In order to configure a Jenkins Server, please run the following script
sh ./
It will run a cloudFormation script creating a new stack with an auto scaling group with a launch configuration with all the commands necessary to onboard a Jenkins server.
Once the stack creation is complete, access the Jenkins server via http://<EC2_PUBLIC_IP>:8080
Login using admin account and complete the initial setup of Jenkins. Install the following plugins in Jenkins:
Create a pipeline using the Blue Ocean plugin, with the following repository
Configure the kubectl
context to target the EKS Cluster.
connect via ssh to the EC2 instance and run the following scripts:
aws configure
and provide your key and secret and set the region to eu-west-2 -
Run the following script to create the EKS cluster.
eksctl create cluster \
--name capstonecluster \
--version 1.14 \
--nodegroup-name standard-workers \
--node-type t2.small \
--nodes 2 \
--nodes-min 1 \
--nodes-max 3 \
--node-ami auto \
--region eu-west-2 \
--zones eu-west-2a \
--zones eu-west-2b \
--zones eu-west-2c
- Configure
aws eks --region eu-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name capstonecluster
Now, the Jenkins server will be listening to new commits on the repository and ready to deploy your app to the Kubernetes cluster on AWS. You can also trigger a manual deploy by clicking on the run icon on the Jenkins pipeline.