278 commits
to main
since this release
What's Changed
- Chnages made for custom components by @Rahul139-stack in #1
- fixes the template in create space by @Rahul139-stack in #4
- added extra component and functional test code by @rohitgupta274509 in #7
- add functional test by @rohitgupta274509 in #14
- fetching data from the json path. by @HariKarthykAAPNA in #16
- Added custom layouts and able to add typerefinery components by @Rahul139-stack in #17
- resource path replaced with the random id. by @Harikarthyk in #19
- Ticker component by @Harikarthyk in #20
- Added primevue components by @Rahul139-stack in #21
- Components for form inputarea by @rohitgupta274509 in #22
- added form page by @rohitgupta274509 in #23
- added primevue datatable component by @Rahul139-stack in #24
- form component updated. event listeners added. by @Harikarthyk in #33
- added css by @rohitgupta274509 in #32
- Handling submit functionality on the form container. by @Harikarthyk in #34
- added css by @rohitgupta274509 in #36
- button styling updated, few more styling added. by @Harikarthyk in #37
- removed chart component code. by @Shivam-apna in #46
- line chart component added with both default and dynamic data. by @Harikarthyk in #47
- added map component. by @Shivam-apna in #51
- added bar chart by @rohitgupta274509 in #48
- Polar chart component created. by @Harikarthyk in #52
- Added 3*3 ticker component column by @Rahul139-stack in #50
- codes change for datatable by @rohitgupta274509 in #53
- added layputs by @rohitgupta274509 in #56
- Added sidebar component-tree by @Rahul139-stack in #57
- Navbar component by @Harikarthyk in #58
- added css for dashboard by @rohitgupta274509 in #59
- Map component by @Shivam-apna in #61
- reset, button and submit functionality added for the button. by @Harikarthyk in #62
- Feature/add layout rows by @rohitgupta274509 in #66
- added x-axis bar chart by @rohitgupta274509 in #72
- added pie chart non polar by @rohitgupta274509 in #74
- added leaflet map component . by @Shivam-apna in #75
- v- model for checkbox and Radio button Implemented. by @Harikarthyk in #73
- Added radar chart by @Rahul139-stack in #76
- Refactored the code for ticker component and body-end.html by @Harikarthyk in #77
- D3 Graph component added and data table headers are now controller from the vue instance by @Harikarthyk in #82
- added code to redirect page by @rohitgupta274509 in #83
- Feeds page created by @Harikarthyk in #87
- Added dashboard as wireframe by @Rahul139-stack in #85
- 1.added style in inputtext dialog 2. added search page. by @Shivam-apna in #88
- Search page updated. by @Harikarthyk in #89
- minor changes in search page by @Harikarthyk in #90
- added code to redirect the pages by @rohitgupta274509 in #92
- added dashboard by @rohitgupta274509 in #86
- Added line chart with label by @Rahul139-stack in #93
- breadcrumb component added with dynamic content. by @Harikarthyk in #96
- added head-libs file every component by @rohitgupta274509 in #99
- namespaces and page dialog box updated. by @Harikarthyk in #100
- added menu items by @rohitgupta274509 in #102
- added tms connection and pass payload by @Rahul139-stack in #103
- Feature/ add customise header by @rohitgupta274509 in #106
- Code Refactoring by @Harikarthyk in #105
- added theme button by @rohitgupta274509 in #108
- theme updated on the fly, instead of reloading by @Harikarthyk in #110
- Bump gson from 2.8.5 to 2.8.9 in /application/backend by @dependabot in #107
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /application/frontend by @dependabot in #65
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 in /application/frontend by @dependabot in #15
- Bump glob-parent and filemanager-webpack-plugin in /application/frontend by @dependabot in #13
- refactor code for pie chart. by @Shivam-apna in #121
- sidebar component made dynamic. by @Harikarthyk in #122
- refactor code for xaxisbarchart. by @Shivam-apna in #123
- table component refactored and multiple host handled. by @Harikarthyk in #125
- updated style for piechart by @Shivam-apna in #124
- added showcase pages by @rohitgupta274509 in #127
- refactor code of small ticker and barchart by @Rahul139-stack in #119
- Grid JS table added. by @Harikarthyk in #130
- updated theme color. by @Shivam-apna in #129
- removed consoles. by @Shivam-apna in #133
- updated theme for bar chart. by @Shivam-apna in #131
- Feature/ remove used components by @rohitgupta274509 in #134
- Refactor/vendors added locally by @Harikarthyk in #138
- Refactoring Charts. by @Harikarthyk in #143
- added test for components. by @Shivam-apna in #142
- removed unused chart components and moved chartjs to vendors by @Harikarthyk in #147
- theme namespaces added. by @Harikarthyk in #148
- updated- theme. by @Shivam-apna in #149
- Refactoring Form Components by @Harikarthyk in #151
- Load Initial Data. by @Harikarthyk in #154
- variantClassNames and componentClassNames added in default grid and s… by @rohitgupta274509 in #158
- removed web_root & updated main.css by @Shivam-apna in #157
- namespaces added for button. by @Harikarthyk in #159
- Added variant component for ticker by @Rahul139-stack in #156
- Feature/#166 bootstrap forms by @Harikarthyk in #167
- showcase page for form. by @Harikarthyk in #171
- added select component by @rohitgupta274509 in #170
- added functional test cases. by @Shivam-apna in #165
- updated the ticker showcase by @Rahul139-stack in #163
- added showcase pages for form by @rohitgupta274509 in #172
- updated table funtionality. by @Shivam-apna in #173
- Input mask for TextInputs by @Harikarthyk in #177
- Open modal / Dropdown on button clicked. by @Harikarthyk in #184
- Heading size options changed to a dropdown by @Harikarthyk in #180
- Card component using bootstrap classes by @Harikarthyk in #179
- Removed parent wrapper for input components. by @Harikarthyk in #185
- added sample header page and updated header dialog. by @Shivam-apna in #186
- Handlebar Templates for ticker component. by @Harikarthyk in #187
- Merge with recent develop branch by @Harikarthyk in #188
- Sidebar component by @Harikarthyk in #189
- Added showcases pages by @Shivam-apna in #190
- added dashboard page. by @Shivam-apna in #191
- update-websight-version by @rohitgupta274509 in #206
- Add primeicons in vendor folder by @rohitgupta274509 in #207
- Sidebar component by @Harikarthyk in #209
- Feat/editor component by @Harikarthyk in #212
- enabled flow in table component. by @Shivam-apna in #215
- enable flow for chart component. by @Shivam-apna in #217
- added footer demo page by @rohitgupta274509 in #218
- Bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.0 in /application/frontend by @dependabot in #221
- added map-leaflet component and enable flow component by @Rahul139-stack in #230
- Bootstrap table component. by @Harikarthyk in #240
- refactor: libraries imported in proper files. by @Harikarthyk in #241
- added theme icon in header by @rohitgupta274509 in #227
- Allow user to select multiple options in the select by @Harikarthyk in #244
- added margin and padding style to all component by @rohitgupta274509 in #243
- Feature/#update showcase pages by @Shivam-apna in #248
- Read and Write In forms by @Harikarthyk in #249
- added a new tag component. by @Shivam-apna in #231
- added required forms in CMS by @rohitgupta274509 in #251
- update code with default values and docs for map component by @Rahul139-stack in #250
- refactor dashboard page and change styling for containers by @rohitgupta274509 in #254
- Added table Doc. by @Shivam-apna in #252
- added manaco editor component by @rohitgupta274509 in #258
- update for tms connected and update url for image by @Rahul139-stack in #253
- Search widget component by @Harikarthyk in #256
- added readme file of button component and update map readme file by @rohitgupta274509 in #260
- Feature/added-button-variant-hamburger by @Shivam-apna in #262
- Tab container component by @Harikarthyk in #270
- Feature/add test cases for component by @Shivam-apna in #271
- Added showcase pages map,table,chart by @Rahul139-stack in #272
- added style for container having title by @rohitgupta274509 in #274
- Tab Component which can now open tab from sidebar treeview by @Harikarthyk in #275
- File upload Component for Forms by @Harikarthyk in #278
- Feature/#259 add showcase pages for case management by @rohitgupta274509 in #281
- added header with hamburger showcase-page. by @Shivam-apna in #284
- Fetching Options via JSON/Get Modified for Select Dropdown by @Harikarthyk in #290
- added new action type to button to toggle visibility of a target by @rohitgupta274509 in #288
- Feature/add readme for components by @Shivam-apna in #279
- Feature/updated showcase pages by @Shivam-apna in #293
- added show case pages for os-intel wireframe by @rohitgupta274509 in #294
- Feature/#updated form showcase pages by @Shivam-apna in #295
- refactor showcase pages for the os wireframe by @rohitgupta274509 in #298
- Icon indication on flow enabled component. by @Harikarthyk in #297
- Bug/ flow enable not work for components by @rohitgupta274509 in #302
- Reference variant for Tabs by @Harikarthyk in #299
- Disable Attr added to the input components. by @Harikarthyk in #305
- change os-triage showcase action by @rohitgupta274509 in #306
- added flow enable for os-triage pages by @rohitgupta274509 in #307
- Load Content for Text and Title component from Endpoint by @Harikarthyk in #308
- feat: case-information-showcase-fetch-values-based-caseid. by @Harikarthyk in #309
- Bump yaml from 2.1.1 to 2.2.2 in /tests/end-to-end by @dependabot in #311
- Patch1 by @wildone in #312
- Bubbling Modal from Iframe to Parent by @Harikarthyk in #315
- Components which are flowenabled and which can be flow enabled (Icons added for both) by @Harikarthyk in #316
- Feature/#300 update showcase page for os triage by @rohitgupta274509 in #318
- Feature/#300 update case to incidents by @rohitgupta274509 in #320
- Feature/#265 create conatiner list component by @Rahul139-stack in #310
- keyValuePair changed to configData in Ticker Component by @Harikarthyk in #317
- resolve bug of tab inside tab by @rohitgupta274509 in #325
- Upload File to File services and pass the response to the flow while submitting the form. by @Harikarthyk in #328
- Latest release. by @wildone in #329
- Develop by @wildone in #344
- Develop by @wildone in #353
- Develop by @wildone in #354
New Contributors
- @HariKarthykAAPNA made their first contribution in #16
- @Harikarthyk made their first contribution in #19
- @Shivam-apna made their first contribution in #46
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #107
- @wildone made their first contribution in #312
Full Changelog: https://github.com/typerefinery-ai/typerefinery-websight/commits/v2023.6.2