All notable changes to Discovery project will be documented in this file. Discovery is the University of Alberta Library's catalogue interface, built using Blacklight:
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and releases in Discovery project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- use github workflows to run CI #2121
- lightweight docker includes mysql by default PR#2125
- remove travis CI #2121
- changed footer link which was pointing to the library homepage instead of the UAlberta homepage. PR#2081
- memory use by circuit breaker (--stream) PR#2069
- memory use by circuit breaker PR#2067
- revert bump to bundler from 2.1.4 to 1.17.3 PR#2056
- etc via nginx-proxy 1724
- missing first sentence in BPSC request #2037
- remove span tag showing in facets #2011
- discourage holds placed on items with HathiTrust access #2003
- regression test of library count on advanced search page after reskin changed layout
- update bundler version in Docker for uat #2030
- Fixed style issue on advanced search page. Also added margin to Hathitrust button.
- bump rails from to and sprockets from 3.7.2 to 4.0.0 PR#2008
- Bump bundler from 1.17.3 to 2.1.4
- replaced header and footer views with new look and feel.
- Deleted old css and replaced with new styles for new look and feel.
- Bump kaminari from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 PR#2004
- fixed hathitrust mixed content blocking PR#1999
- abort
if data files do not exist. PR#1961 - removed reference to error variable in Rollbar errors PR#1962
- removed paragraph in record views related to Browzine, cancelled as of April 30, 2020. [PR#1964]#1964
- update tests to address deprecations PR#1901
- data sanity regression test values for databases PR#1915
- hours and wording of question for BPSC request form #1889
- prepare for incoming library short codes #1843
- denormalize library locations #1843
- N+1 query memoized for location, status, item type and circulation rules PR#1937
- Added "See License Terms" link to SFX e-journal record holdings. [#1893]
- Path to the SFX data file on the new SFX server (for e-journal ingest) #1871
- Update path in spec/fixtures as well. #1872
- concordin to location facet mapping for use at index time #1811
- create an 'Unknown' entry for ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound events to limit Rollbar errors #1853
- searches failing with no location_tesim #1811
- missing variable declaration in Location error handling #1824
- typo of CirculationRule in Holdings Helper #1823
- updated occurences of University of Alberta Libraries to Library (new name) #1813
- Add version file and meta generator tag #1343
- for Docker add bundler build config to make sassc gem portable #1796
- changed migration which will change db/table/col to utf8 encoding #1800
- create migration which will change db/table/col to utf8mb4 encoding PR#1801
- re-dockerize to use modern ruby docker image and puma PR#1805
- Bump devise from 4.7.0 to 4.7.1 PR#1762
- Made google analytics work without turbolinks #1516
- create migration and models to replace status, item type, circulation rules, library and locations data from static config files and refactor to replace related constants #1273
- adding italics around "Place hold with barcode and PIN" to increase visability. PR#1804
- Bump nokogiri from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4 PR#1743
- Index invalid ISSN. Ensure a new index is built after this release and blacklight_solr_conf is deployed #1715
- Added feature tests for sending a correction #1727
- Added feature tests for text/email me features #1722
- Added feature tests for an item having and not having an ill link #1740
- Fixed broken u of a license image #1676
- ensure that redirects on request forms cannot be used to redirect away from the site #1720
- Made BPSC and RCRF forms redirect to the referring item page #1443
- production config change! updated to set default url as related to refworks export from bookmarks #1484
- Made display of publication year field not remove information #1367
- Added feature tests for search history #1725
- Added missing picture books status #1690
- Added feature tests for chained subject linking #1708
- Added feature tests for item author links #1710
- Added feature tests for item holding table being proper #1712
- Added feature tests for journal search results containing proper metadata #1704
- Added optional email address field to send correction form #1391
- Added additional text for BPSC request form #1728
- failing grabBag test for number of libraries displayed on the advanced search page after bootstrap refactor PR#1701
- Added feature tests for search sorting #1627
- Add feature tests for search results having logo if UofA holding #1632
- Added feature tests for search results per page #1630
- Added feature tests for search faceting #1622
- Added the ability to search by a cancelled isbn (020$z.) Ensure a new index is built after this release and blacklight_solr_conf is deployed #1645
- Added feature tests for search results containing proper metadata #1670
- Added feature tests for clearing search terms #1668
- Added Kule collection ingest task #957
- removed link from Series title on catalog show page #1542
- Upgrade bootstrap to version 4.3.1 #1601
- Change Layout of Record page #1426
- Made export/request features language consistent #1607
- Added feature tests for search results having google book jackets #1635
- bump nokogiri from 1.10.2 to 1.10.3 PR#1614
- Added new languages location into statuses.yml #1592
- Add danger that enforces requirements for PR to Discovery #1564
- feature and integration tests for emailing bookmarks #1580
- Remove subtitle infavour of having this all in the title field. Ensure blacklight_solr_conf is deployed after this release is deployed #1517
- turbolinks to get consistent behaviour of blacklight modals for emailing bookmarks #1589
- feature flag for RCRF Read on Site and Micro/Newspaper forms #1605
- Created Responsibility field for record view appearing below title #1544
- made google analytics token configurable through an environment variable (requires new secret) #1545
- clicking 'more' on the Call Number facet PR#1593
- use safe navigation operator fixes nil error in Symphony Service summary holdings #1571
- refworks export with encrypted user behavior restored #1549
- Relabelled "Other Physical Details" to "Physical Details" #1545
- Added two missing locations in statuses.yml (artists and pop_up) #1550
- Email bookmarks won't return to an 500 error page PR#1559
- A temporary fix to remove refworks export on bookmarks page and recover the bookmark feature PR#1552
- refactor summary_holdings to reflect change to NodeSet#each in nokogiri PR#1533
- record vcr cassettes for symphony service tests PR#1533
- Bump rails from 4.2.11 to This update addresses Two Vulnerabilities in Action View. PR#1538
- SOLR_HEAP env var to lightweight docker to avoid Java out of heap error with larger indexes PR#1536
- pin version of blacklight_range_limit to restore interactive behaviour PR#1536
- Ruby and Passenger dependencies in Dockerfile PR#1531
- minor change to the preamble text in the form from BPSC staff #1500
- remove BPSC request form feature flag #1515
- rubocop nags and some deprecation warnings PR#1528
- Range Facet missing context after following show page link #1290
- reintroduced erblint PR#1528
- Subtitles from display PR#1510
- pinned the version of bundler used in the Dockerfile PR#1511
- ERB-lint prevented the previous release from being deployed expediently because of Ruby 2.1.5 in production. PR#1507
- Removed unused partials #1485
- Bring in ERB-lint, refactor view code, fix identations, etc #1486
- Move VCR Fixtures folder to proper place #1487
- Added more subfields (t, r, and g) to contents notes #1121
- Added more subfields (f, k) to title #978
- Don't show conditions of use unless there is something to show PR#1479
- Database license icons #1333
- Remove CMS and profiles from the discovery application PR#1465
- Fix request forms success flash behaviour by adding flash to CMS layouts #1443
- Logic for adding ezproxy to electronic access urls #1454
- Fix NoMethodError in
#1418 - Quotes in contents field being rendered as " #1085
- Add call number to BPSC On Site Request Form #1417
- Logic for Microform/Newspapers 'Request Me' link #1217
- More electronic access URLs being displayed #877
- Refactored to not use javascript to display electronic access links PR#1398
- Application Name to 'University of Alberta Libraries' #1243
- Changed who RCRF read on site request form emails #1403
- Change application name to Discovery #1415
- Bump Rails from 4.2.10 to 4.2.11 PR#1402
- Fix NoMethodError in email_record mail template #1408
- Corrected location codes for AHS, MacEwan, and King's University NEOSDiscovery#173
- Typo in Usage Rights scholarsportal URL #1362
- Mail catcher docker container for checking mail on UAT #1342
- Added local Blacklight SFX to exclusion list #2074
- New request forms for RCRF/BPSC #1386
- Heavy cleanup of
and refactoring PR#1359 - Fix test/dev solr cores provisoning for docker PR#1357
- Refactoring of corrections code PR#1353
- Fix all files accordingly to new Editorconfig styles PR#1339
- Add note about installing java to PR#1352
- Add Email Interceptor for Staging/UAT environments PR#1344
- Add Editorconfig to repo for consistent code styling PR#1338
- Add letter opener gem for testing emails in dev environment PR#1337
- Logic for 'Request Me' link #1247
- Bump loofah from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 PR#1360
- SMS/Email errors PR#1332
- Staff Profile Images PR#1325
- Rollbar to resolve production errors in minutes (requires new secret) Issue#1287
- Slow code on staff profile page PR#1319
- Fix incorrect libraries listed under 'copies owned' NEOSDiscovery#152
- Fix diacritics font issues Issue#1268
- Reword text on Advanced Search page Issue#1254
- MAP_OS location is not mapped/displays as blank Issue#1135
- seeing Alberta Health Services - Women's Health in list view as library name for NLC_INT Issue#1127
- TOC not wrapping around Tools box Issue#1088
- Remove call number attribute from advanced search [Issue#755] (#755)
- Make Librarian View a pop-up window Issue#1242
- changed advanced search text. Fixed CMS login credentials to use secrets.yml
- EDS and Article model, view, controllers and tests #1228