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Mihnea-Vicențiu edited this page Jan 29, 2025 · 30 revisions



Scopul implementării unui pipeline de Continuous Integration (CI) și Continuous Deployment/Delivery (CD) este de a asigura:

  • Build automat și constant al proiectului (pe fiecare commit sau pull request).
  • Testare automată (testele unitare și eventual teste funcționale/integrare).
  • Deployment facil (după ce build-ul și testele au trecut cu succes)

Tehnologii folosite pentru CI/CD

  • Sistemul de versionare (Git): pentru gestionarea codului sursă.
  • Platforma CI/CD: GitHub Actions
  • Scripturi de build & test: Direct din Visual Studio 2022 (msbuild).

Here’s a well-formatted and structured paragraph for your CI/CD documentation:


To set up the project, start by cloning the repository using the following command:

git clone --recursive

Next, navigate to the project directory:

cd software-engineering-product-deadzone

Once inside the directory, generate the project files by running:


or, if using a Unix-based system:


After generating the project, open and compile the solution file:



Ensure that Visual Studio is installed with the "Desktop development with C++" workload enabled.

Adding New Files

To add new files to the project, place them inside the DeadZone folder and then re-run the project generation script:


This will update the project configuration automatically.

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