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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

v1.1.0 — 2023-02-27

Overview of what's new in this version:

  • fauxdoc is now fully typed and passes mypy --strict checks.
  • Much refactoring. Fixing type hints revealed some underlying issues, and I've applied fixes and changes while leaving the public API as intact as possible — see details below about what exactly has changed.
  • A small number of deprecations to be removed in v2. See details below.
  • Previously undefined behavior, mainly around instance attributes, has been defined, documented, and tested. Attributes that are not read-only now have defined behavior when they are set after object instantiation.


  • A py.typed file to indicate that the package now has type hints.
  • New mypy_strict tox environment for running mypy tests.
  • New tox environments for testing a package built using build_package against a target Python version: py37-test_built_package through py311-test_built_package.
  • A new kwarg for initializing fauxdoc.emitters.choice.Choice instances: cum_weights can now be supplied, if needed. Note that you can only supply weights or cum_weights — not both. All previous args/kwargs still work as before.
  • A fauxdoc.emitters.fromfields.SourceFieldGroup class. This is a subtype of fauxdoc.groups.ObjectGroup, used in fauxdoc.emitters.fromfield emitters to represent groups of source fields. It now implements the single_valued property that was previously only a private attribute on the fauxdoc.emitters.fromfields.CopyFields class.
  • Additions to fauxdoc.emitters.fromfields emitters (CopyFields and BasedOnFields):
    • A new public attribute, single_valued, for both CopyFields and BasedOnFields. This attribute was previously private.
    • set_source_fields method, on CopyFields and BasedOnFields — used to set the source attribute from one or a list of Field instances. (You can set source directly, but that requires a fauxdoc.emitters.fromfields.SourceFieldGroup instance. This is just for convenience.)
    • set_action_function method, on BasedOnFields — used to set the action attribute from a function. (You can set action directly, but that requires a fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.BoundWrapper instance. This is just for convenience.)
  • Two new static methods on fauxdoc.emitters.fixed.Iterative, which move previously internal operations into utilities that can be used by external agents:
    • check_iter_factory — validates that an iterator factory function/method does not return an empty iterator, and raises a ValueError if it does.
    • make_infinite_iter — creates an iterator from an iterator factory that loops infinitely.
  • A new check_seq_iter_factory static method on fauxdoc.emitters.fixed.Sequential allows validating that an iterator factory function/method probably generates an iterator that iterates over a sequence.
  • A fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.BoundWrapper class. Used to encapsulate a user-provided wrapper function, bind it to an object that provides RNG, and allow validating a given signature against the wrapper function's signature.
  • A set_wrapper_function method on fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.WrapOne and fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.WrapMany — used to set the wrapper attribute from a function or other callable. (You can set wrapper directly, but that requires a fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.BoundWrapper instance. This is just for convenience.)
  • A new set_fields method, on fauxdoc.profile.Schema — used to set fields more naturally, without forcing the user to supply a fauxdoc.groups.ObjectMap instance. (You can still set fields directly, as an ObjectMap.)
  • A fauxdoc.typing.ImplementsRNG protocol, for representing types that implement an rng attribute and seed method — such as Fields and various emitters.
  • New fauxdoc.typing.OrderedDict and fauxdoc.typing.UserList types, to control for the fact that the collections versions of these types are not subscriptable in Python 3.7 and 3.8 (which is needed for type hints). For Python 3.7 and 3.8, a __getitem__ method is monkey-patched onto collections.OrderedDict and collections.UserList, to make them subscriptable.
  • New type aliases in fauxdoc.typing:
    • F — a TypeVar for float types.
    • CT — general-purpose covariant TypeVar.
    • SourceT — a contravariant TypeVar for e.g. callable arguments and other types that represent source data.
    • OutputT — a covariant TypeVar for e.g. callable return values that represent output data.
    • FieldReturn — represents the return type when calling fauxdoc.profile.Field instances.
  • A new fauxdoc.warn module, which contains a function (get_deprecated_attr) for injecting a deprecation warning when a user gets a deprecated module or object attribute. (It's called from the __getattr__ method of the applicable module or object.)


  • The minimum pytest version for Python 3.7 through 3.9 has been bumped up from 3.0.0 to 3.8.0. This is to allow testing deprecation warnings.
  • Tox environment build_package no longer tries pip installing the built package. It's assumed you'll use the new *-test_built_package environments to test the built package, which will of course have to install it.
  • Comparing a fauxdoc.dtrange.DateOrTimeRange instance to another type of object is explicitly not supported and returns NotImplemented.
  • On fauxdoc.emitters.choice.Choice, any sequences provided for the weights and cum_weights attributes are now cast to tuples on assignment so that they are immutable once assigned. (You can set a brand new sequence, but you cannot change individual elements.)
  • fauxdoc.emitters.fromfields.BasedOnFields no longer inherits from fauxdoc.emitters.fromfields.CopyFields. The shared functionality that CopyFields previously provided is now implemented as fauxdoc.emitters.fromfields.SourceFieldGroup, which is now used for the source attribute on instances of both classes. If you set source directly, you must now give it a SourceFieldGroup instance.
  • fauxdoc.emitters.fromfields.BasedOnFields now uses the fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.BoundWrapper class for its action attribute. This moves all of the relevant functionality that was basically duplicated from the wrappers emitters out into the BoundWrapper. If you set action directly, you must now give it a BoundWrapper instance.
  • fauxdoc.emitters.fromfields.BasedOnFields now validates the expected call signature of the provided action function when it's first set, not later when it's first called, so that the user gets notified immediately if their action function is not configured correctly.
  • The iterator instance attribute of fauxdoc.emitters.fixed.Iterative and fauxdoc.emitters.fixed.Sequential is now a read-only property. It should never have been settable in the first place, as it's impossible to make this attribute settable in a way that makes any sense.
  • fauxdoc.emitters.fixed.Sequential no longer inherits from fauxdoc.emitters.fixed.Iterative. Much of the specific functionality that Sequential needed to use from Iterative has been moved into public methods on Iterative, which Sequential now calls directly.
  • fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.WrapOne and fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.WrapMany no longer inherit from fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.Wrap. The shared functionality that the Wrap parent class provided is now implemented as fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.BoundWrapper, which is now used for the wrapper attribute on instances of Wrap, WrapOne, and WrapMany. If you set wrapper directly, you must now give it a BoundWrapper instance.
  • Each of fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.WrapOne and fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.WrapMany now validates the expected call signature of the provided wrapper function when it's set, not later when it's first called, so that the user gets notified immediately if their wrapper function is not configured correctly.
  • fauxdoc.profile.Field now inherits from fauxdoc.mixins.RandomWithChildrenMixin instead of just RandomMixin. This moves the functionality related to setting, resetting, and seeding children emitters from Field into RandomWithChildrenMixin.
  • On fauxdoc.profile.Field, the multi_valued attribute is now read-only. This attribute should never have been settable, as it is a fully computed attribute (based on repeat_emitter).
  • On fauxdoc.profile.Schema, the hidden_fields and public_fields were already read-only, dynamic properties; now they are no longer even cached. They were of course never meant to be mutable — but now, if you try changing them as dictionaries, your changes will not be saved.
  • The fauxdoc.typing.EmitterLike protocol is now more robust. It's now generic, so you can for instance use EmitterLike[int] to indicate that an Emitter-like type emits ints. It now includes properties num_unique_values and emits_unique_values. And __call__ is overloaded to show that passing None returns a single atomic value, while passing an integer returns a list of values.
  • The fauxdoc.typing.RandomEmitterLike protocol now inherits from both ImplementsRNG and EmitterLike, and it is now generic.
  • The fauxdoc.typing.FieldLike protocol is now generic.


  • fauxdoc.emitters.fixed.Sequential.iterator_factory: This is currently settable but will become read-only in the future. Instead of setting iterator_factory to change the sequence that a Sequential instance emits, you should create a new Sequential instance using the new sequence.
  • fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers.Wrap: Use wrappers.WrapOne or WrapMany.
  • fauxdoc.emitters.Wrap: Use emitters.WrapOne or WrapMany.
  • fauxdoc.typing.BoolEmitterLike: Use EmitterLike[bool].
  • fauxdoc.typing.EmitterLikeCallable: Use EmitterLike.
  • fauxdoc.typing.Number: Use float.
  • fauxdoc.typing.IntEmitterLike: Use EmitterLike[int].
  • fauxdoc.typing.StrEmitterLike: Use EmitterLike[str].


  • Many, many type hints throughout the package have been added or altered to resolve mypy errors. In some cases, specific function or method implementations have been tweaked to better accommodate added type hints.
  • Many docstrings that were missing or incomplete have been added or updated.
  • On fauxdoc.emitters.choice.Choice instances, setting either of the weights or cum_weights attributes now correctly updates object state. The provided list of weights or cumulative weights is validated to ensure it contains the same number of entries as there are items. Whichever "weights" attribute is set, the other is updated with the correct values. And, if the replace attribute is False, the global items shuffle is regenerated to reflect the new weights.
  • On fauxdoc.emitters.choice.Choice instances, setting either of the replace or replace_only_after_call attributes may update the other to ensure valid object state. I.e., if the latter is True then the former must be True; if the former is False then the latter must also be False. Additionally, when replace changes to False, the global items shuffle is regenerated to reflect the current object state.
  • On fauxdoc.emitters.fixed.Static instances, setting the value attribute now correctly updates the contents of the items attribute with the new value.
  • On fauxdoc.emitters.fixed.Iterative and fauxdoc.emitters.fixed.Sequential instances, setting the iterator_factory attribute now performs appropriate validation on the iterator that the factory makes and then correctly regenerates the iterator attribute. On Sequential instances, it also repopulates the items attribute using the contents of the new iterator.
  • During a call to fauxdoc.emitters.text.Text's emit_many method, a private _get_words_iterator method is used to generate words from the word_emitter. When word_emitter.replace_only_after_call is True, then it attempts to generate a set of unique words for each text string. Previously, it based this on word_emitter.num_unique_items. This has been changed so that it bases this on word_emitter.num_unique_values. (The difference being that num_unique_items might include duplicate words in separate items, while num_unique_values only counts truly unique words.)
  • On fauxdoc.profile.Schema, fields is both settable and mutable — i.e., you can add or modify fields simply by editing fields as you would any dictionary. The hidden_fields and public_fields attributes are now calculated fully dynamically, meaning these now automatically update when fields changes. Previously they did not.

v1.0.0 - 2022-11-02

First public release.


  • fauxdoc.emitter — Emitter abstract base class to be used for all data emitters. Provides basic interface for creating callable emitter objects, which can have different underlying methods for emitting one versus many values, provide information about whether or not they emit unique values, and provide the number of unique values they emit. Emitters output values when called.
  • and fauxdoc.mixins — Helper classes and mixins for creating emitters that use random-number generation, generate compound values using data from atomic children emitters, and emit values from a set sequence of items.
  • fauxdoc.dtrange — Tools for producing and working with ranges of datetime.datetime and datetime.time objects, including a simple range-like factory (fauxdoc.dtrange.dtrange).
  • fauxdoc.mathtools — Math-related utility functions. Includes functions for creating gaussian and poisson distributions, clamping a number to fit within a specific range, and randomly shuffling a list based on weights.
  • fauxdoc.profile — Classes for building complete data profiles from emitter instances: Schema and Field. A Schema contains a set of named Field instances and outputs a data record when called. Each Field encapsulates an emitter and can be set to control the chances that any value will be output along how many values are output, per data record.
  • fauxdoc.emitters.choice — Choice emitters, used to select random values. Provides an optimized implementation using optional weights and optional replacement. Also provides factory methods for creating choice emitters that use common weight distributions (poisson, gaussian).
  • fauxdoc.emitters.fixed — Fixed emitters, used for emitting predefined values: a single static value, values from an iterator, or values from a sequence.
  • fauxdoc.emitters.text — Emitters for generating randomized text-like strings, both single words and multi-word sentences.
  • fauxdoc.emitters.fromfields — Emitters whose output should be based on values already generated via other fields (in context of a schema). They may copy values directly or copy and then modify values.
  • fauxdoc.emitters.wrappers — Emitters that wrap other emitter instances in order to modify their output. For example, you may have an emitter that generates random datetime objects, and you might have several functions for converting your datetime objects to strings of various formats. You could easily create wrapper emitters that wrap your datetime emitter and use the conversion functions to generate formatted strings without having to create individual emitter classes to do this.
  • Preliminary type-hints, not (yet) tested via a type checker. They are therefore currently quite broken.
  • A modern pyproject.toml-based configuration plus support for Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11.


  • Just a historical note to say that this project originated from the UNT Libraries' catalog-api project, recent development of which has moved over to our private GitLab server. When we first pulled it into its own repository (also on our private GitLab), we named it solrfixtures and used Poetry to manage dependencies. Shortly before releasing v1.0.0, we renamed the project fauxdoc, moved it to GitHub, removed the reliance on Poetry (and standardized pyproject.toml), and implemented GitHub actions for CI. It has also been fully and completely refactored compared to its original form. It was never public until v1.0.0, so I'm not bothering documenting those changes here.