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Making internal state functional |
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This is the ninth of a series of articles on “Type Parameters and Type Members”.
is relatively well-founded and flexible;
in combination with GADTs, it can provide that flexibility in a fully type-safe way,
if users choose not to circumvent it with typecasting.
However, it is designed in a purely mutable way; you cannot write a
useful CanBuildFrom
that does not rely on mutation, and you cannot
use the API externally in a functional way.
Let’s design an alternative to CanBuildFrom
that makes sense in a
purely functional context, allowing both implementers and users to
avoid unsightly mutation.
Spoiler warning! Our first pass will have one glaring inelegance. We will use concepts from previous articles in Type Parameters and Type Members to “invert the abstraction”, which will greatly simplify the design. Once you’re comfortable with the “inversion”, you can skip the intermediate step and use this technique directly in your own designs.
The pattern of use of CanBuildFrom
the CBF to produce aBuilder
.- Call
methods to “fill up” theBuilder
. - Call
to “finalize” or “commit” to the final structure.
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
val cbf = implicitly[CanBuildFrom[Nothing, Int, List[Int]]]
val b = cbf()
b += 3
b ++= Seq(4, 5)
res0: List[Int] = List(3, 4, 5)
Let’s set aside that this is only suited to eager collections, not
lazy ones like
. You
can tell the problem by types: +=
and ++=
have the return type
. Effectively, this means that if their implementations are
purely functional, all they can do is return this
def +=(elem: Elem) = this
def ++=(elems: TraversableOnce[Elem]) = this
Aside from the informal contract of Builder
, which suggests that
calls to these methods perform a side effect, the types enforce that
they must perform any useful work by means of side effects.
Returning this.type
permits these methods to be called in a
superficially functional style:
.++=(Seq(4, 5))
res1: List[Int] = List(3, 4, 5)
This retouch is only skin-deep, and can’t repair the defect making
unsuitable for functional programs, but it implies that
a functional alternative lurks nearby. Let’s go looking for it.
First, we need to take the essential mutation out of Builder
. That
means it needs to provide an initial state, and the other methods must
use it as a parameter and return value.
- We’ll add a new method to return the initial state.
will take that state as an argument, returning the new state instead ofthis.type
will take the final state as an argument, still producing the result collection.
While the intermediate state might be the same as the final state,
we don’t want to require that. So Builder
also gains a type
parameter to represent the type of state, S
trait FunBuilder[S, -Elem, +To] {
/** Produce the initial state. */
def init: S
// note everywhere 'S' was added
def +=(s: S, elem: Elem): S
def ++=(s: S, elems: TraversableOnce[Elem]): S
def result(s: S): To
We can incrementally build a
but it may not be the most efficient way. Instead, let’s try to
accumulate a
then construct the Vector
once we’re done.
class VectorBuilderList[A]
extends FunBuilder[List[A], A, Vector[A]] {
def init = List()
def +=(s: List[A], elem: A) = elem :: s
def ++=(s: List[A], elems: TraversableOnce[A]) =
elems.toList reverse_::: s
def result(s: List[A]) =
val vbl = new VectorBuilderList[Int]
vbl.result(vbl.++=(vbl.+=(vbl.init, 2), Seq(3, 4)))
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int] = Vector(2, 3, 4)
(There’s a problem with CanBuildFrom
now, but we’ll hold off fixing
Maybe it would be better to optimize for the ++=
“bulk add” method,
class VectorBuilderListList[A]
extends FunBuilder[List[Traversable[A]], A, Vector[A]] {
def init = List()
def +=(s: List[Traversable[A]], elem: A) =
Traversable(elem) :: s
def ++=(s: List[Traversable[A]], elems: TraversableOnce[A]) =
elems.toTraversable :: s
def result(s: List[Traversable[A]]) =
s.foldLeft(Vector[A]()){(z, as) => as ++: z}
val vbll = new VectorBuilderListList[Int]
vbll.result(vbll.++=(vbll.+=(vbll.init, 2), Seq(3, 4)))
res0: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int] = Vector(2, 3, 4)
The type of these builders are different, even though their usage is
the same. This design also exposes what was originally internal
state as part of the API. Luckily, CanBuildFrom
makes a point of
this when we try to integrate FunBuilder
into our own CBF version;
there’s nowhere to put the S
type parameter.
trait FunCanBuildFrom[-From, -Elem, +To] {
def apply(): FunBuilder[S, Elem, To]
…/FCBF.scala:42: not found: type S
def apply(): FunBuilder[S, Elem, To]
We can hide the state by forcing the caller to deal with the builder in a state-generic context. One way to do this is with a generic continuation.
trait BuilderCont[+Elem, -To, +Z] {
def continue[S](builder: FunBuilder[S, Elem, To]): Z
// in FunCanBuildFrom...
def apply[Z](cont: BuilderCont[Elem, To, Z]): Z
Now we can implement a FunCanBuildFrom
that can use either of the
s we’ve defined.
class VectorCBF[A](bulkOptimized: Boolean)
extends FunCanBuildFrom[Any, A, Vector[A]] {
def apply[Z](cont: BuilderCont[A, Vector[A], Z]) =
if (bulkOptimized)
cont continue (new VectorBuilderListList)
cont continue (new VectorBuilderList)
Take a look at the type flow. The caller of apply
is the one who
decides the Z
type. But the apply
implementation chooses the S
to pass to continue
, which cannot know any more about what that
state type is. (It can even choose different types based on runtime
decisions.) Information hiding is restored.
val cbf = new VectorCBF[Int](true)
cbf{new BuilderCont[Int, Vector[Int], Vector[Int]] {
def continue[S](vbl: FunBuilder[S, Int, Vector[Int]]) =
vbl.result(vbl.++=(vbl.+=(vbl.init, 2), Seq(3, 4)))
res1: Vector[Int] = Vector(2, 3, 4)
Now the code using the FunBuilder
can’t fiddle with the
’s state values; it can only rewind to previously seen
states, a norm to be expected in functional programming with
persistent state values.
This is rather a lot of inconvenient ceremony, though. Instead of
passing a continuation that receives the S
type as an argument along
with the FunBuilder
, let’s just have apply
return the type along
with the FunBuilder
. We have a tool for returning a pair of type and
value using that type.
def apply(): FunBuilder[_, Elem, To]
Remember that existential types are pairs.
Having collapsed callee-of-callee back to caller perspective, let’s apply the rule of thumb from [the first post in this series]({% post_url 2015-07-13-type-members-parameters %}).
A type parameter is usually more convenient and harder to screw up, but if you intend to use it existentially in most cases, changing it to a member is probably better.
The usual case will be from the perspective of a CBF user, so the
usual use of the S
parameter is existential. So let’s turn it into
the equivalent type member.
// rewrite the heading of FunBuilder as
trait FunBuilder[-Elem, +To] {
type S
// and FunCanBuildFrom#apply as
def apply(): FunBuilder[Elem, To]
// and the parameter S moves to a member
// for all implementations so far;
// fix until compile or see appendix
And we can see the information stays hidden.
scala> val cbf = new VectorCBF[Int](true)
cbf: fcbf.VectorCBF[Int] = fcbf.VectorCBF@4363e2ba
scala> val vb = cbf()
vb: fcbf.FunBuilder[Int,Vector[Int]] = fcbf.VectorBuilderListList@527c222e
scala> val with1 = vb.+=(vb.init, 2)
with1: vb.S = List(List(2))
scala> val with2 = vb.++=(with1, Seq(2, 3))
with2: vb.S = List(List(2, 3), List(2))
scala> vb.result(with2)
res0: Vector[Int] = Vector(2, 2, 3)
As in
[“Values never change types”]({% post_url 2015-07-30-values-never-change-types %}#naming-the-existential),
is abstract, existential, irreducible.
had to be separate from CanBuildFrom
because the latter
had to be stateless, with Builder
needing to be stateful. Now that
both are stateless, the FunBuilder
API can probably be collapsed
into FunCanBuildFrom
This leaves the question, what about the mutable-state Builder
They can mutate the S
, returning the input state from +=
. You can’t use S
values to rewind such a FunBuilder
, but you
couldn’t before, anyway.
In the next part, “Avoiding refinement with dependent method types”, we’ll look at the meaning of Scala’s “dependent method types” feature, using it to replace some more type parameters with type members in non-existential use cases.
This article was tested with Scala 2.11.8.
The rewrite from S
type parameter to member in the FunBuilder
implementations is a boring, mechanical transform, but I’ve included
it here for easy reference.
class VectorBuilderList[A]
extends FunBuilder[A, Vector[A]] {
type S = List[A]
def init = List()
def +=(s: S, elem: A) = elem :: s
def ++=(s: S, elems: TraversableOnce[A]) =
elems.toList reverse_::: s
def result(s: S) =
class VectorBuilderListList[A]
extends FunBuilder[A, Vector[A]] {
type S = List[Traversable[A]]
def init = List()
def +=(s: S, elem: A) =
Traversable(elem) :: s
def ++=(s: S, elems: TraversableOnce[A]) =
elems.toTraversable :: s
def result(s: S) =
s.foldLeft(Vector[A]()){(z, as) => as ++: z}
class VectorCBF[A](bulkOptimized: Boolean)
extends FunCanBuildFrom[Any, A, Vector[A]] {
def apply() =
if (bulkOptimized)
new VectorBuilderListList
new VectorBuilderList