diff --git a/services/fastapi/generated/os-triage/common_files/convert_n_and_e.py b/services/fastapi/generated/os-triage/common_files/convert_n_and_e.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1894292c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/fastapi/generated/os-triage/common_files/convert_n_and_e.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1473 @@
+from stixorm.module.authorise import authorised_mappings, import_type_factory
+from stixorm.module.typedb_lib.factories.auth_factory import get_auth_factory_instance
+import copy
+from posixpath import basename
+import json
+import os
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+import_type = import_type_factory.get_all_imports()
+# Setup Nodes and Edges Array Stuff for Force Graph Display - including icons
+def convert_relns(obj):
+ nodes = []
+ edges = []
+ nodes, relation_edges, relation_replacement_edges = setup_relationship(obj)
+ edges2 = find_embedded(obj, edges, obj["id"], exclusion_list=["id", "source_ref", "target_ref"])
+ edges = edges + edges2
+ return nodes, edges, relation_edges, relation_replacement_edges
+def convert_sighting(obj):
+ nodes = []
+ edges = []
+ nodes, edges = setup_sighting(obj, nodes, edges)
+ # #edges2 = find_embedded(obj, edges, obj["id"], exclusion_list=["id", "observed_data_refs", "where_sighted_refs", "sighting_of_ref"])
+ # edges = edges + edges2
+ return nodes, edges
+def convert_node(obj):
+ nodes = []
+ edges = []
+ nodes, edges = setup_nodes(obj, nodes, edges)
+ edges = find_embedded(obj, edges, obj["id"], exclusion_list=["id", "observed_data_refs", "where_sighted_refs", "sighting_of_ref"])
+ # edges = edges + edges2
+ return nodes, edges
+def refine_edges(nodes, original_edges):
+ node_ids = [x["id"] for x in nodes]
+ edges = [x for x in original_edges if (x["source"] in node_ids and x["target"] in node_ids)]
+ return edges
+def generate_legend(nodes):
+ check_icons = []
+ legend = []
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node["icon"] not in check_icons:
+ check_icons.append(node["icon"])
+ layer = {}
+ layer["icon"] = node["icon"]
+ layer["name"] = node["name"]
+ legend.append(layer)
+ return legend
+# def make_nodes_and_edges(obj_list):
+# nodes_edges = {}
+# nodes = []
+# edges = []
+# for obj in obj_list:
+# if obj["type"] == "relationship":
+# edges = setup_relationship(obj, edges)
+# elif obj["type"] == "sighting":
+# nodes, edges = setup_sighting(obj, nodes, edges)
+# else:
+# nodes, edges = setup_nodes(obj, nodes, edges)
+# legend = []
+# node_ids = []
+# for node in nodes:
+# node_ids.append(node["id"])
+# if node["icon"] not in check_icons:
+# check_icons.append(node["icon"])
+# layer = {}
+# layer["icon"] = node["icon"]
+# layer["name"] = node["name"]
+# legend.append(layer)
+# # remove any edges without nodes
+# edges = [x for x in edges if (x["source"] in node_ids and x["target"] in node_ids)]
+# nodes_edges["nodes"] = nodes
+# nodes_edges["edges"] = edges
+# nodes_edges["legend"] = legend
+# return nodes_edges
+def setup_relationship(obj):
+ source_role = ""
+ target_role = ""
+ auth_factory = get_auth_factory_instance()
+ auth = auth_factory.get_auth_for_import(import_type)
+ if "icon" in obj:
+ obj_orig = obj['original']
+ else:
+ obj_orig = obj
+ for record in auth["reln"]["standard_relations"]:
+ if record['stix'] == obj["relationship_type"]:
+ source_role = record['source']
+ target_role = record['target']
+ source_type = obj_orig['source_ref'].split('--')[0]
+ target_type = obj_orig['target_ref'].split('--')[0]
+ # setup lists needed for SRO
+ nodes = []
+ relation_replacement_edges = []
+ relation_edges = []
+ # setup edges to connect without SRO object
+ relation_replacement_edge = {}
+ relation_replacement_edge["stix-id"] = obj["id"]
+ relation_replacement_edge["type"] = "relationship"
+ relation_replacement_edge["name"] = obj["relationship_type"]
+ relation_replacement_edge["source"] = obj["source_ref"]
+ relation_replacement_edge["target"] = obj["target_ref"]
+ relation_replacement_edge["id"] = obj["source_ref"] + '-' + obj["target_ref"]
+ relation_replacement_edges.append(relation_replacement_edge)
+ # setup source to SRO
+ relation_edge = {}
+ relation_edge["stix-id"] = obj["id"]
+ relation_edge["type"] = "relationship"
+ relation_edge["name"] = obj["relationship_type"]
+ relation_edge["source"] = obj["source_ref"]
+ relation_edge["target"] = obj["id"]
+ relation_edge["id"] = obj["source_ref"] + '-' + obj["id"]
+ relation_edges.append(relation_edge)
+ # setup SRO to target
+ relation_edge = {}
+ relation_edge["stix-id"] = obj["id"]
+ relation_edge["type"] = "relationship"
+ relation_edge["name"] = obj["relationship_type"]
+ relation_edge["source"] = obj["id"]
+ relation_edge["target"] = obj["target_ref"]
+ relation_edge["id"] = obj["id"] + '-' + obj["target_ref"]
+ relation_edges.append(relation_edge)
+ # sort out node
+ node = {}
+ node["id"] = obj["id"]
+ node["original"] = copy.deepcopy(obj)
+ node["name"] = obj["relationship_type"].title()
+ node['heading'] = obj["relationship_type"].title() + ' - SRO'
+ node['description'] = '
' + source_role.title() + ' -> ' + source_type.title() + '
' + target_role.title() + ' -> ' + target_type.title()
+ node["type"] = "relationship"
+ node["icon"] = "relationship"
+ nodes.append((node))
+ return nodes, relation_edges, relation_replacement_edges
+def setup_sighting(obj, nodes, edges):
+ # sighting_of_ref
+ description = ''
+ edge = {}
+ edge["stix-id"] = obj["id"]
+ edge["type"] = "sighting"
+ edge["name"] = "Sighting of " + obj["sighting_of_ref"].split('--')[0]
+ description += edge["name"] + '
+ edge["source"] = obj["id"]
+ edge["target"] = obj["sighting_of_ref"]
+ edge["id"] = obj["id"] + '-' + obj["sighting_of_ref"]
+ edges.append(edge)
+ # list of observed_data_refs
+ for obs in obj["observed_data_refs"]:
+ edge = {}
+ edge["stix-id"] = obj["id"]
+ edge["type"] = "sighting"
+ edge["name"] = "Observed Data"
+ edge["source"] = obj["id"]
+ edge["target"] = obs
+ edge["id"] = obj["id"] + '-' + obs
+ edges.append(edge)
+ # list of where_sighted_refs
+ if "where_sighted_refs" in obj:
+ for where in obj["where_sighted_refs"]:
+ edge = {}
+ edge["stix-id"] = obj["id"]
+ edge["type"] = "sighting"
+ edge["name"] = "Where Sighted -> " + where.split('--')[0]
+ description += edge["name"]
+ edge["source"] = obj["id"]
+ edge["target"] = where
+ edge["id"] = obj["id"] + '-' + where
+ edges.append(edge)
+ # sort out node
+ node = {}
+ node["id"] = obj["id"]
+ node["type"] = "sighting"
+ node["original"] = copy.deepcopy(obj)
+ sighting_type = "generic"
+ if "extensions" in obj:
+ for key, value in obj["extensions"].items():
+ if key == "extension-definition--0d76d6d9-16ca-43fd-bd41-4f800ba8fc43":
+ continue
+ else:
+ sighting_type = key
+ node["icon"] = key
+ else:
+ node["icon"] = "sighting"
+ node["name"] = sighting_type.title()
+ node['heading'] = sighting_type.title()
+ node['description'] = description
+ nodes.append(node)
+ return nodes, edges
+def setup_nodes(obj, nodes, edges):
+ obj_id = obj["id"]
+ node = {}
+ node["id"] = obj_id
+ node["type"] = obj["type"]
+ node["original"] = copy.deepcopy(obj)
+ node = find_icon(obj, node)
+ nodes.append(node)
+ return nodes, edges
+def find_embedded(obj, edges, obj_id, exclusion_list=[]):
+ auth = authorised_mappings(import_type)
+ for key, prop in obj.items():
+ if key in exclusion_list:
+ continue
+ elif key in auth["reln_name"]["embedded_relations"]:
+ edges = extract_ids(key, prop, edges, obj_id)
+ elif isinstance(prop, list):
+ edges = embedded_list(key, prop, edges, obj_id)
+ elif isinstance(prop, dict):
+ edges = find_embedded(prop, edges, obj_id)
+ else:
+ continue
+ return edges
+def embedded_list(key, prop, edges, obj_id):
+ logger.debug(f"embedded_list {key} {prop}")
+ for pro in prop:
+ if isinstance(pro, dict):
+ edges = find_embedded(pro, edges, obj_id)
+ else:
+ continue
+ return edges
+def extract_ids(key, prop, edges, obj_id):
+ auth = authorised_mappings(import_type)
+ for ex in auth["reln"]["embedded_relations"]:
+ if ex["rel"] == key:
+ label = ex["label"]
+ source_owner = ex["owner-is-source"]
+ edge = {"name": label, "type": "embedded"}
+ if isinstance(prop, list):
+ for pro in prop:
+ if pro.split('--')[0] == "relationship":
+ continue
+ elif source_owner:
+ edge["source"] = obj_id
+ edge["target"] = pro
+ edge["id"] = obj_id + '-' + pro
+ edges.append(copy.deepcopy(edge))
+ else:
+ edge["source"] = pro
+ edge["target"] = obj_id
+ edge["id"] = pro + '-' + obj_id
+ edges.append(copy.deepcopy(edge))
+ else:
+ if source_owner:
+ edge["source"] = obj_id
+ edge["target"] = prop
+ edge["id"] = obj_id + '-' + prop
+ else:
+ edge["source"] = prop
+ edge["target"] = obj_id
+ edge["id"] = prop + '-' + obj_id
+ edges.append(copy.deepcopy(edge))
+ return edges
+def find_icon(stix_object, node):
+ auth = authorised_mappings(import_type)
+ logger.debug(f'stix object type {stix_object["type"]}
+ auth_types = copy.deepcopy(auth["types"])
+ if stix_object["type"] in auth_types["sdo"]:
+ logger.debug(f' going into sdo ---? {stix_object}')
+ node = sdo_icon(stix_object, node)
+ elif stix_object["type"] in auth_types["sco"]:
+ logger.debug(f' going into sco ---> {stix_object}')
+ node = sco_icon(stix_object, node)
+ elif stix_object["type"] == 'marking-definition':
+ node = meta_icon(stix_object, node)
+ else:
+ logger.error(f'object type not supported: {stix_object.type}, import type {import_type}')
+ return node
+def sdo_icon(stix_object, node):
+ sdo_type = stix_object["type"]
+ name = str.title(sdo_type.replace("_", " "))
+ heading = name + " - SDO"
+ icon_type = ""
+ description = ""
+ attack_object = False if not stix_object.get("x_mitre_version", False) else True
+ if attack_object:
+ attack_type = ""
+ sub_technique = False if not stix_object.get("x_mitre_is_subtechnique", False) else True
+ if sdo_type[:7] == "x-mitre":
+ attack_type = sdo_type[8:]
+ name = str.title(attack_type.replace("_", " "))
+ heading = "ATT&CK Matrix - " + name
+ if sdo_type == "x-mitre-matrix":
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ aversion = stix_object.get("x_mitre_version", "")
+ heading = "ATT&CK Matrix - " + aname + " - v" + aversion
+ description = '
' + stix_object.get("description", "")
+ elif sdo_type == "x-mitre-tactic":
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ T_id = stix_object.get("external_references", [{}])[0].get("external_id", "")
+ heading = "ATT&CK Tactic - " + aname + " - " + T_id
+ description = '
' + stix_object.get("description", "")
+ elif sdo_type == "x-mitre-collection":
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ aversion = stix_object.get("x_mitre_version", "")
+ heading = "ATT&CK Collection - " + aname + " - v" + aversion
+ description = '
' + stix_object.get("description", "")
+ elif sdo_type == "x-mitre-data-source":
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ T_id = stix_object.get("external_references", [{}])[0].get("external_id", "")
+ heading = "ATT&CK Data Source - " + aname + " - " + T_id
+ description = '
' + stix_object.get("description", "")
+ elif sdo_type == "x-mitre-data-component":
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ heading = "ATT&CK Data Source - " + aname
+ description = '
' + stix_object.get("description", "")
+ elif sdo_type == "x-mitre-asset":
+ description = '
' + "ATT&CK Asset"
+ elif sdo_type == "attack-pattern":
+ T_id = stix_object.get("external_references", [{}])[0].get("external_id", "")
+ description = '
' + stix_object.get("description", "")
+ name = "Technique"
+ attack_type = "technique"
+ heading = name + ' - ' + T_id + " - ATT&CK"
+ if sub_technique:
+ attack_type = "subtechnique"
+ name = "Sub-Technique"
+ heading = name + ' - ' + T_id + " - ATT&CK"
+ elif sdo_type == "course-of-action":
+ M_id = stix_object.get("external_references", [{}])[0].get("external_id", "")
+ description = '
' + stix_object.get("description", "")
+ attack_type = "mitigation"
+ name = "Mitigation"
+ heading = name + ' - ' + M_id + " - ATT&CK"
+ elif sdo_type == "intrusion-set":
+ G_id = stix_object.get("external_references", [{}])[0].get("external_id", "")
+ G_name = stix_object.get("external_references", [{}])[1].get("source_name", "")
+ description = '
' + stix_object.get("description", "")
+ attack_type = "group"
+ name = "Group"
+ heading = name + ' - ' + G_id + ' - ' + G_name + " - ATT&CK"
+ elif sdo_type == "malware" or sdo_type == "tool":
+ S_id = stix_object.get("external_references", [{}])[0].get("external_id", "")
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ description = '
' + stix_object.get("description", "")
+ attack_type = "software"
+ name = "Software"
+ heading = "ATT&CK Software - " + aname + " - " + S_id
+ elif sdo_type == "campaign":
+ attack_type = "campaign"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ description = '
' + stix_object.get("description", "")
+ name = "Campaign"
+ heading = "ATT&CK Campaign - " + aname
+ else:
+ attack_type = "unknown"
+ name = "Unknown"
+ heading = name + " - ATT&CK"
+ if "attack-" in attack_type:
+ pass
+ else:
+ attack_type = "attack-" + attack_type
+ icon_type = attack_type
+ else:
+ if sdo_type == "attack-pattern":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ al_list = stix_object.get("aliases", [])
+ kill_list = stix_object.get("kill_chain_phases", [])
+ kill_list = stix_object.get("kill_chain_phases", [])
+ name = "Attack Pattern"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ if a_description:
+ description = "
" + a_description
+ if al_list:
+ description += "
Alternative Names -> " + str(al_list)
+ if kill_list:
+ description += "
" + str.title(kill_list[0]['kill_chain_name'].replace("_", " "))
+ description += " -> " + kill_list[0]['phase_name'].replace("_", " ")
+ elif sdo_type == "campaign":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ al_list = stix_object.get("aliases", [])
+ objective = stix_object.get("objective", "")
+ name = "Campaign"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ if a_description:
+ description = "
" + a_description
+ if al_list:
+ description += "
Alternative Names -> " + str(al_list)
+ if objective:
+ description += "
Objective -> " + objective
+ elif sdo_type == "course-of-action":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ name = "Course of Action"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ if a_description:
+ description = "
" + a_description
+ elif sdo_type == "grouping":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ context = stix_object.get("context", "")
+ name = "Grouping"
+ if aname:
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ if a_description:
+ description = "
" + a_description
+ if context:
+ description += "
OS_Triage -> " + str(context)
+ elif sdo_type == "identity":
+ if "extensions" in stix_object:
+ icon_type = "identity-contact"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ S_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ if S_description:
+ description = "
" + S_description
+ name = "Individual"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ else:
+ if stix_object.get("identity_class", False):
+ if stix_object["identity_class"] == "individual":
+ icon_type = "identity-individual"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ if a_description:
+ description = '
' + a_description
+ name = "Individual"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ elif stix_object["identity_class"] == "organization":
+ icon_type = "identity-organization"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ if a_description:
+ description = '
' + a_description
+ name = "Organization"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ elif stix_object["identity_class"] == "class":
+ icon_type = "identity-class"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ if a_description:
+ description = '
' + a_description
+ name = "Identity Class"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ elif stix_object["identity_class"] == "system":
+ icon_type = "identity-system"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ if a_description:
+ description = '
' + a_description
+ ext_ref = stix_object.get("external_references", [{}])
+ if ext_ref:
+ S_name = ext_ref[0].get("source_name", "")
+ S_description = ext_ref[0].get("description", "")
+ description += '
' + S_name + "
" + S_description
+ name = "Software System"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading = heading + " - " + aname
+ elif stix_object["identity_class"] == "asset":
+ icon_type = "identity-asset"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ if a_description:
+ description = '
' + a_description
+ ext_ref = stix_object.get("external_references", [{}])
+ if ext_ref:
+ S_name = ext_ref[0].get("source_name", "")
+ S_description = ext_ref[0].get("description", "")
+ description += '
' + S_name + "
" + S_description
+ name = "Hardware Asset"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading = heading + " - " + aname
+ elif stix_object["identity_class"] == "group":
+ icon_type = "identity-group"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ if a_description:
+ description = '
' + a_description
+ name = "Group"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading = heading + " - " + aname
+ else:
+ icon_type = "identity-unknown"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ if a_description:
+ description = '
' + a_description
+ name = "Unknown"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading = heading + " - " + aname
+ else:
+ icon_type = "identity-unknown"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ if a_description:
+ description = '
' + a_description
+ name = "Unknown"
+ if aname:
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ elif sdo_type == "incident":
+ icon_type = "incident"
+ aname = str.title(stix_object.get("name", ""))
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ name = "Std Incident"
+ heading = name
+ if a_description:
+ description = '
' + a_description
+ if aname:
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ if "extensions" in stix_object:
+ icon_type = "incident-ext"
+ ext = stix_object["extensions"]
+ types = ext.get("incident_types", [])
+ status = ext.get("investigation_status", "")
+ determin = ext.get("determination", "")
+ if determin:
+ description = '
' + "Determination -> " + determin
+ if status:
+ description += ", Status -> " + status
+ if types:
+ description += "
Incident Types -> "
+ for t in types:
+ description += t + ", "
+ name = "Incident Extension"
+ heading = name
+ elif sdo_type == "indicator":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ pattern = stix_object.get("pattern", "")
+ kill_list = stix_object.get("kill_chain_phases", [])
+ pattern_type = stix_object.get("pattern_type", "")
+ types = stix_object.get("indicator_types", [])
+ name = "Indicator"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " - " + aname
+ if a_description:
+ description += "
" + a_description
+ description += "
Pattern Type -> " + pattern_type
+ if types:
+ description += "Indicator Types -> " + str(types)
+ description += "
Pattern -> " + pattern
+ if kill_list:
+ description += "
" + str.title(kill_list[0]['kill_chain_name'].replace("_", " "))
+ elif sdo_type == "infrastructure":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ types = stix_object.get("infrastructure_types", "")
+ kill_list = stix_object.get("kill_chain_phases", [])
+ aliases = stix_object.get("aliases", [])
+ name = "Infrastructure"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ if a_description:
+ description = "
" + a_description
+ if types:
+ description += "/Infrastructure Type -> " + types
+ if aliases:
+ description += ", Aliases -> " + aliases
+ if kill_list:
+ description += "
" + str.title(kill_list[0]['kill_chain_name'].replace("_", " "))
+ elif sdo_type == "intrusion-set":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ resource_level = stix_object.get("resource_level", "")
+ goals = stix_object.get("goals", [])
+ primary_motivation = stix_object.get("primary_motivation", "")
+ secondary_motivations = stix_object.get("secondary_motivations", [])
+ name = "Intrusion Set"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ if a_description:
+ description = "
" + a_description
+ if a_description:
+ description = "
" + a_description
+ if resource_level:
+ description += "
Intruder Resources -> " + resource_level
+ if goals:
+ description += ", Goals -> " + str(goals)
+ if primary_motivation:
+ description += "
Primary Motivation -> " + primary_motivation
+ if secondary_motivations:
+ description += "
Secondary Motivations ->" + str(secondary_motivations)
+ elif sdo_type == "location":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ region = stix_object.get("region", "")
+ country = stix_object.get("country", "")
+ administrative_area = stix_object.get("administrative_area ", "")
+ city = stix_object.get("city", "")
+ street_address = stix_object.get("street_address", "")
+ postal_code = stix_object.get("postal_code", "")
+ name = "Location"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " - " + aname
+ if a_description:
+ description = "
" + a_description
+ if street_address:
+ description += "
Street Address -> " + street_address
+ if city:
+ description += ", City -> " + city
+ if postal_code:
+ description += ", Postal Code -> " + postal_code
+ if administrative_area:
+ description += ", Administrative Area -> " + administrative_area
+ if country:
+ description += ", Country -> " + country
+ if region:
+ description += ", Region -> " + region
+ elif sdo_type == "malware":
+ icon_type = "malware"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ type_list = stix_object.get("malware_types", [])
+ sample_list = stix_object.get("sample_refs", [])
+ if type_list:
+ description = '
' + "Malware Types -> "
+ for typ in type_list:
+ description = description + typ + ' '
+ if sample_list:
+ description = '
' + "Sample Refs -> "
+ for sam in sample_list:
+ description = description + sam + ', '
+ name = "Malware"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " - " + aname
+ if stix_object.get("is_family", False):
+ icon_type = "malware-family"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ name = "Malware Family"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ elif sdo_type == "malware-analysis":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ modules = stix_object.get("modules ", [])
+ analysis_engine_version = stix_object.get("analysis_engine_version", "")
+ analysis_definition_version = stix_object.get("analysis_definition_version", "")
+ configuration_version = stix_object.get("configuration_version", "")
+ result = stix_object.get("result", "")
+ result_name = stix_object.get("result_name", "")
+ version = stix_object.get("version", "")
+ aname = stix_object.get("product", "")
+ name = "Malware Analysis"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " - " + aname
+ if version:
+ description += "
Version -> " + version
+ if modules:
+ description += ", Modules -> " + str(modules)
+ if result:
+ description += "
Result is -> " + result
+ if result_name:
+ description += ", Malware Name -> " + result_name
+ if version:
+ description += "
Version -> " + version
+ if configuration_version or analysis_engine_version or analysis_definition_version:
+ description += "
+ if configuration_version:
+ description += "Config Version -> " + configuration_version
+ if analysis_engine_version:
+ description += ", Engine Version -> " + analysis_engine_version
+ if analysis_definition_version:
+ description += ", Definition Version -> " + analysis_definition_version
+ elif sdo_type == "note":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ abstract = stix_object.get("abstract", "")
+ content = stix_object.get("content", "")
+ object_refs = stix_object.get("object_refs", [])
+ obj_list = ""
+ for i, obj in enumerate(object_refs):
+ obj_list += str.title(obj.split('--')[0].replace("_", " "))
+ if i < len(object_refs) - 1:
+ obj_list = obj_list + ", "
+ name = "Note"
+ heading = name
+ if abstract:
+ description = "
Abstract -> " + abstract
+ if content:
+ description += "
Content -> " + content
+ if object_refs:
+ description += "
Applies to -> " + str(obj_list)
+ elif sdo_type == "observed-data":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ first_observed = stix_object.get("first_observed", None)
+ last_observed = stix_object.get("last_observed", None)
+ number_observed = stix_object.get("number_observed ", None)
+ object_refs = stix_object.get("object_refs", [])
+ obj_list = ""
+ for i, obj in enumerate(object_refs):
+ obj_list += str.title(obj.split('--')[0].replace("_", " "))
+ if i < len(object_refs) - 1:
+ obj_list = obj_list + ", "
+ name = "Observed Data"
+ heading = name
+ if number_observed:
+ description = "
" + number_observed
+ if number_observed and obj_list:
+ description += "x "
+ if number_observed:
+ description += "Observations of - " + obj_list
+ if first_observed:
+ description += "
First Observed -> " + first_observed
+ if last_observed:
+ description += ", Last Observed -> " + last_observed
+ elif sdo_type == "opinion":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ opinion = stix_object.get("opinion", "")
+ authors = stix_object.get("authors", [])
+ explanation = stix_object.get("explanation", "")
+ object_refs = stix_object.get("object_refs", [])
+ obj_list = ""
+ for i, obj in enumerate(object_refs):
+ obj_list += str.title(obj.split('--')[0].replace("_", " "))
+ if i < len(object_refs) - 1:
+ obj_list = obj_list + ", "
+ name = "Opinion"
+ heading = name + " on - " + obj_list
+ description = "
" + opinion
+ if explanation:
+ description += "
Due to -> " + explanation
+ if authors:
+ description += "
Reported by -> " + str(authors)
+ elif sdo_type == "report":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ published = stix_object.get("published", None)
+ report_types = stix_object.get("report_types", [])
+ object_refs = stix_object.get("object_refs", [])
+ obj_list = ""
+ for i, obj in enumerate(object_refs):
+ obj_list += str.title(obj.split('--')[0].replace("_", " "))
+ if i < len(object_refs) - 1:
+ obj_list = obj_list + ", "
+ name = "Report"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ if report_types:
+ description += "
Report Type -> " + str(report_types)
+ if a_description:
+ description += "
" + a_description
+ if published:
+ description += "
Published on -> " + published
+ elif sdo_type == "threat-actor":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ sophistication = stix_object.get("sophistication", "")
+ resource_level = stix_object.get("resource_level", "")
+ goals = stix_object.get("goals", [])
+ primary_motivation = stix_object.get("primary_motivation", "")
+ secondary_motivations = stix_object.get("secondary_motivations", [])
+ personal_motivations = stix_object.get("personal_motivations", [])
+ name = "Threat Actor"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname
+ if a_description:
+ description = "
" + a_description
+ if resource_level or goals:
+ description += "/Actor Resources -> " + resource_level + ", Goals -> " + str(goals)
+ if primary_motivation:
+ description += "
Primary Motivation -> " + primary_motivation
+ if secondary_motivations:
+ description += "
Secondary Motivations ->" + str(secondary_motivations)
+ if personal_motivations:
+ description += "
Personal Motivations ->" + str(personal_motivations)
+ elif sdo_type == "tool":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ kill_list = stix_object.get("kill_chain_phases", [])
+ tool_version = stix_object.get("tool_version", "")
+ aliases = stix_object.get("aliases", [])
+ tool_types = stix_object.get("tool_types", [])
+ name = "Tool"
+ heading = name + " - " + aname + " - " + tool_version
+ if a_description:
+ description += "
" + a_description
+ if tool_types:
+ description += "/Tool Types -> " + tool_types
+ if aliases:
+ description += "
Aliases -> " + aliases
+ if kill_list:
+ description += "
" + str.title(kill_list[0]['kill_chain_name'].replace("_", " "))
+ elif sdo_type == "vulnerability":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ external_references = stix_object.get("external_references", [])
+ name = "Vulnerability"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ if a_description:
+ description = "
" + a_description
+ if external_references:
+ description += "
" + str.title(external_references[0]['kill_chain_name'].replace("_", " "))
+ elif sdo_type == "event":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ goal = stix_object.get("goal", "")
+ status = stix_object.get("status", "")
+ name = "Event"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ heading += ", Status -> " + status
+ if a_description:
+ description += "
" + a_description
+ if goal:
+ description += "
Goal -> " + goal
+ elif sdo_type == "impact":
+ if "extensions" in stix_object:
+ for key, value in stix_object["extensions"].items():
+ if key == "extension-definition--7cc33dd6-f6a1-489b-98ea-522d351d71b9":
+ continue
+ else:
+ icon_type = "impact-" + key
+ if key == "monetary":
+ adescription = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ variety = value.get("variety", "")
+ currency_actual = value.get("currency_actual", "")
+ max_amount = value.get("max_amount", 0)
+ min_amount = value.get("min_amount", 0)
+ if adescription:
+ description = '
' + adescription
+ if variety:
+ description += "
" + "Variety -> " + variety + "
" + "Currency -> "
+ if currency_actual:
+ description += currency_actual
+ if max_amount:
+ description += "
" + "Max Amount -> $" + str(max_amount)
+ if min_amount:
+ description += "
" + "Min Amount -> $" + str(min_amount)
+ name = "Monetary Impact"
+ heading = name
+ elif key == "availability":
+ adescription = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ impacted_entity_counts = stix_object.get("impacted_entity_counts", [])
+ avail = value.get("availability_impact", 0)
+ description = '
' + adescription + "
" + "Total Impact ->" + str(avail) + "
Impacted Entities -> "
+ if adescription:
+ description += '
' + adescription
+ if avail:
+ description += "
" + "Variety -> " + str(avail)
+ for k, v in impacted_entity_counts.items():
+ description += k + " -> " + str(v)
+ if len(impacted_entity_counts.items()) > 1:
+ description = description + ", "
+ name = "Availability Impact"
+ heading = name
+ elif key == "integrity":
+ adescription = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ impacted_entity_counts = stix_object.get("impacted_entity_counts", [])
+ info = value.get("information_type", "")
+ altrd = value.get("alteration", "")
+ r_c = value.get("record_count", 0)
+ r_s = value.get("record_size", 0)
+ if adescription:
+ description = '
' + adescription
+ if variety:
+ description += "
" + "Variety -> " + variety + "
" + "Currency -> "
+ if currency_actual:
+ description += currency_actual
+ if max_amount:
+ description += "
" + "Max Amount -> $" + str(max_amount)
+ if min_amount:
+ description += "
" + "Min Amount -> $" + str(min_amount)
+ description = '
' + adescription + "
" + "Info Type -> " + info + "Alteration Type -> "
+ description += altrd + "
" + "Number of Records -> " + str(r_c)
+ description += " Size of Records -> " + str(r_s)
+ description += "
Impacted Entities -> "
+ for k, v in impacted_entity_counts.items():
+ description += k + " -> " + str(v)
+ if len(impacted_entity_counts.items()) > 1:
+ description = description + ", "
+ name = "Integrity Impact"
+ heading = name
+ elif key == "confidentiality":
+ adescription = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ impacted_entity_counts = stix_object.get("impacted_entity_counts", [])
+ info = value.get("information_type", "")
+ loss_type = value.get("loss_type", "")
+ r_c = value.get("record_count", 0)
+ r_s = value.get("record_size", 0)
+ description = '
' + adescription + "
" + "Info Type -> " + info + "Loss Type -> "
+ description += loss_type + "
" + "Number of Records -> " + str(r_c)
+ description += " Size of Records -> " + str(r_s)
+ description += "
Impacted Entities -> "
+ for k, v in impacted_entity_counts.items():
+ description += k + " -> " + str(v)
+ if len(impacted_entity_counts.items()) > 1:
+ description = description + ", "
+ name = "Integrity Impact"
+ heading = name
+ elif key == "physical":
+ adescription = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ impacted_entity_counts = stix_object.get("impacted_entity_counts", [])
+ impact_type = value.get("impact_type", "")
+ asset_type = value.get("asset_type", "")
+ description = '
' + adescription + "
Asset Type -> " + asset_type
+ description += ", Physical Impact -> " + impact_type
+ description += "
Impacted Entities -> "
+ for k, v in impacted_entity_counts.items():
+ description += k + " -> " + str(v)
+ if len(impacted_entity_counts.items()) > 1:
+ description = description + ", "
+ name = "Physical Impact"
+ heading = name
+ elif key == "external":
+ adescription = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ impacted_entity_counts = stix_object.get("impacted_entity_counts", [])
+ loss = value.get("impact_type", "")
+ description = '
' + adescription + "
" + "Actual Loss -> " + loss
+ description += "
Impacted Entities -> "
+ for k, v in impacted_entity_counts.items():
+ description += k + " -> " + str(v)
+ if len(impacted_entity_counts.items()) > 1:
+ description = description + ", "
+ name = "External Impact"
+ heading = name
+ elif key == "traceability":
+ adescription = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ impacted_entity_counts = stix_object.get("impacted_entity_counts", [])
+ tracking = value.get("traceability_impact", "")
+ description = '
' + adescription + "
" + "Ability to Trace -> " + tracking
+ description += "
Impacted Entities -> "
+ for k, v in impacted_entity_counts.items():
+ description += k + " -> " + str(v)
+ if len(impacted_entity_counts.items()) > 1:
+ description = description + ", "
+ name = "Traceability Impact"
+ heading = name
+ else:
+ icon_type = "impact"
+ name = icon_type
+ heading = name
+ description = heading
+ elif sdo_type == "sequence":
+ if stix_object["step_type"] == "start_step" or stix_object["step_type"] == "end_step":
+ icon_type = "step-terminal"
+ seq_type = stix_object.get("sequence_type", "")
+ name = str.title(stix_object["step_type"].replace("_", " "))
+ heading = name + ' for ' + str.title(seq_type)
+ elif stix_object["step_type"] == "single_step":
+ if "on_completion" in stix_object:
+ icon_type = "step-single"
+ seq_type = stix_object.get("sequence_type", "")
+ name = str.title(stix_object["step_type"].replace("_", " "))
+ heading = name + ' for ' + str.title(seq_type)
+ elif "on_success" in stix_object:
+ icon_type = "step-xor"
+ seq_type = stix_object.get("sequence_type", "")
+ name = str.title(stix_object["step_type"].replace("_", " "))
+ heading = name + ' for ' + str.title(seq_type)
+ else:
+ icon_type = "step-single"
+ seq_type = stix_object.get("sequence_type", "")
+ name = str.title(stix_object["step_type"].replace("_", " "))
+ heading = name + ' for ' + str.title(seq_type)
+ else:
+ icon_type = "step-parallel"
+ seq_type = stix_object.get("sequence_type", "")
+ name = str.title(stix_object["step_type"].replace("_", " "))
+ heading = name + ' for ' + str.title(seq_type)
+ elif sdo_type == "task":
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ outcome = stix_object.get("outcome", "")
+ impacted_entity_counts = stix_object.get("impacted_entity_counts", [])
+ a_description = stix_object.get("description", "")
+ priority = stix_object.get("priority", None)
+ task_types = stix_object.get("task_types", [])
+ name = "Task"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ if outcome:
+ description += "
Outcome -> " + outcome
+ if priority:
+ description += ", Priority -> " + priority
+ if task_types:
+ description += "
Task Types -> " + task_types
+ if a_description:
+ description += "
" + a_description
+ if impacted_entity_counts:
+ description += "
Impacted Entities -> "
+ for k, v in impacted_entity_counts.items():
+ description += k + " -> " + str(v)
+ if len(impacted_entity_counts.items()) > 1:
+ description = description + ", "
+ else:
+ icon_type = sdo_type
+ name = icon_type
+ heading = name
+ description = heading
+ node["icon"] = icon_type
+ node["name"] = name
+ node["heading"] = heading
+ node["description"] = description
+ return node
+def sco_icon(stix_object, node):
+ sco_type = stix_object["type"]
+ name = ""
+ heading = ""
+ icon_type = ""
+ description = ""
+ if sco_type == "anecdote":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ value = stix_object.get("value", "")
+ report_date = stix_object.get("report_date", None)
+ name = "Anecdote"
+ heading = name
+ if report_date:
+ heading += " -> " + str(report_date)
+ description += "/Statement -> " + value
+ elif sco_type == "artifact":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ mime_type = stix_object.get("mime_type", "")
+ url = stix_object.get("url", "")
+ hashes = stix_object.get("hashes", {})
+ encryption_algorithm = stix_object.get("encryption_algorithm", "")
+ decryption_key = stix_object.get("priority", None)
+ name = "Artifact"
+ heading = name
+ if mime_type:
+ heading += " -> " + mime_type
+ if encryption_algorithm:
+ description += "
Encryption Algorithm -> " + encryption_algorithm
+ if decryption_key:
+ description += ", Decryption Key -> " + decryption_key
+ if url:
+ description += ", URL -> " + url
+ if hashes:
+ description += "
Hashes -> "
+ for k, v in hashes.items():
+ description += "
- " + k + " -> " + str(v)
+ elif sco_type == "autonomous-system":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ number = stix_object.get("number", None)
+ rir = stix_object.get("rir", "")
+ name = "Autonomous System"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ description += "
Number -> " + number
+ if rir:
+ description += "
Regional Internet Registry (RIR) -> " + rir
+ elif sco_type == "directory":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ path = stix_object.get("path", "")
+ path_enc = stix_object.get("path_enc", "")
+ ctime = stix_object.get("ctime", None)
+ mtime = stix_object.get("mtime", None)
+ atime = stix_object.get("atime", None)
+ name = "Directory"
+ heading = name
+ if path_enc:
+ heading += " -> " + path_enc
+ description += "
Path -> " + path
+ if ctime:
+ description += "
Created -> " + ctime
+ if mtime:
+ description += "
Modified -> " + mtime
+ if atime:
+ description += "
Accessed" + atime
+ elif sco_type == "domain-name":
+ icon_type = "domain"
+ value = stix_object.get("value", "")
+ resolves_to_refs = stix_object.get("resolves_to_refs", [])
+ name = "Domain Name"
+ heading = name
+ if value:
+ heading += " -> " + value
+ elif sco_type == "email-addr":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ value = stix_object.get("value", "")
+ display_name = stix_object.get("display_name", "")
+ name = "Email Address"
+ heading = name
+ if display_name:
+ heading += " -> " + display_name
+ description += "
Value -> " + value
+ elif sco_type == "email-message":
+ icon_type = "email-message"
+ content_type = stix_object.get("content_type", "")
+ received_lines = stix_object.get("received_lines", [])
+ body = stix_object.get("body", "")
+ subject = stix_object.get("subject", "")
+ message_id = stix_object.get("message_id", "")
+ date = stix_object.get("date", None)
+ additional_header_fields = stix_object.get("additional_header_fields", {})
+ is_multipart = stix_object.get("is_multipart", False)
+ name = "Email Message"
+ heading = name
+ if content_type:
+ heading += " -> " + content_type
+ if subject:
+ description += "
Subject -> " + subject
+ if date:
+ description += ", Date -> " + date
+ if body:
+ description += "
Body -> " + body
+ if message_id:
+ description += "
Message ID -> " + message_id
+ if received_lines:
+ description += "
Received Header -> "
+ for v in received_lines:
+ description += "
- " + str(v)
+ if is_multipart:
+ icon_type = "email-message-mime"
+ body_multipart = stix_object.get("body_multipart", [])
+ name = "MIME " + name
+ heading = name
+ if content_type:
+ heading += " -> " + content_type
+ if body_multipart:
+ description += "
MIME Parts -> "
+ for v in body_multipart:
+ description += "
- " + str(v)
+ elif sco_type == "file":
+ icon_type = "file"
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ hashes = stix_object.get("hashes", {})
+ name_enc = stix_object.get("name_enc", "")
+ ctime = stix_object.get("ctime", None)
+ mtime = stix_object.get("mtime", None)
+ atime = stix_object.get("atime", None)
+ mime_type = stix_object.get("mime_type", "")
+ name = "File"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ if name_enc:
+ description += "
Priority -> " + name_enc
+ if mime_type:
+ description += "MIME Type -> " + mime_type
+ if ctime:
+ description += "
Created -> " + ctime
+ if mtime:
+ description += "
Modified -> " + mtime
+ if atime:
+ description += "
Accessed" + atime
+ if hashes:
+ description += "
Hashes -> "
+ for k, v in hashes.items():
+ description += "
- " + k + " -> " + str(v)
+ if "extensions" in stix_object:
+ if stix_object["extensions"].get("archive-ext", False):
+ icon_type = "file-archive"
+ archive = stix_object.get("archive-ext", {})
+ comment = archive.get("comment", "")
+ name = "Archive " + name
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ if comment:
+ description += "
Comment -> " + comment
+ elif stix_object["extensions"].get("pdf-ext", False):
+ icon_type = "file-pdf"
+ pdf = stix_object.get("pdf-ext", {})
+ doc_info_dict = pdf.get("document_info_dict", {})
+ name = "PDF " + name
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ if doc_info_dict:
+ for k, v in doc_info_dict.items():
+ description += "
" + k + " -> " + str(v)
+ elif stix_object["extensions"].get("raster-image-ext", False):
+ icon_type = "file-img"
+ img = stix_object.get("raster-image-ext", {})
+ exif_tags = img.get("exif_tags", {})
+ name = "Image " + name
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ if exif_tags:
+ for k, v in exif_tags.items():
+ description += "
" + k + " -> " + str(v)
+ elif stix_object["extensions"].get("windows-pebinary-ext", False):
+ icon_type = "file-bin"
+ binary = stix_object.get("windows-pebinary-ext", {})
+ pe_type = binary.get("pe_type", "")
+ number_of_sections = binary.get("number_of_sections", None)
+ name = "Binary " + name
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ if pe_type:
+ description += "
Executable Type -> " + pe_type
+ if number_of_sections:
+ description += ", Number of Sections -> " + number_of_sections
+ elif stix_object["extensions"].get("ntfs-ext", False):
+ icon_type = "file-ntfs"
+ ntfs = stix_object.get("ntfs-ext", "")
+ alt_list = ntfs.get("alternate_data_streams", [])
+ name = "NTFS " + name
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ if alt_list:
+ description += "
Number of Streams -> " + len(alt_list)
+ elif sco_type == "ipv4-addr":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ value = stix_object.get("value", "")
+ name = "IPv4 Address"
+ heading = name
+ description += "
Value -> " + value
+ elif sco_type == "ipv6-addr":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ value = stix_object.get("value", "")
+ name = "IPv6 Address"
+ heading = name
+ description += "
Value -> " + value
+ elif sco_type == "mac-addr":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ value = stix_object.get("value", "")
+ name = "MAC Address"
+ heading = name
+ description += "
Value -> " + value
+ elif sco_type == "mutex":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ name = "Mutex"
+ heading = name
+ description += "
Name -> " + aname
+ elif sco_type == "network-traffic":
+ icon_type = "network-traffic"
+ protocols = stix_object.get("protocols", [])
+ ipfix = stix_object.get("ipfix", {})
+ name = "Network Traffic"
+ heading = name
+ if protocols:
+ description += "
Protocols -> " + protocols
+ if ipfix:
+ for k, v in ipfix.items():
+ description += "
- " + k + " -> " + str(v)
+ if "extensions" in stix_object:
+ if stix_object["extensions"].get("http-request-ext", False):
+ icon_type = "network-traffic-http"
+ http = stix_object.get("http-request-ext", "")
+ request_method = http.get("request_method", "")
+ request_value = http.get("request_value", "")
+ request_version = http.get("request_version", "")
+ request_header = http.get("request_header", {})
+ name = "HTTP " + name
+ heading = name
+ if request_method:
+ description += "
HTTP Method -> " + request_method
+ if request_value:
+ description += ", Request Value -> " + request_value
+ if request_version:
+ description += "
Request Version -> " + request_version
+ if request_header:
+ for k, v in request_header.items():
+ description += "
- " + k + " -> " + str(v)
+ elif stix_object["extensions"].get("icmp-ext", False):
+ icon_type = "network-traffic-icmp"
+ name = "ICMP " + name
+ heading = name
+ elif stix_object["extensions"].get("tcp-ext", False):
+ icon_type = "network-traffic-tcp"
+ name = "TCP " + name
+ heading = name
+ elif stix_object["extensions"].get("socket-ext", False):
+ icon_type = "network-traffic-sock"
+ name = "Socket " + name
+ heading = name
+ elif sco_type == "process":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ pid = stix_object.get("pid", "")
+ cwd = stix_object.get("cwd", "")
+ command_line = stix_object.get("command_line", "")
+ environment_variables = stix_object.get("environment_variables", {})
+ name = "Process"
+ heading = name
+ if pid:
+ description += "Process ID -> " + str(pid)
+ if command_line:
+ description += ", Command Line -> " + command_line
+ if cwd:
+ description += "
CWD -> " + cwd
+ if environment_variables:
+ description += "
IEnvironment Variables -> "
+ for k, v in environment_variables.items():
+ description += "
- " + k + " -> " + str(v)
+ if "extensions" in stix_object:
+ if stix_object["extensions"].get("windows-process-ext", False):
+ windows = stix_object.get("windows-process-ext", "")
+ window_title = windows.get("window_title", "")
+ integrity_level = windows.get("integrity_level", "")
+ startup_info = windows.get("startup_info", {})
+ name = "Windows " + name
+ heading = name
+ if window_title:
+ description += "
Windows Title -> " + window_title
+ if integrity_level:
+ description += "
Task Types -> " + integrity_level
+ if startup_info:
+ description += "
Startup Info -> "
+ for k, v in startup_info.items():
+ description += "
" + k + " -> " + str(v)
+ elif stix_object["extensions"].get("windows-service-ext", False):
+ service = stix_object.get("windows-service-ext", "")
+ display_name = service.get("display_name", "")
+ service_name = service.get("service_name", "")
+ start_type = service.get("start_type", "")
+ service_type = service.get("service_type", "")
+ service_status = service.get("service_status", "")
+ name = "Windows Service"
+ heading = name
+ if display_name:
+ description += "
Display Name -> " + display_name
+ if service_name:
+ description += ", Service Name -> " + service_name
+ if service_status:
+ description += "
Service Status -> " + service_status
+ if service_type:
+ description += ", Service Type -> " + service_type
+ if start_type:
+ description += "
Service Status -> " + start_type
+ elif sco_type == "software":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ aname = stix_object.get("name", "")
+ cpe = stix_object.get("cpe", "")
+ swid = stix_object.get("swid", "")
+ vendor = stix_object.get("vendor", "")
+ version = stix_object.get("version", "")
+ name = "Software"
+ heading = name
+ if aname:
+ heading += " -> " + aname
+ if cpe:
+ description += "
CPE -> " + cpe
+ if swid:
+ description += "
SWID -> " + swid
+ if vendor:
+ description += "
" + vendor + ' - ' + aname
+ if version:
+ description += ", Version" + version
+ elif sco_type == "url":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ value = stix_object.get("value", "")
+ name = "URL"
+ heading = name
+ description += "
Value -> " + value
+ elif sco_type == "user-account":
+ icon_type = sco_type
+ user_id = stix_object.get("user_id", "")
+ credential = stix_object.get("credential", "")
+ account_login = stix_object.get("account_login", "")
+ account_type = stix_object.get("account_type", "")
+ display_name = stix_object.get("display_name", "")
+ name = "User Account"
+ heading = name
+ if display_name:
+ description += "
Display Name -> " + display_name
+ if account_type:
+ description += "
Account Type -> " + account_type
+ if user_id:
+ description += ", User ID -> " + user_id
+ if account_login:
+ description += "
Login String ->" + account_login
+ if credential:
+ description += ", Credential -> " + credential
+ if "extensions" in stix_object:
+ if stix_object["extensions"].get("unix-account-ext", False):
+ icon_type = "user-account-unix"
+ name = "Unix " + name
+ heading = name
+ elif sco_type == "windows-registry-key":
+ key = stix_object.get("key", "")
+ values = stix_object.get("values", [])
+ name = "Windows Registry Key"
+ heading = name
+ if key:
+ description += "
Registry Key -> " + key
+ if values:
+ description += "
Windows Registry Key Values -> "
+ for i, v in enumerate(values):
+ description += "
+ name = v.get("name", "")
+ data = v.get("data", "")
+ data_type = v.get("data_type", "")
+ if name:
+ description += "Value Name -> " + name
+ if data_type:
+ description += ", Data Type -> " + data_type
+ if data:
+ description += ", Registry Data -> " + data
+ elif sco_type == "x509-certificate":
+ issuer = stix_object.get("issuer", "")
+ subject = stix_object.get("subject", "")
+ name = "X.509 Certificate"
+ heading = name
+ if issuer:
+ description += "
Issuer -> " + issuer
+ if subject:
+ description += "
Subject -> " + subject
+ else:
+ pass
+ node["icon"] = icon_type
+ node["name"] = name
+ node["heading"] = heading
+ node["description"] = description
+ return node
+def meta_icon(stix_object, node):
+ name = "Marking"
+ heading = "Marking"
+ icon_type = "marking"
+ description = ""
+ type = stix_object.get("definition_type", "")
+ if type == "tlp":
+ definition = stix_object.get("definition", {})
+ colour = definition.get("tlp", "")
+ heading = heading + " -> " + str.title(colour) + '!'
+ else:
+ definition = stix_object.get("definition", {})
+ statement = definition.get("statement", "")
+ heading = heading + " -> Statement"
+ description = '
' + statement
+ node["icon"] = icon_type
+ node["name"] = name
+ node["heading"] = heading
+ node["description"] = description
+ return node
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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My Local Exchange Server
Exchange Server
our email server"}]
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "body": "some bad stuff written here"
+ },
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Subject -> we are coming for you, Date -> 2020-10-19T01:01:01Z
Body -> some bad stuff written here"
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Result -> Email-Message
Raw-Material -> Url",
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Suspicious email reported by user
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