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import * as THREE from 'three';
import { BVHLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/BVHLoader.js';
import { normalize } from 'three/src/math/MathUtils.js';
import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/GLTFLoader.js';
import { FBXLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/FBXLoader.js';
// Overwrite/add methods/* reads a string array (lines) from a BVHE file and outputs a skeleton structure including motion data returns thee root node: { name: '', channels: [], children: [] }*/BVHLoader.prototype.parseExtended = function(text) { function readBvh( lines ) { // read model structure let boneRoot = null; const bonesList = []; // collects flat array of all bones let bs = null; let firstLine = nextLine( lines ); if ( firstLine == 'HIERARCHY' ) { boneRoot = readNode( lines, nextLine( lines ), bonesList ); firstLine = nextLine( lines ); // read motion data if ( firstLine !== 'MOTION' ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: MOTION expected.' ); } // number of frames let tokens = nextLine( lines ).split( /[\s]+/ ); const numFrames = parseInt( tokens[ 1 ] ); if ( isNaN( numFrames ) ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: Failed to read number of frames.' ); } // frame time tokens = nextLine( lines ).split( /[\s]+/ ); const frameTime = parseFloat( tokens[ 2 ] ); if ( isNaN( frameTime ) ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: Failed to read frame time.' ); } // read frame data line by line /**CHANGE IT TO SUPPORT BLENDSHAPES ANIMATION */ for ( let i = 0; i < numFrames; i ++ ) { tokens = nextLine( lines ).split( /[\s]+/ ); if(boneRoot) { readFrameBoneData( tokens, i * frameTime, boneRoot ); } } } if(lines.length > 1) { firstLine = nextLine( lines ) if ( firstLine == 'BLENDSHAPES' ) { //console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: HIERARCHY expected.' ); const bsList = []; // collects flat array of all blendshapes bs = readBlendshape( lines, nextLine( lines ), bsList ); firstLine = nextLine( lines ); // read motion data if ( firstLine !== 'MOTION' ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: MOTION expected.' ); } // number of frames let tokens = nextLine( lines ).split( /[\s]+/ ); const numFrames = parseInt( tokens[ 1 ] ); if ( isNaN( numFrames ) ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: Failed to read number of frames.' ); } // frame time tokens = nextLine( lines ).split( /[\s]+/ ); const frameTime = parseFloat( tokens[ 2 ] ); if ( isNaN( frameTime ) ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: Failed to read frame time.' ); } // read frame data line by line /**CHANGE IT TO SUPPORT BLENDSHAPES ANIMATION */ for ( let i = 0; i < numFrames; i ++ ) { tokens = nextLine( lines ).split( /[\s]+/ ); if(bs) { readFrameBSData( tokens, i * frameTime, bs ); } } } } return {bones: bonesList, blendshapes: bs}; } /* Recursively reads data from a single frame into the bone hierarchy. The passed bone hierarchy has to be structured in the same order as the BVH file. keyframe data is stored in bone.frames. - data: splitted string array (frame values), values are shift()ed so this should be empty after parsing the whole hierarchy. - frameTime: playback time for this keyframe. - bone: the bone to read frame data from. */ function readFrameBoneData( data, frameTime, bone ) { // end sites have no motion data if ( bone.type === 'ENDSITE' ) return; // add keyframe const keyframe = { time: frameTime, position: new THREE.Vector3(), rotation: new THREE.Quaternion() }; bone.frames.push( keyframe ); const quat = new THREE.Quaternion(); const vx = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 ); const vy = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ); const vz = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, 1 ); // parse values for each channel in node for ( let i = 0; i < bone.channels.length; i ++ ) { switch ( bone.channels[ i ] ) { case 'Xposition': keyframe.position.x = parseFloat( data.shift().trim() ); break; case 'Yposition': keyframe.position.y = parseFloat( data.shift().trim() ); break; case 'Zposition': keyframe.position.z = parseFloat( data.shift().trim() ); break; case 'Xrotation': quat.setFromAxisAngle( vx, parseFloat( data.shift().trim() ) * Math.PI / 180 ); keyframe.rotation.multiply( quat ); break; case 'Yrotation': quat.setFromAxisAngle( vy, parseFloat( data.shift().trim() ) * Math.PI / 180 ); keyframe.rotation.multiply( quat ); break; case 'Zrotation': quat.setFromAxisAngle( vz, parseFloat( data.shift().trim() ) * Math.PI / 180 ); keyframe.rotation.multiply( quat ); break; default: console.warn( 'THREE.BVHLoader: Invalid channel type.' ); } } // parse child nodes for ( let i = 0; i < bone.children.length; i ++ ) { readFrameBoneData( data, frameTime, bone.children[ i ] ); } } /* Recursively reads data from a single frame into the bone hierarchy. The passed bone hierarchy has to be structured in the same order as the BVH file. keyframe data is stored in bone.frames. - data: splitted string array (frame values), values are shift()ed so this should be empty after parsing the whole hierarchy. - frameTime: playback time for this keyframe. - bs: blendshapes array to read frame data from. */ function readFrameBSData( data, frameTime, bs ) { for( let i = 0; i < bs.length; i++ ) { // add keyframe if(!data.length) { return; } const keyframe = { time: frameTime, weight: 0 }; bs[i].frames.push( keyframe ); // parse values in node keyframe.weight = parseFloat( data.shift().trim() ); } } /* Recursively parses the HIERACHY section of the BVH file - lines: all lines of the file. lines are consumed as we go along. - firstline: line containing the node type and name e.g. 'JOINT hip' - list: collects a flat list of nodes returns: a BVH node including children */ function readNode( lines, firstline, list ) { const node = { name: '', type: '', frames: [] }; list.push( node ); // parse node type and name let tokens = firstline.split( /[\s]+/ ); if ( tokens[ 0 ].toUpperCase() === 'END' && tokens[ 1 ].toUpperCase() === 'SITE' ) { node.type = 'ENDSITE'; node.name = 'ENDSITE'; // bvh end sites have no name } else { node.name = tokens[ 1 ]; node.type = tokens[ 0 ].toUpperCase(); } if ( nextLine( lines ) !== '{' ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: Expected opening { after type & name' ); } // parse OFFSET tokens = nextLine( lines ).split( /[\s]+/ ); if ( tokens[ 0 ] !== 'OFFSET' ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: Expected OFFSET but got: ' + tokens[ 0 ] ); } if ( tokens.length !== 4 ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: Invalid number of values for OFFSET.' ); } const offset = new THREE.Vector3( parseFloat( tokens[ 1 ] ), parseFloat( tokens[ 2 ] ), parseFloat( tokens[ 3 ] ) ); if ( isNaN( offset.x ) || isNaN( offset.y ) || isNaN( offset.z ) ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: Invalid values of OFFSET.' ); } node.offset = offset; // parse CHANNELS definitions if ( node.type !== 'ENDSITE' ) { tokens = nextLine( lines ).split( /[\s]+/ ); if ( tokens[ 0 ] !== 'CHANNELS' ) { console.error( 'THREE.BVHLoader: Expected CHANNELS definition.' ); } const numChannels = parseInt( tokens[ 1 ] ); node.channels = tokens.splice( 2, numChannels ); node.children = []; } // read children while ( true ) { const line = nextLine( lines ); if ( line === '}' ) { return node; } else { node.children.push( readNode( lines, line, list ) ); } } } /* Recursively parses the BLENDSHAPES section of the BVH file - lines: all lines of the file. lines are consumed as we go along. - firstline: line containing the blendshape name e.g. 'Blink_Left' and the skinning meshes names that have this morph target - list: collects a flat list of blendshapes returns: a BVH node including children */ function readBlendshape( lines, line, list ) { while ( true ) { let line = nextLine( lines ); if ( line === '{' ) continue; if ( line === '}' ) return list; let node = { name: '', meshes: [], frames: [] }; list.push( node ); // parse node type and name let tokens = line.split( /[\s]+/ ); node.name = tokens[ 0 ]; for(let i = 1; i < tokens.length; i++){ node.meshes.push(tokens[ i ]); } } } /* recursively converts the internal bvh node structure to a Bone hierarchy source: the bvh root node list: pass an empty array, collects a flat list of all converted THREE.Bones returns the root Bone */ function toTHREEBone( source, list ) { const bone = new THREE.Bone(); list.push( bone ); bone.position.add( source.offset ); bone.name = source.name; if ( source.type !== 'ENDSITE' ) { for ( let i = 0; i < source.children.length; i ++ ) { bone.add( toTHREEBone( source.children[ i ], list ) ); } } return bone; } /* builds a AnimationClip from the keyframe data saved in each bone. bone: bvh root node returns: a AnimationClip containing position and quaternion tracks */ function toTHREEAnimation( bones, blendshapes ) { const boneTracks = []; // create a position and quaternion animation track for each node for ( let i = 0; i < bones.length; i ++ ) { const bone = bones[ i ]; if ( bone.type === 'ENDSITE' ) continue; // track data const times = []; const positions = []; const rotations = []; for ( let j = 0; j < bone.frames.length; j ++ ) { const frame = bone.frames[ j ]; times.push( frame.time ); // the animation system animates the position property, // so we have to add the joint offset to all values positions.push( frame.position.x + bone.offset.x ); positions.push( frame.position.y + bone.offset.y ); positions.push( frame.position.z + bone.offset.z ); rotations.push( frame.rotation.x ); rotations.push( frame.rotation.y ); rotations.push( frame.rotation.z ); rotations.push( frame.rotation.w ); } if ( scope.animateBonePositions ) { boneTracks.push( new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack( bone.name + '.position', times, positions ) ); } if ( scope.animateBoneRotations ) { boneTracks.push( new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack( bone.name + '.quaternion', times, rotations ) ); } } const bsTracks = []; if(blendshapes) { for ( let i = 0; i < blendshapes.length; i ++ ) { const bs = blendshapes[ i ]; // track data const times = []; const weights = []; for ( let j = 0; j < bs.frames.length; j ++ ) { const frame = bs.frames[ j ]; times.push( frame.time ); // the animation system animates the morphInfluences property, // so we have to add the blendhsape weight to all values weights.push( frame.weight ); } if( bs.meshes.length ) { for( let b = 0; b < bs.meshes.length; b++) { bsTracks.push( new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( bs.meshes[b] + '.morphTargetInfluences[' + bs.name + ']', times, weights ) ); } } else { bsTracks.push( new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( 'Body' + '.morphTargetInfluences[' + bs.name + ']', times, weights ) ); } } } return { skeletonClip: new THREE.AnimationClip( 'skeletonAnimation', - 1, boneTracks ), blendshapesClip: new THREE.AnimationClip( 'bsAnimation', - 1, bsTracks )}; } /* returns the next non-empty line in lines */ function nextLine( lines ) { let line; // skip empty lines while ( ( line = lines.shift().trim() ).length === 0 ) { } return line; } const scope = this; const lines = text.split( /[\r\n]+/g ); const {bones, blendshapes} = readBvh( lines ); const threeBones = []; if(bones.length) toTHREEBone( bones[ 0 ], threeBones ); const {skeletonClip, blendshapesClip } = toTHREEAnimation( bones, blendshapes ); return { skeletonAnim: { skeleton: skeletonClip.tracks.length ? new THREE.Skeleton( threeBones ) : null, clip: skeletonClip }, blendshapesAnim: { clip: blendshapesClip } }; }
// asymetric and/or negative scaling of objects is not properly supported class AnimationRetargeting { /** * @DEFAULT Uses skeleton's actual bind pose * @CURRENT Uses skeleton's current pose * @TPOSE Forces the skeleton's current pose to T-pose and uses skeleton's current pose */ static BindPoseModes = { DEFAULT : 0, CURRENT: 1} static boneMap = { "LEye": "lefteye", "REye": "righteye", "Head": "head", "Neck": "neck", "ShouldersUnion": "spine2", // chest "Stomach": "spine1", "BelowStomach": "spine", "Hips": "hips", "RShoulder": "rightshoulder", "RArm": "rightarm", "RElbow": "rightforearm", "RHandThumb": "righthandthumb1", "RHandThumb2": "righthandthumb2", "RHandThumb3": "righthandthumb3", "RHandThumb4": "righthandthumb4", "RHandIndex": "righthandindex1", "RHandIndex2": "righthandindex2", "RHandIndex3": "righthandindex3", "RHandIndex4": "righthandindex4", "RHandMiddle": "righthandmiddle1", "RHandMiddle2": "righthandmiddle2", "RHandMiddle3": "righthandmiddle3", "RHandMiddle4": "righthandmiddle4", "RHandRing": "righthandring1", "RHandRing2": "righthandring2", "RHandRing3": "righthandring3", "RHandRing4": "righthandring4", "RHandPinky": "righthandpinky1", "RHandPinky2": "righthandpinky2", "RHandPinky3": "righthandpinky3", "RHandPinky4": "righthandpinky4", "RWrist": "righthand", "LShoulder": "leftshoulder", "LArm": "leftarm", "LElbow": "leftforearm", "LHandThumb": "lefthandthumb1", "LHandThumb2": "lefthandthumb2", "LHandThumb3": "lefthandthumb3", "LHandThumb4": "lefthandthumb4", "LHandIndex": "lefthandindex1", "LHandIndex2": "lefthandindex2", "LHandIndex3": "lefthandindex3", "LHandIndex4": "lefthandindex4", "LHandMiddle": "lefthandmiddle1", "LHandMiddle2": "lefthandmiddle2", "LHandMiddle3": "lefthandmiddle3", "LHandMiddle4": "lefthandmiddle4", "LHandRing": "lefthandring1", "LHandRing2": "lefthandring2", "LHandRing3": "lefthandring3", "LHandRing4": "lefthandring4", "LHandPinky": "lefthandpinky1", "LHandPinky2": "lefthandpinky2", "LHandPinky3": "lefthandpinky3", "LHandPinky4": "lefthandpinky4", "LWrist": "lefthand", "LUpLeg": "leftupleg", "LLeg": "leftleg", "LFoot": "leftfoot", "RUpLeg": "rightupleg", "RLeg": "rightleg", "RFoot": "rightfoot", }; /** * Retargets animations and/or current poses from one skeleton to another. * Both skeletons must have the same bind pose (same orientation for each mapped bone) in order to properly work. * Use optional parameters to adjust the bind pose. * @param srcSkeleton Skeleton of source avatar. Its bind pose must be the same as trgSkeleton. The original skeleton is cloned and can be safely modified * @param trgSkeleton Same as srcSkeleton but for the target avatar * @param options.srcPoseMode BindPoseModes enum values. Pose of the srcSkeleton that will be used as the bind pose for the retargeting. By default, skeleton's actual bind pose is used. * @param options.trgPoseMode BindPoseModes enum values. Same as srcPoseMode but for the target avatar. * @param options.srcEmbedWorldTransforms Bool. Retargeting only takes into account transforms from the actual bone objects. * If set to true, external (parent) transforms are computed and embedded into the root joint. * Afterwards, parent transforms/matrices can be safely modified and will not affect in retargeting. * Useful when it is easier to modify the container of the skeleton rather than the actual skeleton in order to align source and target poses * @param options.trgEmbedWorldTransforms Same as srcEmbedWorldTransforms but for the target avatar * @param options.boneNameMap String-to-string mapping between src and trg through bone names. Only supports one-to-one mapping */ constructor( srcSkeleton, trgSkeleton, options = {} ){ this.srcSkeleton = srcSkeleton; // original ref if ( !srcSkeleton.boneInverses ){ // find its skeleton srcSkeleton.traverse( (o) => { if( o.isSkinnedMesh ){ this.srcSkeleton = o.skeleton; } } ); } this.trgSkeleton = trgSkeleton; // original ref if ( !trgSkeleton.boneInverses ){ // find its skeleton trgSkeleton.traverse( (o) => { if( o.isSkinnedMesh ){ this.trgSkeleton = o.skeleton; } } ); } this.boneMap = this.computeBoneMap( this.srcSkeleton, this.trgSkeleton, options.boneNameMap ); // { idxMap: [], nameMape:{} } this.srcBindPose = this.cloneRawSkeleton( this.srcSkeleton, options.srcPoseMode, options.srcEmbedWorldTransforms ); // returns pure skeleton, without any object model applied this.trgBindPose = this.cloneRawSkeleton( this.trgSkeleton, options.trgPoseMode, options.trgEmbedWorldTransforms ); // returns pure skeleton, without any object model applied this.precomputedQuats = this.precomputeRetargetingQuats(); this.proportionRatio = this.computeProportionRatio(); // returns an aproximate ratio of lengths between source skeleton and target skeleton } /** * creates a Transform object with identity values * @returns Transform */ _newTransform(){ return { p: new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0), q: new THREE.Quaternion(0,0,0,1), s: new THREE.Vector3(1,1,1) }; } /** * Deep clone of the skeleton. New bones are generated. Skeleton's parent objects will not be linked to the cloned one * Returned skeleton has new attributes: * - Always: .parentIndices, .transformsWorld, .transformsWorldInverses * - embedWorld == true: .transformsWorldEmbedded * @param {THREE.Skeleton} skeleton * @returns {THREE.Skeleton} */ cloneRawSkeleton( skeleton, poseMode, embedWorld = false ){ let bones = skeleton.bones; let resultBones = new Array( bones.length ); let parentIndices = new Int16Array( bones.length ); // bones[0].clone( true ); // recursive for( let i = 0; i < bones.length; ++i ){ resultBones[i] = bones[i].clone(false); resultBones[i].parent = null; } for( let i = 0; i < bones.length; ++i ){ let parentIdx = findIndexOfBone( skeleton, bones[i].parent ) if ( parentIdx > -1 ){ resultBones[ parentIdx ].add( resultBones[ i ] ); } parentIndices[i] = parentIdx; } resultBones[0].updateWorldMatrix( false, true ); // assume 0 is root. Update all global matrices (root does not have any parent) // generate skeleton let resultSkeleton; switch(poseMode) { case AnimationRetargeting.BindPoseModes.CURRENT: resultSkeleton = new THREE.Skeleton( resultBones ); // will automatically compute the inverses from the matrixWorld of each bone break; default: let boneInverses = new Array( skeleton.boneInverses.length ); for( let i = 0; i < boneInverses.length; ++i ) { boneInverses[i] = skeleton.boneInverses[i].clone(); } resultSkeleton = new THREE.Skeleton( resultBones, boneInverses ); resultSkeleton.pose(); break; } resultSkeleton.parentIndices = parentIndices; // add this attribute to the THREE.Skeleton class // precompute transforms (forward and inverse) from world matrices let transforms = new Array( skeleton.bones.length ); let transformsInverses = new Array( skeleton.bones.length ); for( let i = 0; i < transforms.length; ++i ){ let t = this._newTransform(); resultSkeleton.bones[i].matrixWorld.decompose( t.p, t.q, t.s ); transforms[i] = t; t = this._newTransform(); resultSkeleton.boneInverses[i].decompose( t.p, t.q, t.s ); transformsInverses[i] = t; } resultSkeleton.transformsWorld = transforms; resultSkeleton.transformsWorldInverses = transformsInverses; // embedded transform if ( embedWorld && bones[0].parent ){ let embedded = { forward: this._newTransform(), inverse: this._newTransform() }; let t = embedded.forward; bones[0].parent.updateWorldMatrix( true, false ); bones[0].parent.matrixWorld.decompose( t.p, t.q, t.s ); t = embedded.inverse; skeleton.bones[0].parent.matrixWorld.clone().invert().decompose( t.p, t.q, t.s ); resultSkeleton.transformsWorldEmbedded = embedded; } return resultSkeleton; } /** * Maps bones from one skeleton to another given boneMap. * Given a null bonemap, an automap is performed * @param {THREE.Skeleton} srcSkeleton * @param {THREE.Skeleton} trgSkeleton * @param {object} boneMap { string: string } * @returns {object} { idxMap: [], nameMape: {} } */ computeBoneMap( srcSkeleton, trgSkeleton, boneMap = null ){ let srcBones = srcSkeleton.bones; let trgBones = trgSkeleton.bones; let result = { idxMap: new Int16Array( srcBones.length ), nameMap: {} } result.idxMap.fill( -1 ); // default to no map; if ( boneMap ) { for ( let srcName in boneMap ){ let idx = findIndexOfBoneByName( srcSkeleton, srcName ); if ( idx < 0 ){ continue; } let trgIdx = findIndexOfBoneByName( trgSkeleton, boneMap[ srcName ] ); // will return either a valid index or -1 result.idxMap[ idx ] = trgIdx; result.nameMap[ srcName ] = boneMap[ srcName ]; } } else { // automap const auxBoneMap = Object.keys(AnimationRetargeting.boneMap); this.srcBoneMap = computeAutoBoneMap( srcSkeleton ); this.trgBoneMap = computeAutoBoneMap( trgSkeleton ); if(this.srcBoneMap.idxMap.length && this.trgBoneMap.idxMap.length) { for(let i = 0; i < auxBoneMap.length; i++) { const name = auxBoneMap[i]; if(this.srcBoneMap.idxMap[i] < 0) { continue; } result.idxMap[this.srcBoneMap.idxMap[i]] = this.trgBoneMap.idxMap[i]; result.nameMap[ this.srcBoneMap.nameMap[name]] = this.trgBoneMap.nameMap[name]; } } } return result } /** * Computes an aproximate ratio of lengths between source skeleton and target skeleton */ computeProportionRatio(){ let srcLength = 0; // Compute source sum of bone lengths for(let i = 1; i < this.srcBindPose.bones.length; i++) { let dist = this.srcBindPose.bones[i].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()).distanceTo(this.srcBindPose.bones[i].parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())) srcLength += dist; } let trgLength = 0; // Compute target sum of bone lengths for(let i = 1; i < this.trgBindPose.bones.length; i++) { let dist = this.trgBindPose.bones[i].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()).distanceTo(this.trgBindPose.bones[i].parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())) trgLength += dist; } return trgLength / srcLength } precomputeRetargetingQuats(){ //BASIC ALGORITHM --> trglocal = invBindTrgWorldParent * bindSrcWorldParent * srcLocal * invBindSrcWorld * bindTrgWorld // trglocal = invBindTrgWorldParent * invTrgEmbedded * srcEmbedded * bindSrcWorldParent * srcLocal * invBindSrcWorld * invSrcEmbedded * trgEmbedded * bindTrgWorld let left = new Array( this.srcBindPose.bones.length ); // invBindTrgWorldParent * invTrgEmbedded * srcEmbedded * bindSrcWorldParent let right = new Array( this.srcBindPose.bones.length ); // invBindSrcWorld * invSrcEmbedded * trgEmbedded * bindTrgWorld for( let srcIndex = 0; srcIndex < left.length; ++srcIndex ){ let trgIndex = this.boneMap.idxMap[ srcIndex ]; if( trgIndex < 0 ){ // not mapped, cannot precompute left[ srcIndex ] = null; right[ srcIndex ] = null; continue; } let resultQuat = new THREE.Quaternion(0,0,0,1); resultQuat.copy( this.trgBindPose.transformsWorld[ trgIndex ].q ); // bindTrgWorld if ( this.trgBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded ) { resultQuat.premultiply( this.trgBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded.forward.q ); } // trgEmbedded if ( this.srcBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded ) { resultQuat.premultiply( this.srcBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded.inverse.q ); } // invSrcEmbedded resultQuat.premultiply( this.srcBindPose.transformsWorldInverses[ srcIndex ].q ); // invBindSrcWorld right[ srcIndex ] = resultQuat; resultQuat = new THREE.Quaternion(0,0,0,1); // bindSrcWorldParent if ( this.srcBindPose.bones[ srcIndex ].parent ){ let parentIdx = this.srcBindPose.parentIndices[ srcIndex ]; resultQuat.premultiply( this.srcBindPose.transformsWorld[ parentIdx ].q ); } if ( this.srcBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded ) { resultQuat.premultiply( this.srcBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded.forward.q ); } // srcEmbedded if ( this.trgBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded ) { resultQuat.premultiply( this.trgBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded.inverse.q ); } // invTrgEmbedded // invBindTrgWorldParent if ( this.trgBindPose.bones[ trgIndex ].parent ){ let parentIdx = this.trgBindPose.parentIndices[ trgIndex ]; resultQuat.premultiply( this.trgBindPose.transformsWorldInverses[ parentIdx ].q ); } left[ srcIndex ] = resultQuat } return { left: left, right: right }; } /** * retargets the bone specified * @param {int} srcIndex MUST be a valid MAPPED bone. Otherwise it crashes * @param {THREE.Quaternion} srcLocalQuat * @param {THREE.Quaternion} resultQuat if null, a new THREE.Quaternion is created * @returns resultQuat */ _retargetQuaternion( srcIndex, srcLocalQuat, resultQuat = null ){ if ( !resultQuat ){ resultQuat = new THREE.Quaternion(0,0,0,1); } //BASIC ALGORITHM --> trglocal = invBindTrgWorldParent * bindSrcWorldParent * srcLocal * invBindSrcWorld * bindTrgWorld // trglocal = invBindTrgWorldParent * invTrgEmbedded * srcEmbedded * bindSrcWorldParent * srcLocal * invBindSrcWorld * invSrcEmbedded * trgEmbedded * bindTrgWorld // In this order because resultQuat and srcLocalQuat might be the same Quaternion instance resultQuat.copy( srcLocalQuat ); // srcLocal resultQuat.premultiply( this.precomputedQuats.left[ srcIndex ] ); // invBindTrgWorldParent * invTrgEmbedded * srcEmbedded * bindSrcWorldParent resultQuat.multiply( this.precomputedQuats.right[ srcIndex ] ); // invBindSrcWorld * invSrcEmbedded * trgEmbedded * bindTrgWorld return resultQuat; } /** * Retargets the current whole (mapped) skeleton pose. * Currently, only quaternions are retargeted */ retargetPose(){ let m = this.boneMap.idxMap; for ( let i = 0; i < m.length; ++i ){ if ( m[i] < 0 ){ continue; } this._retargetQuaternion( i, this.srcSkeleton.bones[ i ].quaternion, this.trgSkeleton.bones[ m[i] ].quaternion ); } } /** * * assumes srcTrack IS a position track (VectorKeyframeTrack) with the proper values array and name (boneName.scale) * @param {THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack} srcTrack * @returns {THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack} */ retargetPositionTrack( srcTrack ){ let boneName = srcTrack.name.slice(0, srcTrack.name.length - 9 ); // remove the ".position" let boneIndex = findIndexOfBoneByName( this.srcSkeleton, boneName ); if ( boneIndex < 0 || this.boneMap.idxMap[ boneIndex ] < 0 ){ return null; } // Retargets the root bone posiiton let srcValues = srcTrack.values; let trgValues = new Float32Array( srcValues.length ); if( boneIndex == 0 ) { // asume the first bone is the root let trgBindPos = this.trgBindPose.bones[boneIndex].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); let srcBindPos = this.srcBindPose.bones[boneIndex].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); let pos = new THREE.Vector3(); for( let i = 0; i < srcValues.length; i+=3 ){ pos.set( srcValues[i], srcValues[i+1], srcValues[i+2]); let diffPosition = new THREE.Vector3(); diffPosition.subVectors(pos, srcBindPos); // Scale the animation difference position with the scale diff between source and target and add it to the the Target Bind Position of the bone diffPosition.multiplyScalar(this.proportionRatio); if(this.srcBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded) { diffPosition.applyQuaternion(this.srcBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded.forward.q); } if(this.trgBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded) { diffPosition.applyQuaternion(this.trgBindPose.transformsWorldEmbedded.inverse.q); } diffPosition.add(trgBindPos); trgValues[i] = diffPosition.x ; trgValues[i+1] = diffPosition.y ; trgValues[i+2] = diffPosition.z ; } } // TODO missing interpolation mode. Assuming always linear. Also check if arrays are copied or referenced return new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack( this.boneMap.nameMap[ boneName ] + ".position", srcTrack.times, trgValues ); } /** * assumes srcTrack IS a quaternion track with the proper values array and name (boneName.quaternion) * @param {THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack} srcTrack * @returns {THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack} */ retargetQuaternionTrack( srcTrack ){ let boneName = srcTrack.name.slice(0, srcTrack.name.length - 11 ); // remove the ".quaternion" let boneIndex = findIndexOfBoneByName( this.srcSkeleton, boneName ); if ( boneIndex < 0 || this.boneMap.idxMap[ boneIndex ] < 0 ){ return null; } let quat = new THREE.Quaternion( 0,0,0,1 ); let srcValues = srcTrack.values; let trgValues = new Float32Array( srcValues.length ); for( let i = 0; i < srcValues.length; i+=4 ){ quat.set( srcValues[i], srcValues[i+1], srcValues[i+2], srcValues[i+3] ); this._retargetQuaternion( boneIndex, quat, quat ); trgValues[i] = quat.x; trgValues[i+1] = quat.y; trgValues[i+2] = quat.z; trgValues[i+3] = quat.w; } // TODO missing interpolation mode. Assuming always linear return new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack( this.boneMap.nameMap[ boneName ] + ".quaternion", srcTrack.times, trgValues ); } /** * NOT IMPLEMENTEED * assumes srcTrack IS a scale track (VectorKeyframeTrack) with the proper values array and name (boneName.scale) * @param {THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack} srcTrack * @returns {THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack} */ retargetScaleTrack( srcTrack ){ let boneName = srcTrack.name.slice(0, srcTrack.name.length - 6 ); // remove the ".scale" let boneIndex = findIndexOfBoneByName( this.srcSkeleton, boneName ); if ( boneIndex < 0 || this.boneMap.idxMap[ boneIndex ] < 0 ){ return null; } // TODO // TODO missing interpolation mode. Assuming always linear. Also check if arrays are copied or referenced return new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack( this.boneMap.nameMap[ boneName ] + ".scale", srcTrack.times, srcTrack.values ); } /** * Given a clip, all tracks with a mapped bone are retargeted. * Currently only quaternions are retargeted * @param {THREE.AnimationClip} anim * @returns {THREE.AnimationClip} */ retargetAnimation( anim ){ let trgTracks = []; let srcTracks = anim.tracks; for( let i = 0; i < srcTracks.length; ++i ){ let t = srcTracks[i]; let newTrack = null; if ( t.name.endsWith( ".position" ) && t.name.includes(this.srcSkeleton.bones[0].name) ){ newTrack = this.retargetPositionTrack( t ); } // ignore for now else if ( t.name.endsWith( ".quaternion" ) ){ newTrack = this.retargetQuaternionTrack( t ); } else if ( t.name.endsWith( ".scale" ) ){ newTrack = this.retargetScaleTrack( t ); } // ignore for now if ( newTrack ){ trgTracks.push( newTrack ); } } // negative duration: automatically computes proper duration of animation based on tracks return new THREE.AnimationClip( anim.name, -1, trgTracks, anim.blendMode ); }}// ---- HELPERS ----// should be moved into a "utils" file // O(n)function findIndexOfBone( skeleton, bone ){ if ( !bone ){ return -1;} let b = skeleton.bones; for( let i = 0; i < b.length; ++i ){ if ( b[i] == bone ){ return i; } } return -1;}// O(nm)function findIndexOfBoneByName( skeleton, name ){ if ( !name ){ return -1; } let b = skeleton.bones; for( let i = 0; i < b.length; ++i ){ if ( b[i].name == name ){ return i; } } return -1;}// sets bind quaternions only. Warning: Not the best function to call every frame.function forceBindPoseQuats( skeleton, skipRoot = false ){ let bones = skeleton.bones; let inverses = skeleton.boneInverses; if ( inverses.length < 1 ){ return; } let boneMat = inverses[0].clone(); let _ignoreVec3 = new THREE.Vector3(); for( let i = 0; i < bones.length; ++i ){ boneMat.copy( inverses[i] ); // World to Local boneMat.invert(); // Local to World // get only the local matrix of the bone (root should not need any change) let parentIdx = findIndexOfBone( skeleton, bones[i].parent ); if ( parentIdx > -1 ){ boneMat.premultiply( inverses[ parentIdx ] ); } else{ if ( skipRoot ){ continue; } } boneMat.decompose( _ignoreVec3, bones[i].quaternion, _ignoreVec3 ); // bones[i].quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix( boneMat ); bones[i].quaternion.normalize(); }}/** * Apply a T-pose shape to the passed skeleton. * @param {THREE.Skeleton} skeleton * @param {Object} map */function applyTPose(skeleton, map) { if(!map) { map = computeAutoBoneMap(skeleton); map = map.nameMap; } else { if(Object.values(map).every(value => value === null)) { map = computeAutoBoneMap(skeleton); map = map.nameMap; } } let resultSkeleton = skeleton; // Check if spine is extended let spineBase = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.BelowStomach); // spine let spineChild = spineBase.children[0]; let spineParent = spineBase; let parent = spineParent.parent; while(parent && parent.isBone) { let pos = spineParent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); let parentPos = parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // Compute direction (parent-to-child) let dir = new THREE.Vector3(); dir.subVectors(pos, parentPos).normalize(); alignBoneToAxis(spineParent, dir); spineChild = spineChild.parent; spineParent = spineParent.parent; parent = spineParent.parent; } //------------------------------------ LOOK AT Z-AXIS ------------------------------------// // Check if the resultSkeleton is oriented in the +Z using the plane formed by left up and the hips let leftBaseLeg = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.LUpLeg); // left up leg if(!leftBaseLeg) { return skeleton; } let hips = leftBaseLeg.parent; // hips if(!hips) { return skeleton; } let leftBaseLegPos = leftBaseLeg.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); let hipsPos = hips.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // new THREE.Vector3().setFromMatrixPosition(hips.matrixWorld); // BEST PERFORMANCE // Compute up leg direciton let lefLegDir = new THREE.Vector3(); lefLegDir.subVectors(leftBaseLegPos, hipsPos).normalize(); spineBase = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.BelowStomach); // spine const spineBasePos = spineBase.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // Compute spine direction let spineDir = new THREE.Vector3(); let spineDirO = new THREE.Vector3(); spineDirO.subVectors(spineBasePos, hipsPos); spineDir.subVectors(spineBasePos, hipsPos).normalize(); // Compute perpendicular axis between left up and hips-spine let axis = new THREE.Vector3(); axis.crossVectors(lefLegDir, spineDir).normalize(); let zAxis = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1); // Compute angle (rad) between perpendicular axis and z-axis let angle = (zAxis).angleTo(axis); if(Math.abs(angle) > 0.001) { let rot = new THREE.Quaternion();//.setFromAxisAngle(yAxis, -angle); // Get spine bone global rotation let hipsRot = hips.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()); // Apply computed rotation to the spine bone global rotation rot = rot.setFromUnitVectors(axis, zAxis) spineDirO.applyQuaternion(rot); hipsRot = hipsRot.premultiply(rot); if (hips.parent) { let parent = hips.parent; let hipsParentRot = parent.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()); // Convert new spine bone global rotation to local rotation and set to the bone hips.quaternion.copy(hipsRot.premultiply(hipsParentRot.invert())); // let hipsParentPos = parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // hips.position.copy(spineDirO.sub(hipsParentPos)); } else { hips.quaternion.copy(hipsRot); hips.position.copy(spineDirO); } // Update bone matrix and children matrices hips.updateMatrix(); hips.updateMatrixWorld(true, true); } // Check if spine follows +Y axis spineBase = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.BelowStomach); // spine let yAxis = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0); alignBoneToAxis(hips, yAxis, spineBase); //------------------------------------ LEGS ALIGNED TO Y-AXIS ------------------------------------// // Check if left leg is extended let leftLegEnd = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.LFoot); // foot if(!leftLegEnd) { return skeleton; } let leftLegBase = leftLegEnd.parent; // knee parent = leftLegBase.parent; // up-leg let leftLegBasePos = leftLegBase.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); let parentPos = parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // Compute up leg direction (up-leg-to-knee) let leftLegBaseDir = new THREE.Vector3(); leftLegBaseDir.subVectors(leftLegBasePos, parentPos).normalize(); alignBoneToAxis(leftLegBase, leftLegBaseDir); // Check if left leg follow the -Y axis yAxis = new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0); leftLegEnd = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.LFoot); leftLegBase = leftLegEnd.parent; alignBoneToAxis(parent, yAxis); // Compute perpendicular axis between left leg and left foot leftLegBasePos = leftLegEnd.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); let child = leftLegEnd.children[0].children[0]; let childPos = child.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // Compute leg direction (foot-to-footend) leftLegBaseDir.subVectors(childPos, leftLegBasePos).normalize(); axis.crossVectors(leftLegBaseDir, yAxis).normalize(); var xAxis = new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0); // Compute angle (rad) between perpendicular axis and x-axis angle = (xAxis).angleTo(axis); if(Math.abs(angle) > 0.001) { let rot = new THREE.Quaternion();//.setFromAxisAngle(yAxis, -angle); // Get foot bone global rotation let footRot = leftLegEnd.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()); // Apply computed rotation to the foot bone global rotation rot = rot.setFromUnitVectors(axis, xAxis) leftLegBaseDir.applyQuaternion(rot); footRot.premultiply(rot); if (leftLegEnd.parent) { let parent = leftLegEnd.parent; let footParentRot = parent.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()); // Convert new spine bone global rotation to local rotation and set to the bone leftLegEnd.quaternion.copy(footRot.premultiply(footParentRot.invert())); } else { leftLegEnd.quaternion.copy(footRot); } // Update bone matrix and children matrices leftLegEnd.updateMatrix(); leftLegEnd.updateMatrixWorld(true, true); } // Check if right leg is extended let rightLegEnd = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.RFoot); // foot if(!rightLegEnd) { return skeleton; } let rightLegBase = rightLegEnd.parent; // knee parent = rightLegBase.parent; // up-leg let rightLegBasePos = rightLegBase.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); parentPos = parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // Compute up leg direction (up-leg-to-knee) let rightLegBaseDir = new THREE.Vector3(); rightLegBaseDir.subVectors(rightLegBasePos, parentPos).normalize(); alignBoneToAxis(rightLegBase, rightLegBaseDir); // Check if right leg follow the -Y axis rightLegEnd = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.RFoot); rightLegBase = rightLegEnd.parent; alignBoneToAxis(parent, yAxis); // child = rightLegEnd; // parent = rightLegBase; // while(child && child.isBone && child.children.length) { // let pos = parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // let parentPos = parent.parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // // Compute direction (parent-to-child) // let dir = new THREE.Vector3(); // dir.subVectors(pos, parentPos).normalize(); // this.alignBoneToAxis(child, dir); // parent = child; // child = child.children[0]; // } // Compute perpendicular axis between right leg and right foot rightLegBasePos = rightLegEnd.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); child = rightLegEnd.children[0].children[0]; childPos = child.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // Compute leg direction (foot-to-footend) rightLegBaseDir.subVectors(childPos, rightLegBasePos).normalize(); axis.crossVectors(rightLegBaseDir, yAxis).normalize(); xAxis = new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0); // Compute angle (rad) between perpendicular axis and x-axis angle = (xAxis).angleTo(axis); if(Math.abs(angle) > 0.001) { let rot = new THREE.Quaternion();//.setFromAxisAngle(yAxis, -angle); // Get foot bone global rotation let footRot = rightLegEnd.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()); // Apply computed rotation to the foot bone global rotation rot = rot.setFromUnitVectors(axis, xAxis) rightLegBaseDir.applyQuaternion(rot); footRot.premultiply(rot); if (rightLegEnd.parent) { let parent = rightLegEnd.parent; let footParentRot = parent.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()); // Convert new spine bone global rotation to local rotation and set to the bone rightLegEnd.quaternion.copy(footRot.premultiply(footParentRot.invert())); } else { rightLegEnd.quaternion.copy(footRot); } // Update bone matrix and children matrices rightLegEnd.updateMatrix(); rightLegEnd.updateMatrixWorld(true, true); } //------------------------------------ ARMS COMPLETLY EXTENDED AND ALIGNED TO X-AXIS ------------------------------------// //LEFT // Check if left arm follow the +X axis let lArm = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.LArm).parent; var xAxis = new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0); alignBoneToAxis(lArm, xAxis); // Check if left arm is extended let leftEnd = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.LWrist); // hand let leftBase = leftEnd.parent; parent = leftBase.parent; let spine = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.ShouldersUnion); while(parent != spine) { let pos = leftBase.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); let parentPos = parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // Compute direction (parent-to-child) let dir = new THREE.Vector3(); dir.subVectors(pos, parentPos).normalize(); alignBoneToAxis(leftBase, dir); leftEnd = leftEnd.parent; leftBase = leftBase.parent; parent = leftBase.parent; } leftEnd = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.LWrist); const innerLoop = (parent) => { child = parent.children[0]; while(parent.children.length) { let pos = child.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); let parentPos = parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); alignBoneToAxis(parent, xAxis); parent = child; child = parent.children[0]; } } for(let i = 0; i < leftEnd.children.length; i++) { innerLoop(leftEnd.children[i]); } //RIGHT // Check if right arm follow the -X axis let rArm = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.RArm).parent; var xAxis = new THREE.Vector3(-1, 0, 0); alignBoneToAxis(rArm, xAxis); // Check if right arm is extended let rightEnd = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.RWrist); // hand let rightBase = rightEnd.parent; parent = rightBase.parent; spine = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.ShouldersUnion); while(parent != spine) { let pos = rightBase.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); let parentPos = parent.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // Compute direction (parent-to-child) let dir = new THREE.Vector3(); dir.subVectors(pos, parentPos).normalize(); alignBoneToAxis(rightBase, dir); rightEnd = rightEnd.parent; rightBase = rightBase.parent; parent = rightBase.parent; } rightEnd = resultSkeleton.getBoneByName(map.RWrist); for(let i = 0; i < rightEnd.children.length; i++) { innerLoop(rightEnd.children[i]); } // resultSkeleton.calculateInverses(); resultSkeleton.update(); return {skeleton: resultSkeleton, map};}/** * Rotate the given bone in order to be aligned with the specified axis * @param {THREE.Bone} bone * @param {THREE.Vector3} axis */function alignBoneToAxis(bone, axis, child) { bone.updateMatrixWorld(true, true); // Get global positions const bonePos = bone.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); const childPos = child ? child.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()) : bone.children[0].getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3()); // Compute the unitary direction of the bone from its position and its child position let dir = new THREE.Vector3(); dir.subVectors(childPos, bonePos).normalize(); // Compute angle (rad) between the bone direction and the axis let angle = (dir).angleTo(axis); if(Math.abs(angle) > 0.001) { // Compute the perpendicular unitary axis between the directions let perpVector = new THREE.Vector3(); perpVector.crossVectors(axis, dir).normalize(); let rot = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromAxisAngle(perpVector, -angle); // Get bone global rotation let boneRot = bone.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()); // Apply computed rotation to the bone global rotation boneRot = boneRot.premultiply(rot); if (bone.parent) { let parent = bone.parent; let boneParentRot = parent.getWorldQuaternion(new THREE.Quaternion()); // Convert new bone global rotation to local rotation and set to the it bone.quaternion.copy(boneRot.premultiply(boneParentRot.invert())); // Update bone matrix and children matrices } else { bone.quaternion.copy(boneRot); } bone.updateMatrix(); bone.updateMatrixWorld(false, true); }} /** * Maps automatically bones from the skeleton to an auxiliar map. * Given a null bonemap, an automap is performed * @param {THREE.Skeleton} srcSkeleton * @returns {object} { idxMap: [], nameMape: {} } */function computeAutoBoneMap( skeleton ){ const auxBoneMap = Object.keys(AnimationRetargeting.boneMap); let bones = skeleton.bones; let result = { idxMap: new Int16Array( auxBoneMap.length ), nameMap: {} }; result.idxMap.fill( -1 ); // default to no map; // automap for(let i = 0; i < auxBoneMap.length; i++) { const auxName = auxBoneMap[i]; for( let j = 0; j < bones.length; ++j ){ let name = bones[j].name; if ( typeof( name ) !== "string" ){ continue; } name = name.toLowerCase().replace( "mixamorig", "" ).replace( /[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'"<>\{\}\\\/]/gi, "" ); if ( name.length < 1 ){ continue; } if(name.toLowerCase().includes(auxName.toLocaleLowerCase()) || name.toLowerCase().includes(AnimationRetargeting.boneMap[auxName].toLocaleLowerCase())) { result.nameMap[auxName] = bones[j].name; result.idxMap[i] = j; break; } } } return result;}
class KeyframeApp { constructor() { this.elapsedTime = 0; // clock is ok but might need more time control to dinamicaly change signing speed this.clock = new THREE.Clock(); this.GLTFLoader = new GLTFLoader(); this.FBXLoader = new FBXLoader(); this.BVHLoader = new BVHLoader(); this.currentCharacter = ""; this.loadedCharacters = {}; // store avatar loadedCharacters this.currentAnimation = ""; this.loadedAnimations = {}; this.bindedAnimations = {}; this.mixer = null; this.playing = false; this.speed = 1.0; this.blendTime = 1.0; this.useCrossFade = false; // For retargeting this.srcPoseMode = AnimationRetargeting.BindPoseModes.DEFAULT; this.trgPoseMode = AnimationRetargeting.BindPoseModes.DEFAULT; this.srcEmbedWorldTransforms = false; this.trgEmbedWorldTransforms = true; } update( deltaTime ) { deltaTime*= this.speed; this.elapsedTime += deltaTime; if (this.playing && this.mixer) { this.mixer.update( deltaTime ); } } changePlayState(state = !this.playing) {https://webglstudio.org/users/evalls/performs/demo/?avatar=https://models.readyplayer.me/66e30a18eca8fb70dcadde68.glb this.playing = state; if(this.playing && this.mixer) { this.mixer.setTime(0); } } onLoadAvatar(character){ // Create mixer for animation const mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(character.model); this.currentCharacter = character.model.name; this.loadedCharacters[character.model.name] = character; this.loadedCharacters[character.model.name].mixer = mixer; this.mixer = mixer; } onChangeAvatar(avatarName) { if (!this.loadedCharacters[avatarName]) { return false; } this.currentCharacter = avatarName; this.changePlayState(this.playing); this.mixer = this.loadedCharacters[avatarName].mixer; this.onChangeAnimation(this.currentAnimation, true); const LToePos = this.loadedCharacters[avatarName].skeleton.getBoneByName(this.loadedCharacters[avatarName].LToeName).getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3); const RToePos = this.loadedCharacters[avatarName].skeleton.getBoneByName(this.loadedCharacters[avatarName].RToeName).getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3); let diff = this.loadedCharacters[avatarName].LToePos.y - LToePos.y; this.loadedCharacters[avatarName].model.position.y = this.loadedCharacters[avatarName].position.y - this.loadedCharacters[avatarName].diffToGround + diff; return true; } onChangeAnimation(animationName, needsUpdate) { if(!animationName || !this.loadedAnimations[animationName]) { console.warn(animationName + 'not found'); return; } const currentCharacter = this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter]; currentCharacter.model.position.y = this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter].position.y; currentCharacter.rotation = currentCharacter.model.quaternion.clone(); currentCharacter.scale = currentCharacter.model.scale.clone(); // currentCharacter.model.position.set(0,0,0); currentCharacter.model.quaternion.set(0,0,0,1); currentCharacter.model.scale.set(1,1,1); let bindedAnim = null; if(needsUpdate) { for(let animation in this.loadedAnimations) { this.bindAnimationToCharacter(animation, this.currentCharacter, true); } bindedAnim = this.bindedAnimations[animationName][this.currentCharacter]; // Remove current animation clip this.mixer.stopAllAction(); while(this.mixer._actions.length){ this.mixer.uncacheClip(this.mixer._actions[0]._clip); // removes action } this.mixer.clipAction(bindedAnim.mixerBodyAnimation).setEffectiveWeight(1.0).play(); this.currentAnimation = animationName; } //this.bindAnimationToCharacter(this.currentAnimation, this.currentCharacter); else { bindedAnim = this.bindedAnimations[animationName][this.currentCharacter]; if(this.mixer._actions.length && this.useCrossFade) { let action = this.mixer.clipAction(bindedAnim.mixerBodyAnimation); action.setEffectiveWeight(1.0); action.play(); for(let i = 0; i < this.mixer._actions.length; i++) { if(this.mixer._actions[i]._clip == this.bindedAnimations[this.currentAnimation][this.currentCharacter].mixerBodyAnimation) { this.prepareCrossFade( this.mixer._actions[i], action, this.blendTime ); this.currentAnimation = animationName; break; } } } else { while(this.mixer._actions.length){ this.mixer.uncacheClip(this.mixer._actions[0]._clip); // removes action } this.mixer.clipAction(bindedAnim.mixerBodyAnimation).setEffectiveWeight(1.0).play(); this.currentAnimation = animationName; } } this.mixer.update(0.1); this.mixer.update(0); const LToePos = this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter].model.getObjectByName(this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter].LToeName).getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3); const RToePos = this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter].model.getObjectByName(this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter].RToeName).getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3); let diff = this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter].LToePos.y - LToePos.y; this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter].model.position.y = this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter].position.y - this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter].diffToGround + diff; // let pos = currentCharacter.model.position.clone(); // currentCharacter.model.position.set(0,0,0); currentCharacter.model.quaternion.copy(currentCharacter.rotation); currentCharacter.model.scale.copy(currentCharacter.scale); } prepareCrossFade( startAction, endAction, duration ) { // Switch default / custom crossfade duration (according to the user's choice) this.unPauseAllActions(startAction); // Wait until the current action has finished its current loop this.synchronizeCrossFade( startAction, endAction, duration ); } synchronizeCrossFade( startAction, endAction, duration ) { const onLoopFinished = ( event ) => { if ( event.action === startAction ) { this.mixer.removeEventListener( 'loop', onLoopFinished ); this.executeCrossFade( startAction, endAction, duration ); } } this.mixer.addEventListener( 'loop', onLoopFinished ); } executeCrossFade( startAction, endAction, duration ) { // Not only the start action, but also the end action must get a weight of 1 before fading // (concerning the start action this is already guaranteed in this place) endAction.enabled = true; endAction.setEffectiveTimeScale( 1 ); endAction.setEffectiveWeight( 1 ); endAction.time = 0; // Crossfade with warping - you can also try without warping by setting the third parameter to false startAction.crossFadeTo( endAction, duration, true ); } unPauseAllActions(skipAction) { this.mixer._actions.forEach( ( action ) => { if(action != skipAction) { action.enabled = false; } } ); } onMessage( data, callback ) { this.processMessageFiles(data.data).then( (processedAnimationNames) => { if( processedAnimationNames) { for(let i = 0; i < processedAnimationNames.length; i++) { this.bindAnimationToCharacter(processedAnimationNames[i], this.currentCharacter); } this.currentAnimation = processedAnimationNames[0]; } if(callback) { callback(processedAnimationNames); } //this.gui.animationDialog.refresh(); }); } /* * Given an array of animations of type { name: "", data: "" } where "data" is Blob of text/plain type * */ async processMessageFiles( files = []) { let parsedFiles = {}; let promises = []; let loader = null; let type = 'bvh'; for(let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { const file = files[i]; const extension = file.name.substr(file.name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);; if(extension == 'bvh' || extension == 'bvhe') { loader = this.BVHLoader; type = 'bvh'; } else if(extension == 'fbx') { loader = this.FBXLoader; type = 'fbx'; } else { loader = this.GLTFLoader; type = 'glb'; } let filePromise = null; if(type == 'bvh') { filePromise = new Promise(resolve => { const loadData = (dataFile) => { let data = this.BVHLoader.parseExtended(dataFile); let name = file.name; if(this.loadedAnimations[name]) { let filename = file.name.split("."); filename.pop(); filename.join('.'); name = name + "_"+ filename; } this.loadBVHAnimation( name, data ); resolve( name ); // this is what is returned by promise.all.then } const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => { loadData(reader.result); } let data = file.data ?? file; if(file.constructor.name == File.name || file.data && typeof(file.data) == 'object') { reader.readAsText(data); } else if(file.data && typeof(file.data) == 'string') { loadData(file.data); } else { fetch(file.name || file) .then( (response) => { if (response.ok) { response.text().then( (text) => { loadData(text) }); } else { console.log("Not found"); } }) .catch(function (error) { console.log("Error:" + error.message); }); } }); } else { filePromise = new Promise(resolve => { const loadData = (dataFile) => { loader.load( dataFile, (glb) => { let skeleton = null; let model = glb.scene ? glb.scene : glb; model.traverse( o => { if ( o.skeleton ){ skeleton = o.skeleton; return; } } ); let animationsNames = []; if ( skeleton ){ let model = skeleton.bones[0]; while(model.parent && model.parent.type != "Scene") { model = model.parent; } model.skeleton = skeleton; } else if ( this.loadedAnimations[this.currentAnimation] ){ skeleton = this.loadedAnimations[this.currentAnimation].skeleton; } else{ resolve( animationsNames ); // this is what is returned by promise.all.then return; } for(let i = 0; i < glb.animations.length; i++) { let name = glb.animations[i].name; if(this.loadedAnimations[name]) { let filename = file.name.split("."); filename.pop(); filename.join('.'); name = name + "_"+ filename; } this.loadGLTFAnimation(name, glb.animations[i], skeleton); animationsNames.push(name); } resolve( animationsNames ); // this is what is returned by promise.all.then }); } let data = file.data ?? file; if(file.constructor.name != File.name) { loadData(file.name || file); } else { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => { loadData(reader.result); } reader.readAsDataURL(data); } }); } promises.push(filePromise); } return Promise.all(promises); } loadFiles( files, callback ) { this.processMessageFiles(files).then((data) => { if(data[0].length) { let animation = typeof(data[0]) == 'string' ? data[0] : data[0][0]; this.currentAnimation = animation; if(callback) { callback(animation); } } else { if(callback) { callback(); } } }); } // load animation from bvhe file loadBVHAnimation(name, animationData) { // TO DO: Refactor params of loadAnimation...() let skeleton = null; let bodyAnimation = null; let faceAnimation = null; if ( animationData && animationData.skeletonAnim ){ skeleton = animationData.skeletonAnim.skeleton; if(!skeleton) { return; } skeleton.bones.forEach( b => { b.name = b.name.replace( /[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'"<>\{\}\\\/]/gi, "") } ); // loader does not correctly compute the skeleton boneInverses and matrixWorld skeleton.bones[0].updateWorldMatrix( false, true ); // assume 0 is root skeleton = new THREE.Skeleton( skeleton.bones ); // will automatically compute boneInverses animationData.skeletonAnim.clip.tracks.forEach( b => { b.name = b.name.replace( /[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'"<>\{\}\\\/]/gi, "") } ); animationData.skeletonAnim.clip.name = "bodyAnimation"; bodyAnimation = animationData.skeletonAnim.clip; } if ( animationData && animationData.blendshapesAnim ){ animationData.blendshapesAnim.clip.name = "faceAnimation"; faceAnimation = animationData.blendshapesAnim.clip; } this.loadedAnimations[name] = { name: name, bodyAnimation: bodyAnimation ?? new THREE.AnimationClip( "bodyAnimation", -1, [] ), faceAnimation: faceAnimation ?? new THREE.AnimationClip( "faceAnimation", -1, [] ), skeleton, type: "bvhe" }; this.bindAnimationToCharacter(name, this.currentCharacter); } loadGLTFAnimation(name, animationData, skeleton) { this.loadedAnimations[name] = { name: name, bodyAnimation: animationData ?? new THREE.AnimationClip( "bodyAnimation", -1, [] ), skeleton, type: "glb" }; this.bindAnimationToCharacter(name, this.currentCharacter); } /** * KeyframeEditor: fetches a loaded animation and applies it to the character. The first time an animation is binded, it is processed and saved. Afterwards, this functino just changes between existing animations * @param {String} animationName * @param {String} characterName */ bindAnimationToCharacter(animationName, characterName, force) { let animation = this.loadedAnimations[animationName]; if(!animation) { console.warn(animationName + " not found"); return false; } let currentCharacter = this.loadedCharacters[characterName]; if(!currentCharacter) { console.warn(characterName + ' not loaded') } let mixer = currentCharacter.mixer; this.mixer = mixer; let bindedAnim = null; // if not yet binded, create it. Otherwise just change to the existing animation if ( !this.bindedAnimations[animationName] || !this.bindedAnimations[animationName][characterName] || force) { let srcPoseMode = this.srcPoseMode; let trgPoseMode = this.trgPoseMode; if(this.trgPoseMode != AnimationRetargeting.BindPoseModes.CURRENT && this.trgPoseMode != AnimationRetargeting.BindPoseModes.DEFAULT) { currentCharacter.skeleton.pose(); const skeleton = applyTPose(currentCharacter.skeleton).skeleton; if(skeleton) { currentCharacter.skeleton = skeleton; trgPoseMode = AnimationRetargeting.BindPoseModes.CURRENT; } else { console.warn("T-pose can't be applyied to the TARGET. Automap falied.") } } else { currentCharacter.skeleton.pose(); // for some reason, mixer.stopAllAction makes bone.position and bone.quaternions undefined. Ensure they have some values } let bodyAnimation = animation.bodyAnimation; if(bodyAnimation) { let tracks = []; const otherTracks = []; // blendshapes // Remove position changes (only keep i == 0, hips) for (let i = 0; i < bodyAnimation.tracks.length; i++) { if(bodyAnimation.tracks[i].constructor.name == THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack.name ) { otherTracks.push(bodyAnimation.tracks[i]); continue; } if(i && bodyAnimation.tracks[i].name.includes('position')) { continue; } tracks.push(bodyAnimation.tracks[i]); tracks[tracks.length - 1].name = tracks[tracks.length - 1].name.replace(".bones", "");//tracks[tracks.length - 1].name.replace( /[\[\]`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'"<>\{\}\\\/]/gi, "").replace(".bones", ""); } //tracks.forEach( b => { b.name = b.name.replace( /[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'"<>\{\}\\\/]/gi, "") } ); bodyAnimation.tracks = tracks; if(this.srcPoseMode != AnimationRetargeting.BindPoseModes.CURRENT && this.srcPoseMode != AnimationRetargeting.BindPoseModes.DEFAULT) { animation.skeleton.pose(); const skeleton = applyTPose(animation.skeleton).skeleton; if(skeleton) { animation.skeleton = skeleton; srcPoseMode = AnimationRetargeting.BindPoseModes.CURRENT; } else { console.warn("T-pose can't be applyied to the SOURCE. Automap falied.") } } let retargeting = new AnimationRetargeting(animation.skeleton, currentCharacter.model, { srcEmbedWorldTransforms: this.srcEmbedWorldTransforms, trgEmbedWorldTransforms: this.trgEmbedWorldTransforms, srcPoseMode, trgPoseMode } ); // TO DO: change trgUseCurrentPose param bodyAnimation = retargeting.retargetAnimation(bodyAnimation); this.validateAnimationClip(bodyAnimation); bodyAnimation.tracks = bodyAnimation.tracks.concat(otherTracks); this.loadedAnimations[animationName].bodyAnimation.tracks = this.loadedAnimations[animationName].bodyAnimation.tracks.concat(otherTracks); bodyAnimation.name = "bodyAnimation"; // mixer } let faceAnimation = animation.faceAnimation; if(!this.bindedAnimations[animationName]) { this.bindedAnimations[animationName] = {}; } this.bindedAnimations[animationName][this.currentCharacter] = { mixerBodyAnimation: bodyAnimation, mixerFaceAnimation: faceAnimation, // for threejs mixer } // bindedAnim = this.bindedAnimations[animationName][this.currentCharacter]; // // Remove current animation clip // mixer.stopAllAction(); // while(mixer._actions.length){ // mixer.uncacheClip(mixer._actions[0]._clip); // removes action // } // mixer.clipAction(bindedAnim.mixerBodyAnimation).setEffectiveWeight(1.0).play(); // mixer.update(0); } else { // bindedAnim = this.bindedAnimations[animationName][this.currentCharacter]; // if(mixer._actions.length && mixer._actions[0]._clip != bindedAnim.mixerBodyAnimation) { // mixer.clipAction(bindedAnim.mixerBodyAnimation).play(); // for(let i = 0; i < mixer._actions.length; i++) { // if(mixer._actions[i]._clip == this.bindedAnimations[this.currentAnimation][this.currentCharacter]) { // mixer._actions[i].crossFadeTo(mixer.clipAction(bindedAnim.mixerBodyAnimation), 0.25); // } // } // } // else { // // if(!(mixer._actions.length && mixer._actions[0].name == animationName)) { // // } // mixer.clipAction(bindedAnim.mixerBodyAnimation).setEffectiveWeight(1.0).play(); // mixer.update(0); // } } // this.duration = bindedAnim.mixerBodyAnimation.duration; return true; } /** Validate body animation clip created using ML */ validateAnimationClip(clip) { let newTracks = []; let tracks = clip.tracks; let bones = this.loadedCharacters[this.currentCharacter].skeleton.bones; let bonesNames = []; tracks.map((v) => { bonesNames.push(v.name.split(".")[0])}); for(let i = 0; i < bones.length; i++) { let name = bones[i].name; if(bonesNames.indexOf( name ) > -1) continue; let times = [0]; let values = [bones[i].quaternion.x, bones[i].quaternion.y, bones[i].quaternion.z, bones[i].quaternion.w]; let track = new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack(name + '.quaternion', times, values); newTracks.push(track); } clip.tracks = clip.tracks.concat(newTracks); } }
export { BVHLoader, AnimationRetargeting, findIndexOfBone, findIndexOfBoneByName, forceBindPoseQuats, applyTPose, computeAutoBoneMap, KeyframeApp}