Releases: ualbertalib/HydraNorth
Production V1.4.1
Fixed the sorting issue on Community browsing page.
V1.4 Production
In this release, it includes:
- Update Rails to for important security updates
- Temporarily redirect to /dashboard/files to avoid slowness on /dashboard for #1233
- Update fallback stats on the occasion of our exceeding 40k items
- Implement sortable title indexing #1205
- Updated reindex job that querys Fedora directly for object ids.
v1.3.2 Production
Merge pull request #1222 from ualbertalib/transfers Restore transfer handling from Sufia6
Merge pull request #1223 from ualbertalib/1_3_bugfixes fixes #1221 [browse page] and fixes #1220 [transfer ownership]
- #1199 - add error handling to sitemap generation
- #1200 - prevent CCID-protected items from appearing in "Recent Documents" box
- #1204 - enhance migration process to reassign handles from thesisdeposit to era
- #1206 - remove check for download link on collection page
- #1210 - show default thumbnail if user does not permission to download item
- #1211 - security: update nokogiri
- #1212 - modify download links (with redirects from old to new) to support Google-preferred structure
- #1213 - bugfix to #1071 to handle case when fileless object is given a file (but label is not updated)
#1158 use facet link for contributor and give it a label
#1144 On user page, link to deposited items returns all items in repository
#1136 When deposit to collection with special id, id is not saved - also fixed other non-saved fields
#1164 restricted communities in the deposit form
#1160 Allow communities to create and modify their own logos
#1157 Reduce Fedora traffic by removing download links from catalog
#1166 Advanced form only searches date_uploaded for date
#1179 when the document is instutionally protected show a default thumbnail
#1189 redefining spec means rake spec runs tests twice fixes
#1178 render html markup
#1197 move rest-client to rake task function so it doesn't need to be loaded at startup
#1158 use facet link for contributor and give it a label
#1144 On user page, link to deposited items returns all items in repository
#1136 When deposit to collection with special id, id is not saved - also fixed other non-saved fields
#1164 restricted communities in the deposit form
#1160 Allow communities to create and modify their own logos
#1157 Reduce Fedora traffic by removing download links from catalog
#1166 Advanced form only searches date_uploaded for date
#1179 when the document is instutionally protected show a default thumbnail
#1189 redefining spec means rake spec
runs tests twice fixes
#1178 render html markup
Restore ualterms namespace
Security upgrade
- add redirector for /av route to support Avalon