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File metadata and controls

229 lines (189 loc) · 9.63 KB

Easily generate billing reports for organizations that use AWS Consolidated Billing.

By default, the script output will display a list of accounts, sorted by spend. If you use Organizational Units, you can set the output to list the OUs and spend for each project.

In addition to email/text-based reports, the script can create/update CSV reports for individual account, or OU/project-based spends.

Example (no-OU) output:

Current AWS totals:  $2,258.13 USD (only shown below: > $5.0)

User 1                   		$1,234.56
User 2                   		$789.01
User 3                   		$234.56

Example (with OU) output:

Current AWS totals:  $10,544.34 USD (only shown below: > $5.0)

ROOT: $10,544.34 USD

ROOT -> Organization 1: $2258.13 USD
User 1                   		$1,234.56
User 2                   		$789.01

ROOT -> Organization 1 -> Project 1: $234.56 USD
User 3                   		$234.56

ROOT -> Organization 2: $8,286.21 USD
User 4                   		$2,468.02
User 5                   		$12.34

ROOT -> Organization 2 -> Project 1: $3.50 USD

ROOT -> Organization 2 -> Project 2: $5,802.35 USD
User 8                   		$5,678.90
User 9                   		$123.45

ROOT -> Organization 2 -> Project 3: $0.00 USD

Notes about OU-based output:

  • Each OU's spend is a sum of all children (accounts) spends
  • All OUs, even those w/zero spend, are displayed

Example individual account (no-OU) CSV output:

2018,04,User 1,"$17,005.04"
2018,04,User 2,"$11,828.53"
2018,04,User 3,"$9,516.19"
2018,04,User 4,"$9,003.63"
2018,04,User 5,"$8,028.62"
2018,04,User 6,"$6,775.01"
2018,04,User 7,"$6,726.66"
2018,04,User 8,"$6,640.03"
2018,04,User 9,"$6,255.92"

Example project-based (with OU) CSV output:

year,month,lab or PI,project,spend,num accounts
2018,04,ROOT,Research Lab 1,"$2,575.16",12
2018,04,ROOT,Research Lab 2,$0.72,2
2018,04,Research Lab 3,Stateless NoSQL Lambda ML,$132.46,2
2018,04,ROOT,Research Lab 4,"$1,589.87",5
2018,04,Research Lab 4,Not Hotdog,$119.46,1
2018,04,Research Lab 4,ML Cheezburger,$592.09,2
2018,04,Research Lab 4,AI Thesis Writer,$527.25,2
2018,04,Research Lab 4,Statistical Regression of Not Hotdog predictions in Berlin,$28.03,1
2018,04,ROOT,Researcher 1,$1.16,10

Notes about CSV output (and plots):

  • The script will check for the existence of the CSV(s) passed through the CLI arguments, and will either append to an existing file or create a new one.
  • If you automate execution of this tool via cron, you can use shell magic to autogenerate new CSV filenames based on things like the current date.
  • By default, all accounts and project spends will be displayed. This can be changed by adding limit=<some value> in the calls to generate_simple_csv() and root.generate_project_csv() in
  • The fields in the CSV, as well as the headers, can be customized. For non-OU CSV format changes, please look at the generate_simple_csv() function in For OU/project-based reports, look at the generate_project_csv() method in
  • If you are using the --plot argument and change these fields, you will also need to update with the new field names.


  • Billing data for individual IAM roles is not displayed. This is because the detailed billing reports only show the spend for the account that the IAM roles are a member of, not for the individual roles themselves.


You need to have python 3 and the latest version of boto3 installed via your package manager of choice.


First, your root consolidated billing account needs to be set up to receive billing reports and save them in an S3 folder. More details on how to set this up are here

It is also strongly recommended to use an IAM role that has permission to access this S3 bucket, rather than the root account itself.

Your AWS credentials need to be in a location that boto3 can discover. Please refer to the boto3 documentation on configuring credentials.

If the reports will be sent via a cronjob, please take look at awsreport-crontab for ideas.

If you want to send email reports, please edit and change the following variables:

MAIL_SERVER = "localhost"
EMAIL_TO_ADDR = "list@example.corp"
EMAIL_FROM_ADDR = "Your Corp's AWS Czar <aws-watcher@example.corp>"

You can also modify the email subject(s) and preamble(s).

AWS Organizational Units can be used to categorize your spends. After this has been set up in your root accounts billing page, just add the --ou flag to the script when run.


Print out the help message and exit: --help

This will grab the most recent bill from S3, save a copy locally, and dump the report to STDOUT using OUs and showing account IDs: -i <AWS_ID> -b <BILLING_BUCKET> --save --ou --display_ids

Create a report on a downloaded billing CSV, not using OUs, only displaying spends great than $5.00: --local <LOCAL_BILLING_CSV> --limit 5.0

Grab the most recent bill from S3 and email a report with OUs using the monthly template: -i <AWS_ID> -b <BILLING_BUCKET> --ou --email --monthly

In addition to the previous example, also update/create a CSV of project-based spends for later analysis: -i <AWS_ID> -b <BILLING_BUCKET> --ou --email --monthly --orgcsv reports/project-spends.csv

Full output of --help:

usage: [-h] [-i AWS_ID] [-b S3_BILLING_BUCKET]
                    [-L LOCAL_BILLING_CSV] [-s] [-q] [-o] [-l LIMIT] [-D] [-f]
                    [-e] [-O FILENAME] [-C FILENAME] [-p] [-w | -m]

Download, parse and create reports for general AWS spend, optionally sending
the report as an e-mail and/or output CSV-based spending data.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i AWS_ID, --id AWS_ID
                        AWS account ID for consolidated billing. Required
                        unless using the --local argument.
                        S3 billing bucket name. Required unless using the
                        --local argument.
                        Read a consolidated billing CSV from the filesystem
                        and bypass downloading from S3.
  -s, --save            Save the billing CSV to the local directory.
  -q, --quiet           Do not print to STDOUT.
  -o, --ou              Use AWS Organizational Units to group users. This
                        option will greatly increase the amount of time it
                        takes the script to run. If this option is specified,
                        but no OUs have been defined for this consolidated
                        billing group, the script will still run successfully
                        but will take much longer to complete.
  -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        Do not display spends less than this value on the
                        report. Any spends not displayed will still be counted
                        towards all totals. Default is 5.00.
  -D, --display_ids     Display AWS account IDs in the report.
  -f, --full            Generate a full report. This option is only useful
                        when using OUs in a consolidated billing setting, and
                        the --ou option is used. An additional section is
                        added at the end of the original report that lists all
                        users sorted by spend. If the --ou argument is not
                        set, this option will be ignored.
  -e, --email           Send the report as an email, using the settings
                        defined in
                        Output org/project-based spends to a CSV. If FILENAME
                        exists, the script will append to the file instead of
                        creating a new one.
                        Output account-based spends to a CSV. If FILENAME
                        exists, the script will append to the file instead of
                        creating a new one.
  -p, --plot            Create plots of CSV data. Only useful if the --csv or
                        --orgcsv arguments are used. This will create PNG
                        plots that are saved in the directory where the CSV
                        data lives, and will share the filename of the CSV
                        file used to create the plot. If this argument is
                        specified with the --email argument, any images will
                        be attached to the resulting message.
  -w, --weekly          Formats the email subject and body to deonte a
                        "weekly" report on spend, from the start of the
                        current month to the present day.
  -m, --monthly         Formats the email subject and body to denote an "end
                        of month" report.

Please refer to for more detailed usage instructions and examples.


Please feel free to open issues and pull requests, and we will get to them in a reasonable amount of time!