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un-pogaz authored Oct 8, 2020
1 parent 175cbfd commit 351a1fd
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Showing 5 changed files with 628 additions and 1 deletion.
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import,

__copyright__ = '2020, un_pogaz <>'
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en'

import sys, os, re
import calibre_plugins.comments_cleaner.config as cfg

reFlag = re.MULTILINE + re.DOTALL;

reFlag = re.ASCII + re.MULTILINE + re.DOTALL;
except :
reFlag = re.MULTILINE + re.DOTALL;
pass; # calibre 5 // re.ASCII for Python3 only

def RegexSimple(pattern, repl, string):
return re.sub(pattern, repl, string, 0, reFlag);

def RegexSearch(pattern, string):
return, string, reFlag);

def RegexLoop(pattern, repl, string):

while RegexSearch(pattern, string):
string = RegexSimple(pattern, repl, string);

return string;

def CleanBasic(text):

text = RegexLoop(r'(&#x202F;|&#8239;)', '\u202F', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'(&#xA0;|&#160;)', '\u00A0', text);

# line
text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n');
text = RegexLoop(r'( |\t|\n\n)+\n', '\n', text);

text = RegexLoop(r'\s<(p|div|h\d|li|ul|ol|blockquote)', r'<\1', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'><(p|div|h\d|li|ul|ol|blockquote)', r'>\n<\1', text);

# entity
text = RegexLoop("&#38;", "&amp;", text);
text = RegexLoop("&#60;", "&lt;", text);
text = RegexLoop("&#62;", "&gt;", text);

text = RegexLoop("(&#160;|&nbsp;)", r'\u00A0', text);

text = RegexLoop("(&mdash;|&#8212;)", "—", text);
text = RegexLoop("(&ndash;|&#8211;)", "–", text);
text = RegexLoop("(&laquo;|&#171;)", "«", text);
text = RegexLoop("(&raquo;|&#187;)", "»", text);
text = RegexLoop("(&hellip;|&#8230;)", "…", text);
text = RegexLoop("(&rsquo;|&#8217;)", "’", text);

# inline vide
innerSpace = r"<(i|b|em|strong)[^>]*>\s+</\1>";
innerEmpty = r"<(i|b|em|strong)[^>]*></\1>";
outerSpace = r"</(i|b|em|strong)>\s+<\1.*?>";
outerEmpty = r"</(i|b|em|strong)><\1.*?>";

while (RegexSearch(innerSpace, text) or
RegexSearch(innerEmpty, text) or
RegexSearch(outerSpace, text) or
RegexSearch(outerEmpty, text)):

text = RegexLoop(innerSpace, r' ', text);
text = RegexLoop(innerEmpty, r'', text);

text = RegexLoop(outerSpace, r' ', text);
text = RegexLoop(outerEmpty, r'', text);

# double espace et tab dans paragraphe
text = RegexLoop(r'(<(p|h\d).*?>.*?)(\t| {2,})', r'\1 ', text);
# tab pour l'indentation
text = RegexLoop(r'^( *)\t(\s*<)', r'\1 \2', text);

# attribut style
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*);\s+;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1;\2"', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)(;|:)\s{2,}([^"]*)"', r'style="\1\2 \3"', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)\s+(;|:)([^"]*)"', r'style="\1\2\3"', text);

text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*);\s*"', r'style="\1"', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'style="\s*"', r'', text);

#strip span
text = RegexLoop(r'<span\s*>(.*?)</span>', r'\1', text);

# remplace les triple point invalide
text = RegexSimple(r'\.\s*\.\s*\.', r'…', text);

# xml format
text = RegexLoop(r'<([^<>]+)\s{2,}([^<>]+)>', r'<\1 \2>', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'\s+(|/|\?)\s*>', r'\1>', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'<\s*(|/|!|\?)\s+', r'<\1', text);

return text;

def CleanHTML(library_config, text):
text = CleanBasic(text);

if library_config[cfg.KEY_KEEP_URL] == 'none':
text = RegexLoop(r'<a.*?>(.*?)</a>', r'\1', text);

# uniformise les attribut style
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*[^";])"', r'style="\1;"', text);

text = RegexLoop(r'(<font[^>]*>|</font>|<html[^>]*>|</html>|<body[^>]*>|</body>)', r'', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'<(img|meta|link)[^>]*>', r'', text);

text = RegexLoop(r'(id|class)=".*?"', r'', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'<(div|p|li|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6)[^>]*>\s+</(div|p|li|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6)>', r'', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'<(b|h)r[^>]+>', r'<\1r>', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'<(b|h)r>\s+', r'<\1r>', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'\s+<(b|h)r>', r'<\1r>', text);

text = RegexLoop(r'<(div|p|li|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6)(([^>]*))><br/></(div|p|li|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6)>', "<\1\2>\u00A0</\1>", text);
text = RegexLoop(r'<br/></(div|p|li|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6)>', r'</\1>', text);

atr_tbl = [

for atr in atr_tbl:
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)'+ atr +'[^:]*:[^;]*;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1\3"', text);

# font-weight
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)font-weight\s*:\s*(normal|inherit|initial)\s*;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1\3"', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)font-weight\s*:\s*(?P<name>\d)[1-9]\d(?:\.\d+)?\s*;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1 font-weight: \g<name>00;\3"', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)font-weight\s*:\s*(bold)\s*;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1font-weight: 600\3"', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)font-weight\s*:\s*(\d){4,}(?:\.\d+)?\s*;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1font-weight: 900;\3"', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)font-weight\s*:\s*(\d){1,2}(?:\.\d+)?\s*;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1font-weight: 100;\3"', text);

# font-style
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)font-style\s*:\s*(normal|inherit|initial)\s*;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1\3"', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)font-style\s*:\s*(oblique(?:\s+\d+deg))\s*;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1font-style: italic;\3"', text);

# align
text = RegexLoop(r'<(p|div)([^=]*=[^>]*)\s*align="([^"]*)"', r'<\1 align="\3"\2', text);

# align / empty|all
if ((library_config[cfg.KEY_FORCE_JUSTIFY] == 'empty') or
(library_config[cfg.KEY_FORCE_JUSTIFY] == 'all')):
# align for all
text = text.replace('<p', '<p align="justify"').replace('<div', '<div align="justify"');
text = RegexLoop(r'<(p|div)\s*align="justify"([^>]*align="[^"]*")', r'<\1\2', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'<div\s*align="[^"]*"\s*>\s*<p', r'<div>\n<p', text);

# align only
text = RegexLoop(r'align="\s*(?!justify|center|right)[^"]*"', r'align="justify"', text);

# align center or right
if (library_config[cfg.KEY_FORCE_JUSTIFY] == 'empty'):
text = RegexLoop(r'align="[^"]*"([^>]*)style="([^"]*)text-align\s*:\s*(center|right)\s*;([^"]*)"', r'align="\3"\1style="\2\4"', text);
if (library_config[cfg.KEY_FORCE_JUSTIFY] == 'all'):
text = RegexLoop(r'align="(left|center|right)"', r'align="justify"', text);

# del text-align
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)text-align\s*:\s*([^;]*)\s*;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1\3"', text);
# del align for <li>
text = RegexLoop(r'<(ol|ul|li)([^>]*)align="[^"]*"', r'<\1\2', text);

# align / none
if ((library_config[cfg.KEY_FORCE_JUSTIFY] == 'none')):
# align left
text = text.replace('<p', '<p align="left"').replace('<div', '<div align="left"');
text = RegexLoop(r'<(p|div)\s*align="left"([^>]*align="[^"]*")', r'<\1\2', text);

# align center or right or justify
text = RegexLoop(r'align="[^"]*"([^>]*)style="([^"]*)text-align\s*:\s*(center|right|justify)\s*;([^"]*)"', r'align="\3"\1style="\2\4"', text);
# del text-align
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)text-align\s*:\s*([^;]*)\s*;([^"]*)"', r'style="\1\3"', text);
# del align for <li>
text = RegexLoop(r'<(ol|ul|li)([^>]*)align="[^"]*"', r'<\1\2', text);

text = RegexLoop(r'align="left"', r'', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'<div\s*align="[^"]*"\s*>\s*<p', r'<div>\n<p', text);
# clean

text = RegexLoop(r'<a\s*>(.*?)</a>', r'\1', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'style="\s+([^"]*)"', r'style="\1"', text);
text = RegexLoop(r'style="([^"]*)\s+"', r'style="\1"', text);


text = CleanBasic(text)
return text;

def main():
print("I reached main when I should not have\n");
return -1;

if __name__ == "__main__":
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Comments-Cleaner
# Comments Cleaner
## Highly experimental
Calibre plugin for remove the scraps CSS in HTML comments

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