- First release on PyPI.
The MIMIC package can be used to simulate microbial system data using a generalized Lotka-Volterra model (gMLV) or using vector autoregression (VAR) and multivariate vector autoregression (MVAR). Additionaly, it can perform interaction inference using the VAR and MVAR models, and gaussian processes.
The package is based on the work of [1] and [2].
[1] Faust, Karoline, et al. "Microbial co-occurrence relationships in the human microbiome." PLoS computational biology 8.7 (2012): e1002606.
[2] Friedman, Jonathan, and Eric J. Alm. "Inferring correlation networks from genomic survey data." PLoS computational biology 8.9 (2012): e1002687.