>
TmTp7.scala:71: not found: value d
TmTp7.scala:91: wrong number of arguments for pattern
⤹ tmtp7.DocCategory[D](name: String,doc: D,members: List[tmtp7.DocTree[D]])
      case DocCategory(c, dts) =>
TmTp7.scala:92: not enough arguments for method
⤹ apply: (name: String, doc: D, members: List[tmtp7.DocTree[D]]
⤹        )tmtp7.DocCategory[D] in object DocCategory.
Unspecified value parameter members.
        DocCategory(c, dts map (_ map f))

So let us fix foreach in the simplest way possible.

    //                 added ↓
    case DocumentCategory(_, _, dts) => ...

This compiles. It is wrong, and we can figure out exactly why by trying the same shortcut with map.

      case DocCategory(c, d, dts) =>
        DocCategory(c, d, dts map (_ map f))

We are treating the d: D like the name: String, just passing it through. It is “ignored” in precisely the same way as the foreach ignores the new data. But this version does not compile!

TmTp7.scala:90: type mismatch;
 found   : d.type (with underlying type D)
 required: D2
        DocCategory(c, d, dts map (_ map f))

More broadly, map must return a DocTree[D2]. By implication, the second argument must be a D2, not a D. We can fix it by using f.

      DocCategory(c, f(d), dts map (_ map f))

Likewise, we should make a similar fix to DocumentTree#foreach.

    case DocumentCategory(_, d, dts) =>
      dts foreach (_ foreach f)

But only in the case of map did we get help from the compiler. That’s because DocumentTree is not the only thing to gain a type parameter in this new design. When we made DocTree take one, it was only natural to define map with one, too.

We can see how this works out by looking at both foreach and map as the agents of our practical goal: transformation of the tree by transforming the documents therein. foreach works like this.

              document transformer
               (Document => Unit)
 DocumentTree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> DocumentTree
 ------------                      -----------------
initial state                      final state
  (old tree)                       (same type, “new”
                                    but same tree)

The way map looks at DocTree is very similar, and we give it the responsibilities that foreach had, so it is unsurprising that the “shape” we imagine for transformation is similar.

               document transformer
                    (D => D2)
    DocTree[D] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> DocTree[D2]
 -------------                       ----------------
 initial state                       final state
  (old tree)                         (changed type,
                                      changed value!)

The replacement of D with D2 also means that values of type D cannot occur anywhere in the result, as D is abstract, so only appears as doc by virtue of being the type parameter passed to DocTree and its data constructors (er, “subclasses”).

As our result type is DocTree[D2], we have two options, considering only the result type:

  1. return a DocTree with no D2s in its representation, one role of None and Nil in Option and List respectively, or
  2. make D2s from the Ds in the DocTree[D] we have in hand, by passing them to the ‘document transformer’ D => D2.

Similarly, no DocTree[D] values can appear anywhere in the result. As with the Ds, they must all be transformed or dropped, with a different ‘empty’ DocTree chosen.

The dangers of “simplifying”

Suppose we instead defined map as follows.

  def map(f: D => D): DocTree[D]

If you subscribe to the idea of type parameters being for wonky academics, this is “simpler”. And it’s fine, I suppose, if you only have one D in mind, one document type in mind. Setting aside that we have four, there is another problem. Let’s take a look at the “shape” of this transformation.

               document transformer
                     (D => D)
    DocTree[D] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> DocTree[D]
 -------------                       ----------------
 initial state                       final state
  (old tree)                         (but no promise,
                                      same type!)

The problem with a D => D transformer is that we can’t make promises that all our data passed through it. After all, a source d has the same type as f(d). We could even get away with

  def map(f: D => D): DocTree[D] = this

map[D2] is strictly more general. Even if we have only one D in mind for DocTree, it still pays to type-parameterize it and to add ‘type-changing’ extra type parameters like D2.

The dangers of missing values

Have you ever started getting a new bill, then missed a payment because you thought you were covered for the month?

Have you ever gone on vacation and, in your relief at having not left anything important at home, left something behind when packing for your return trip?

This kind of thing cannot be characterized in the manner of “well, I would just get a runtime error if I didn’t have a type checker, so it’s fine.” Yet it simply falls out of the system we have chosen; moreover, we have barely begun to consider the possibilities.

In this series, I have focused on existential types, which we can in one sense consider merely abstract types that the compiler checks that we treat as independent, like D and D2. Existential types are only one natural outcome of the system of type abstraction brought to us by type parameters; there are many more interesting conclusions, like the ones described above.

Next, in [“It’s existential on the inside”]({% post_url 2016-01-28-existential-inside %}), we will see how deeply intertwined universal and existential types really are.