This is the home of all the awesome repos and forks of community projects that can be used with the ULX3S FPGA ESP32 board.
Now live on Crowd Supply!
- 6502 Simple 6502 system on a ULX3S FPGA board using Trellis, Yosys, and Nextpnr
- AD/DA forked from; see also this OSHPark Adapter Board, this blog and notes
- Advanced Examples emard's ADC, DVI, JTAG, OLED, ov7670, PS2, SDRAM, SPI RAM, USB and more.
- Amiga Port of Amiga emulator "Minimig". See also this video
- AnotherWorld Arcade forked from see also this video
- Apple I forked from
- Apple II FPGA Emulator forked from
- Blinky see also these examples including Diamond, open source and ESP32
- Cosmac Elf This is a re-creation of a Cosmac ELF computer, Coded in SpinalHDL
- Docker - alpin3 alpin3's docker images; ulx3s build environment open source
- Docker - dok3r dok3r's mixed open source/commercial build
- Doom-chip The Doom-chip, a hardware recreation of the Doom renderloop written in the Silice HDL.
- ESP32 passthru essential for ESP32. See also these details
- f32c retargetable, scalar, pipelined, 32-bit processor core which can execute subsets of either RISC-V or MIPS
- FM Flea Radio FM radio receiver for FPGA with simple RLC network and analog comparator (available on-chip, no ADC required).
- FPGArduino Arduino core extensions for FPGA-based 32-bit MIPS and RISC-V soft CPU cores (f32c). See also FPGArduino source, this description, this video and this video
- Galaksija BASIC computer forked from See this video
- GHDL GHDL ULX3S Examples - simple VHDL examples using open source VHDL synthesis
- Jupiter Ace A version of the Jupiter Ace for the Ulx3s using a PS/2 keyboard, and with HDMI output.
- KianV Risc-V Linux Soc KianV RV32IMA SV32 zicntr Linux SoC.
- LED Panel Example for 64x64 LED panel
- LiteX Linux Linux with VexRiscv CPU, a 32-bits Linux Capable RISC-V CPU written in Spinal HDL
- Logic Analyzer Video
- Logic Sniffer
- Micropython - ESP32 emard's micropython running on ESP32; JTAG programming and flashing of Lattice ECP5 FPGA JTAG
- NES by ironsteel emard's fork and mods from
- Next186 MS-DOS forked from
- Oberon see also andreaspirklbauer/Oberon-extended
- Odysseus Workshop - material for participation at FPGA Odysseus with ULX3S Workshop at Radiona event in Zagreb
- Orao emard's fork of Grant Seale's great work for emulation of Compukit UK101 on FPGA
- Oscilloscope from hdl4fpga: scopeio see also demo binaries
- Papilio Arcade
- Phoenix Arcade emard's Phoenix (Amstar) FPGA - DAR - 2016 (Educational use only)
- PMODS - Goran HDMI, I2S, LoRa, MAX31855, MLX90640, OV7670, PS2, USB, SD, and more!
- RDS Modulator RDS modulator for FPGA; This code comes complete with FM transmitter. No external components are needed.
- Risc-V 32 Implementation in VHDL The NEORV32 RISC-V Processor, See this contribution.
- SaxonSoc Linux Build forked from, see also this release all based on SpinalHDL/SaxonSoc
- Slabboy gameboy on an ST7789 display, which can't yet run Gameboy games, but can run simple assembler examples
- SPI Spy Flash emulation
- Synth-o-Wheel True polyphonic additive synthesizer as parametric VHDL core with realtime performance.
- ST7789 display slow MicroPython driver for 240x240 ST7789 display without CS pin from Ali Express
- TI-99 A never released home computer in the TI-99/4A family, implemented on the ULX3S fpga board. See also TI99/2
- Tic tac toe This is an implementation of "Tic Tac Toe" (noughts and crosses) in Verilog. The user plays against the FPGA
- Tools F32C JTAG programmer, ujprog, f32cup binary uploader
- UK101 emard's UK101 on FPGA (see also Orao)
- WiFi JTAG see also this video
- YAZSOF Z80 chriscamacho's Yet Another Z80 SoC On FPGA
- ZX80/81 Soft Z80 forked from WIP!
- Toolchain Installer Install everything from one script!
- Icestorm
- Mac OS X support @kost homebrew
- nextpnr
- project-trellis
- ujprog see also emard's quick start binaries for Mac, Linux, RPi, and Windows
- yosys
- and their YouTube Channel
- DIY kitspace
- Davor and Goran talk about ULX3S YouTube @dorscluc 2019
- emard's ULX3S PCB source in particular the schematic and ECP5 constraint file.
- emard's ULX3S Quick-start binaries
- Hackspace Space of the Month: Radiona
- ULX3S gitter lobby
- BedroomCoders - ULX3S (ECP5 FPGA) first look
- CNX Software - ULX3S Education Board is Powered by Lattice Semi ECP5 FPGA & ESP32 WiFi/BLE Module
- ee News Embedded - Lattice ECP5 FPGA board for open-source development October 28, 2019
- Hackaday - ULX3S: An open-source Lattice ECP5 FPGA PCB January 14, 2019
- - ULX3S Project
- Atari Age Announcing a TI-99/2 on a FPGA
- The Answer is 42
- Bedroom Coders ULX3S (ECP5 FPGA) first look
- gojimmypi, Icestudio, Visual Micro, yosys notes, ujprog on Windows/WSL, etc.
- Goran - lemilica Doing ULX3ST FPGA board @home
- TTN forum ULX3S FPGA board sends first message to TTN
- Hackaday round table of who's-who in the Open Source FPGA movement discusses what's next in 2019
- ReneRebe KeepItStupidSimple logic analyzer RISCV based ULX3s system
- e-Versatile Research Stick for peoples
- FOMU see also timvideos Getting Started,
- Glasgow see also
- IceBreaker at 1bitsquared. See also workshop
- Orange Crab ECP5 DDR3 memory in a Feather form-factor
- TinyFPGA see also
- APIO see also
- BB3-ULX3S Integration see also EEZ Bench Box 3 by Envox
- nanoFramework - C# on the ESP32
- Quokka Basic CLI for running C# => VHDL or Verilog transformation
- Icestorm
- Icestudio see also
- Linux on LiteX VexRiscv
- picorv32 - rxrbln PicoRV32 - A Size-Optimized RISC-V CPU
- RISC-V on the tinyFPGA see also this blog
- sigrok
- spispy: open source flash emulation Trammell Hudson's Projects: rough transcript of presentation at CCC Camp 2019
- Thingverse Enclosure by ketukil
- Verilog Syntax Highligher for Visual Stuldio
- Visual Micro Ardunio IDE for the ESP32 in Visual Studio
- xobs circuitpython
More links on RadionaOrg/ulx3s-links (problems/question/general chat) (Focused on development) (If you do not use chats)
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