🚀 Features
- ✨ remove react types - by @woldtwerk (e3f46)
- ✨ ignore custom elements for entries - by @woldtwerk (7c532)
- ✨ rename libraries to filename only - by @woldtwerk (a1c90)
- ✨ add uebertool companion module - by @woldtwerk (27220)
- ✨ add composer.json to bumpp - by @woldtwerk (c4b66)
- ✨ patch react global namespace polution - by @woldtwerk (04490)
- ✨ use cache for tailwind styles - by @woldtwerk (879c0)
- ✨ add autoimport - by @woldtwerk (758f1)
- vite-plugin-drupal: ✨ rename {themename}.libraries.json to libraries.json - by @woldtwerk (8f2c4)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- 🐛 use correct tailwind breakpoints - by @woldtwerk (61f62)
- 🐛 sourcemap offset in vue files - by @woldtwerk (a888b)
- 🐛 resolve sourcemap offset, apply styles of nested vue elements - by @woldtwerk (4ac85)