0.3.0 (2023-12-24)
Bug Fixes
add add check naming style function name (c52bc1c )
add api server examples (4ab3ce0 )
add first version deepseek code finetune script (188bf6d )
add inline block support (4acd852 )
add limit for each completion type (87df4b0 )
add line as quality threshold (88898ab )
add shuffle in final output for better display (6fa98c2 )
add simple instruction for render in output (e36ac67 )
add simple line count strategy (744847e )
add simple server examples (b7dde3e )
add simple test for java coder (b2efc31 )
add simplie completion block filter (e370bf2 )
disti: init module (f41c95a )
fintune: update for batch size for 4090 (19a9eb7 )
init support lang design (280ee34 )
make change history (dbdbc49 )
make file in cmpletion realy works (619b83b )
make instruction in same output for deepseek (c41c418 )
make option working in output (2c4f502 )
parepare for library as context (30ffcec )
server: add for timeout (1f9e53c )
server: try to saimple response (46f9863 )
test: add basic rules for generate data (2e9549a )
test: init first version for class test generate (33ef46f )
unitest: add ins quality threshold for test size (8591675 )
unitest: add test support (1ebea0e )
unitest: make it works for instructions (1d5fd62 )
unittest: add identify to frameworks (8c8c327 )
unittest: add simple way to get test framework (2f5c7dc )
unittest: add support for one package include multiple results (4bc3814 )
unittest: enable get SCA from context (5c64dcc )
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