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Tech Stack: React Native

An app tailored for UCSB students that displays study sessions and events based on location and interests, with student ID verification for full access; hosts can create both study and social sessions, set participant limits, and restrict access by distance to keep it local; additional features include friend recommendations, college-specific events, and options for verifying students through email domains, LinkedIn profiles, or existing campus networks.

User Roles:

  • Group creators: Students looking to create study groups in their area. They are verified students.
  • Group joiners: Students looking to join interested study groups in their area

Github IDs

  • Luis Miguel: miguel-luis9
  • Garvin Young: GarvinYoung
  • Tim Choi: tim-choi
  • Meron Tesfandrias: MeronDT
  • Wesley Chiba: jeffsmithepic
  • David Joyner: djoyneruscb
  • Kai Han: Kai-Hann




Users will need to install the Expo framework (51.0.28) before installing the project, along with the dependencies listed in the Dependencies section. In the future, binary distributions (.apk, .ipa) will be provided to directly install the app on Android and iOS devices.


These are the following dependencies used in the project.

  • @react-native-async-storage/async-storage ^1.24.0
    • A simple, unencrypted, asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native.
  • @react-native-firebase/app ^21.2.0
    • The core Firebase library for React Native, required for all Firebase services.
  • @react-native-firebase/firestore ^21.2.0
    • Firebase Firestore library for React Native, providing cloud-based NoSQL database functionality.
  • @react-navigation/bottom-tabs ^6.6.1
    • Adds support for navigation tabs at the bottom of the screen.
  • @react-navigation/native ^6.1.18
    • The core library for React Navigation, providing navigation functionality for React Native apps.
  • react-navigation/native-stack ^6.11.0
    • A stack navigator for React Navigation, providing a way to transition between screens.
  • expo ~51.0.28
    • A framework and platform for universal React applications.
  • expo-constants ~17.0.2
    • Provides system information that remains constant throughout the lifetime of your app.
  • expo-image-picker ~16.0.1
    • Allows the user to pick images and videos from their library or take a photo with the camera.
  • expo-linking ~7.0.2
    • Provides utilities for handling deep links and URLs.
  • expo-location ~18.0.1
    • Provides access to the device's location services.
  • expo-status-bar ~2.0.0
    • A component for controlling the app's status bar appearance.
  • firebase ^11.0.1
    • The Firebase JavaScript SDK, providing backend services for authentication, database, and more.
  • react ^18.3.1
    • A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • react-native 0.76.1
    • A framework for building native apps using React.
  • react-native-elements ^3.4.3
    • A UI toolkit for React Native with customizable components.
  • react-native-paper ^5.12.5
    • A high-quality, standard-compliant Material Design library for React Native.
  • react-native-safe-area-context 4.12.0
    • A library for handling safe area insets in React Native.
  • react-native-screens 4.0.0
    • Provides native primitives to represent screens in React Native.
  • tamagui ^1.116.12
    • A UI kit for React Native and web, providing a consistent design system.
  • expo-file-system ~18.3.1
    • Provides access to the file system on the device.

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the StudyMeets directory: cd StudyMeets
  3. Install dependencies: npm i, npm install
  4. Start the Expo project: npx expo start
  5. A QR code should pop up in the console; scan it with a mobile device and the application should start up. Alternatively, connect a device via USB or start up a mobile device emulator for the application.

In the future, .apk, .ipa files will be provided for users to directly install the app.


  • Sign up / Sign in
    • Users can create an account with a username (optional), email, and password combination
    • A verification email is sent to the submitted email when signing up to unlock the new account
  • Explore Study Groups
    • Users can browse through a list of study groups to join
    • Each study groups shows their name, location, creation date, and tags that describe what the study group is about
    • Users can search for a study group by name
  • Create Study Group
    • Users can create a study group by inputting a title, location, and description
    • Users can also add tags to the study group that describe what the study group is about (ex: Math, Computer Science, Group Development)
  • My Study Groups
    • Users can browse through the study groups they created
    • Users can edit their own study groups and change their title, location, description, and tags
  • Profile
    • Users can change their profile picture by submitting an image file
    • Users can submit a request email to change their password
    • Users can log out
    • Displays the user's email and username

Known Problems

  • Some permission errors can occur when trying to sign in
  • Changing the profile picture repeatedly can cause a visual error
  • App goes blank when an internal error occurs, and needs to be force stopped


To contribute to the project, follow these steps:

  1. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  2. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  3. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  4. Submit a pull request for the branch


The app license can be found in of this repository.


For Android, a .apk file is provided in the releases tab here.