All notable changes to NEOSDiscovery project will be documented in this file. Discovery is the NEOS Consortium's catalogue interface, built using Blacklight:
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and releases in NEOSDiscovery project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- dependency bumps for maintenance
- address brakeman warnings di_internal#61
- Maintain branding across advanced search (and all actions) OTRS#61391
- bump Rails to 5.2.6 to address CVEs
- silence blacklight deprecation warnings #135
- dependency bumps for maintenance
- revert solr url configuration change
- staging Rails environment
- make solr configuration more configurable and similar to Discovery
- dependency bumps for maintenance
- changed colors in uofa logo.
- Removed feedback link as it is not monitored (requested by Scott through email)
- Updated Grand Praire and UofA Library logos
- log level from debug to warn PR#412
- journal internet access links #393
- safe navigation operator for potential nil location_tesim PR#383
- Bump kaminari from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 PR#382
- pin version of VCR until we can determine if we can except an ethical license PR#334
- create migration and models to replace status, library and locations data from static config files and refactor to replace related constants #320
- "The Economist" rollbar error, short_code normalization, and an undeclared e PR#375
- Bumps nokogiri from 1.10.7 to 1.10.8 PR#337
- add regression tests PR#330
- add initialization for rollbar proxy #271
- Add version file and meta generator tag
- change what appears in the open search description #258
- refactor holdings table logic into a helper #320
- returned aginternet to the locations file PR#316
- Updated statuses and locations based on emailed symphony policy file PR#314
- Added missing pop-up and artists statuses #257
- Added javascript to ensure the cursor goes to the main search box #197
- Added missing Concordia Internet Library location #304
- Added missing statuses PR#290
- Fixed broken link in locations.yml for concordia lutheran seminary #286
- Fix for no links for electronic resources for King's #285
- removed link from Series title on catalog show page #274
- Bumps nokogiri from 1.10.2 to 1.10.3. PR#265
- Northern Lakes College Library url #263
- Subtitles from display PR#1510
- Bump rails from 4.2.11 to This update addresses Two Vulnerabilities in Action View. PR#251
- Locations, status and libraries data updated #173
- Bump Rack from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 PR#209
- Bump Loofah from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 PR#203
- Bump rails from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2 PR#220
- Style issues with the popup/modal windows #195
- Persist library branding accross user session #107
- Text me this Item (changed configuration) #132
- Correction Form #154
- Rollbar to resolve production errors in minutes (requires new secret) #155
- Fix incorrect libraries listed under 'copies owned' #152