Releases: uc-cdis/data-portal
Release Notes
For: uc-cdis/data-portal
Notes since tag: 5.15.0
Notes to tag/commit: 5.16.0
Generated: 2023-10-10
Bug Fixes
- this PR reverts the prototype Atlas starter step introduced in
#1401 (#1431) - fix loading of gitops.css locally (#1421)
- new configuration variable for DICOM Viewer URL, similar to
; have default value to support old deployments (#1432) - new configuration variable for DICOM Server URL, similar to
; have default value to support old deployments (#1432)
Dependency Updates
- Bumps
from 1.3.4 to 1.4.2. (#1379) - Bumps postcss from 8.4.27 to 8.4.31.
Release Notes
For: uc-cdis/data-portal
Notes since tag: 5.14.1
Notes to tag/commit: 5.15.0
Generated: 2023-10-03
Bug Fixes
- Explorer: fixed a bug that causes some field is missing from aggregated
data (#1427)
Dependency Updates
- Guppy to
New Features
- Updates the storybook npm command so that it works without needing to run
additional commands first (#1426) - New placeholder state variable for setting and passing the selected "team
project" in the /submit request to argo-wrapper (#1426)
- Adds unit tests for home table filtering in Results App (#1426)
Release Notes
For: uc-cdis/data-portal
Notes since tag: 5.13.0
Notes to tag/commit: 5.14.0
Generated: 2023-09-28
Bug Fixes
- Discovery: fixed a bug causing the details page to crash when encountering
null values (#1422) - Discovery: tags and access descriptors can be rendered correctly in tabbed
view details page (#1418)
New Features
- Discovery:
typed field now support customize titles
for hyperlinks (Note: to have customized titles, each link has to be an
object in the format of{ "link": "", "title": "I am a Link Title" }
) (#1418)
- Discovery: better styling for fields with no label from config (#1418)
Release Notes
For: uc-cdis/data-portal
Notes since tag: 5.12.0
Notes to tag/commit: 5.13.0
Generated: 2023-09-21
New Features
- Add a new Guppy Explorer config field
explicitly specify the filter field names that to be casted from numeric to
text (#1404) - This updates the error message for Manhattan plot errors (#1414)
- Updates GWAS App so when user has a finalPopulationSize containing an
object with a size value of zero, it renders a warning message and prevents
the user from advancing to the next step (#1414) - Fixes Atlas URL on QA env (#1414)
- Removes duplicate code between the GWAS and Results app by placing
instances of duplicate code into a shared util folder (#1414) - Adjusts Atlas starter to first display list of "team project" options
available to the user, before opening Atlas (#1414)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that casts all numeric field in filter into text fields (#1404)
- Fixes bug in GWAS app related to next button being enabled after user
navigates to previous steps following submission (#1414)
Dependency Updates
- Guppy to 0.17.0 (#1404)
- Update VLMD workflow name in kayako template (#1413)
Release Notes
For: uc-cdis/data-portal
Notes since tag: 5.11.1
Notes to tag/commit: 5.12.0
Generated: 2023-09-14
Bug Fixes
- Fix query page styling issue (#1402)
- fix study viewer alphabetical ordering (#1407)
- This resolves a a redirect issue that occurs the following situation:
(#1356) -
You can reproduce this bug via the following steps (#1356)
- In HEAL envs (QA/preprod/prod) the first time a user is not already logged
in (#1356) - Go to the workspace page at /portal/workspace (#1356)
- Portal will redirect you to login page, login with a user that has access
to workspaces in these envs (#1356) - Portal should redirect you back to /portal/workspace , but instead, it is
redirecting you to /portal/portal/workspace (#1356)
New Features
- only allow certain data on HEAL to be available for download with InCommon
IdP login (#1399) - add global banner to portal (#1398)
- Adds new "Caution" dismissible message to GWASApp, updates Warning message
design (#1393) - Shows new Caution dismissible message in GWASApp in step prior to
submission after Hare selection if hare population is less than 1000
(#1393) - Adds dismissible messages to Results, adds logic to display Caution message
when hare population is less than 1000 (#1393) - Updates storybook for new message types and includes a unit test for
ResultsApp version of Dismissible message component. (#1393) - Changed error log display in Execution of GWASResults app (#1393)
- Changed storybook file and test file of Execution (#1393)
- Add detailed workspace launch statuses (#1383)
- Move ddUrl for RUM to configuration, instead of hardcoding - This is
necessary for the move to datadog govcloud. (#1410) - change idp based access check conditions on buttons for ICPSR studies in
HEAL (#1409) - use callback hook (#1409)
- housekeeping Fix dev dependency lint errors when running eslint locally
(#1406) - Fix the discovery page pop-up text to add spaces where needed (#1396)
- remove unneeded dependencies (#1391)
- move dev dependencies to dev (#1391)
Dependency Updates
- removed (#1391)
- @emotion/react (#1391)
- react-is (#1391)
- redux-devtools (#1391)
- @babel/core (#1391)
- echarts (#1391)
- @babel/preset-stage-0 (#1391)
- @types/jest (#1391)
- babel-plugin-syntax-jsx (#1391)
- estraverse (#1391)
- file-loader (#1391)
- postcss (#1391)
- prettier (#1391)
- relay-compiler-webpack-plugin (#1391)
- moved to dev (#1391)
- mock-local-storage (#1391)
- @storybook/addon-actions (#1391)
- @storybook/react (#1391)
- @types/redux-mock-store (#1391)
- Resolves issue where server response for a hareResult concept_breakdown is
null in the SelectHareDropDown.jsx. This can occur when the user selects a
case cohort size or control cohort size with a value of zero. (#1393)
5.11.1 study viewer bug fix
Release Notes
For: uc-cdis/data-portal
Notes since tag: 5.11.0
Notes to tag/commit: 5.11.1
Generated: 2023-08-14
Bug Fixes
- fix bug in study viewer (#1387)
Release Notes
For: uc-cdis/data-portal
Notes since tag: 5.10.0
Notes to tag/commit: 5.11.0
Generated: 2023-08-11
- add more options to Discovery page isAuthorized check (#1380)
- Discovery page update tooltip text (#1382)
Bug Fixes
- Discovery page: remove empty “Tags by category” component (#1381)
New Features
- study descriptions render html tags for br, strong, table, tr, td, th
Dependency Updates
- "@babel/core": "^7.22.9", (#1366)
- "@emotion/react": "^11.11.1", (#1366)
- "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome": "^0.2.0", (#1366)
- "@gen3/guppy": "^0.16.1", (#1366)
- "@gen3/ui-component": "^0.11.4", (#1366)
- "clipboard-plus": "^1.1.0", (#1366)
- "core-js": "^3.31.1", (#1366)
- "echarts": "^5.4.3", (#1366)
- "echarts-for-react": "^3.0.2", (#1366)
- "enzyme": "^3.11.0", (#1366)
- "enzyme-adapter-react-16": "^1.15.7", (#1366)
- "js-search": "^2.0.1", (#1366)
- "jszip": "^3.10.1", (#1366)
- "lodash": "^4.17.21", (#1366)
- "mock-local-storage": "^1.1.24", (#1366)
- "prop-types": "^15.8.1", (#1366)
- "react-query": "^3.39.3", (#1366)
- "react-virtualized": "^9.22.5", (#1366)
- "recharts": "^2.7.2", (#1366)
- "redux": "^4.2.1", (#1366)
- "redux-thunk": "^2.4.2", (#1366)
- "regenerator-runtime": "^0.13.11", (#1366)
- "semver": "^7.5.4", (#1366)
- "@babel/eslint-parser": "^7.22.9", (#1366)
- "@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread": "^7.20.7", (#1366)
- "@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs": "^7.22.5", (#1366)
- "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime": "^7.22.9", (#1366)
- "@babel/preset-env": "^7.22.9", (#1366)
- "@babel/preset-react": "^7.22.5", (#1366)
- "@babel/runtime-corejs3": "^7.22.6", (#1366)
- "@storybook/cli": "^7.1.1", (#1366)
- "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.17.0", (#1366)
- "@types/core-js": "^2.5.5", (#1366)
- "@types/enzyme": "^3.10.13", (#1366)
- "@types/react-redux": "^7.1.25", (#1366)
- "@types/regenerator-runtime": "^0.13.1", (#1366)
- "babel-plugin-dev-expression": "^0.2.3", (#1366)
- "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.27.5", (#1366)
- "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^6.7.1", (#1366)
- "eslint-plugin-react": "~7.33.0", (#1366)
- "eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "^4.6.0", (#1366)
- "eslint-plugin-storybook": "^0.6.13", (#1366)
- "jest-localstorage-mock": "^2.4.26", (#1366)
- "msw-storybook-addon": "^1.8.0", (#1366)
- "postcss": "^8.4.27", (#1366)
- "redux-mock-store": "^1.5.4", (#1366)
- "relay-compiler-webpack-plugin": "^9.1.0", (#1366)
- "stylelint": "^15.10.2", (#1366)
Release Notes
For: uc-cdis/data-portal
Notes since tag: 5.9.0
Notes to tag/commit: f02c112
Generated: 2023-08-07
Bug Fixes
- GWAS Results app: Run Duration shows correct duration instead of “Invalid
date” in Execution view (#1378) - This resolves odd UI behavior that was the result of the incorrectly
implemented initialTableSort function. (#1377) - This version ensures that disabling of workspace launch button when no pay model is selected, happens only for commons with pay models enabled. (#1374)
New Features
- This updates the results App so that back button is hidden when not on home
view, and shown on the app's home view. (#1377) - New features and some bug fixes for VADC GWAS apps, including multiple
improvements to the GWAS Results Viewer (see details
- Unit test written to validate initialTableSort function. (#1377)
- Pay model resets as soon as a workspace session is terminated (#1374)
- Workspace launch is restricted when current paymodel is not set for commons where pay models are available. (#1374)
Dependency Updates
- Added
d3-axis, d3-format, d3-tip
5.9.0: Discovery page supports for nested field names
Release Notes
For: uc-cdis/data-portal
Notes since tag: 5.8.0
Notes to tag/commit: 5.9.0
Generated: 2023-07-31
New Features
- Updates to Study Registration / VLMD Submission page to support nested
fields (#1365) - update api to classic endpoint (#1365)
- Disocvery page: study details fields, discovery table fields, aggregation
fields and search fields now supports using JSONPath
syntax to represent
nested fields in metadata (#1324)
- Replace the Dropdown text with
Select a Pay model
when there is no
current_pay_model available. (#1368) - Prevent
from returning null when there is no
current_pay_model (#1368) - When there is no current_pay_model available, disable the
button (#1368) - Add an
Alert message
asking the user to choose a pay model (#1368)
Dependency Updates
- Adds: "jsonpath": "^1.1.1", (#1324)