Releases: ualbertalib/library-cms
Releases · ualbertalib/library-cms
removing package-lock.json
1.6.5 merge
fixing Gemfile.lock
1.6.4 Update Gemfile.lock
Rolling back mini-racer
1.6.3 merge
Trying to fix mini-racer gem issue
Updated all gem files that use mini-racer and then updated mini-racer.
brand update without security fixes
1.6.1 updating favicon on all layouts. Updating staff profile layout with n…
Brand update
1.6.0 Merge pull request #259 from ualbertalib/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/url-…
Important - security updates
1.5.9 Merge pull request #232 from ualbertalib/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/loda…
Security updates
Updating gems to address security issues.
Staff directory changes
Merge pull request #166 from ualbertalib/dependabot/bundler/puma-5.0.2 Bump puma from 4.3.6 to 5.0.2
another roll back of mini_racer gem version
1.5.6 roll back mini_racer version