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File metadata and controls

210 lines (176 loc) · 11.7 KB

Integration Guide

Available options

Name Type Description
avatar String Character file URL
config String Configuration file URL
position String Character world position
rotation String Character world rotation (quaternion)
scale Integer Character world scale
cloth String Top cloth color value
color String Background color
background String open, studio or photocall. Use open as default
img String Image file URL for photocall
offset Float [0, 1]. Space between images in the photocall
light String Light color
lightpos String Direct light position
restrictView Boolean Restrict camera controls
controls Boolean Show GUI controls
autoplay Boolean "Automatically play the animation after loading
applyIdle Boolean Play idle animation for Script mode
srcEmbeddedTransforms Boolean External (parent) transforms are computed and embedded into the root joint of source skeleton animation for retargeting
trgEmbeddedTransforms Boolean External (parent) transforms are computed and embedded into the root joint of target skeleton for retargeting
srcReferencePose Integer [0, 1, 2] Pose of the source skeleton that will be used as the bind pose for the retargeting
trgReferencePose Integer [0, 1, 2] Pose of the target skeleton that will be used as the bind pose for the retargeting
animations Array Array of objects with animations' information (Keyframe mode)
crossfade Boolean Concatenate multiple keyframe animations and apply blending between them
blendTime Float Time inverval between animations when crossfade is true
scripts Array Array of objects with scripts' information or instructions (Script mode)
onReady Function Callback function triggered after animations/scripts are loaded

Expected values


URL of a glTF file. Supported extensions are glb and gltf.

Expected values (String)
  • ../3Dcharacters/ReadyEva/ReadyEva.glb - Relative URL.
  • - Get Ready Player Me avatar in T-pose with ARKit morph targets. It can be also an own hosted file.


Without any of the optional parameters, the avatar is returned based on default values.

config (String)

URL of a JSON file with the configuration provided by performs-atelier.

Expected values
  • ../3Dcharacters/ReadyEva/ReadyEva.json - Relative URL.


Without a config file, the Script Mode doesn't work. The default avatars have already had it.

position (String)

Control the character position in world space.

Expected values
  • 1,1.5,5 - x,y,z.

rotation (String)

Control the character rotation with quaternion in world space.

Expected values
  • 0.707,0.0,0.0,0.707 - x,y,z,w.

scale (Integer)

Apply an scale to the character.

Expected values
  • min: 0


Use a decimal point as the seperator.

cloth (String)

Control the top cloth color by multipling it by the given color.

Expected values
  • rgb(255,255,255) - RGB color.
  • 0xffffff - Hexadecimal color.
  • hsl(0,100%,50%) - HSL color.
  • skyblue - X11 color name.

color (String)

Control the background color.

Expected values
  • rgb(255,255,255) - RGB color.
  • 0xffffff - Hexadecimal color.
  • hsl(0,100%,50%) - HSL color.
  • skyblue - X11 color name.

background (String)

Specify which background preset to display.

Expected values
  • open - Open space. No walls, only transparent floot. This is the default background.
  • studio - Backdrop like chroma.
  • photocall - Like studio background, but featuring a repeated logo or image. The logo can be customized using the img parameter.

img (String)

Specify the image or logo to be used on the photocall wall. If this is set, the default background will be the photocall design. Supported formats are jpg, jpeg and png.

Expected values
  • ../data/imgs/performs2.png - Relative URL

offset (Float)

Defines the spacing between the repeated logo or image in the photocall background. Default offset is 0.0.

Expected values
  • min: 0
  • max: 1


Use a decimal point as the seperator.

light (String)

Control the direct light color.

Expected values
  • rgb(255,255,255) - RGB color.
  • 0xffffff - Hexadecimal color.
  • hsl(0,100%,50%) - HSL color.
  • skyblue - X11 color name.

lightpos (String)

Control the direct light position in world space.

Expected values
  • 1,1.5,5 - x,y,z.

restrictView (Boolean)

Restrict user camera controls.

Expected values
  • true - Restrict view: panning is disabled, and camera orbit and dolly in/out are limited (default).
  • false - Free controls: allows for damping, orbiting, zooming, and panning of the camera.

controls (Boolean)

Toogle GUI controls visibility.

Expected values
  • true - Show GUI (default).
  • false - Hide GUI.

autoplay (Boolean)

"Automatically play the animation after loading

Expected values
  • true - Play last loaded animation.
  • false - Manually play animations.

applyIdle (Boolean)

Play Idle animation as a base for Script animation mode.

Expected values
  • true - Play idle animation.
  • false - Not play idle animation (default).

srcEmbeddedTransforms (Boolean)

Toogle (parent) transforms computations and embedding into the root joint of source skeleton animation for retargeting in Keyframe mode.

Expected values
  • true - Takes into account the transforms from the actual bone parent (world transforms)
  • false - Takes into account the transforms from the actual bone objects (local transforms).

trgEmbeddedTransforms (Boolean)

Toogle (parent) transforms computations and embedding into the root joint of target skeleton for retargeting in Keyframe mode.

Expected values
  • true - Takes into account the transforms from the actual bone parent (world transforms)
  • false - Takes into account the transforms from the actual bone objects (local transforms).

srcReferencePose (Number)

Pose of the source skeleton that will be used as the reference pose for the retargeting in Keyframe mode.

Expected values
  • 0 - [Default] Skeleton's actual bind pose. (default)
  • 1 - [Current] Skeleton's current pose.
  • 2 - [Tpose] Computes a Tpose from the skeleton's actual bind pose.

trgReferencePose (Number)

Pose of the target skeleton that will be used as the reference pose for the retargeting in Keyframe mode.

Expected values
  • 0 - [Default] Skeleton's actual bind pose. (default)
  • 1 - [Current] Skeleton's current pose.
  • 2 - [Tpose] Computes a Tpose from the skeleton's actual bind pose.

animations (Array of objects)

Array of data with keyframe animations' information. [{name: "", data: ""}]

Expected values

Object data:

  • name: './data/animations/myAnimation.glb'
  • data: {} - Optional. Parsed data as an Object. Only glTF, BVH and FBX formats are supported.

crossfade (Boolean)

Concatenate multiple keyframe animations and apply blending between them.

Expected values
  • true - Wait until animation finishes and blend to the next one when selected
  • false - Overwrite the current animation with the new selected animation (default)

blendTime (Float)

Animation blending duration time.

Expected values

-- min: 0


Use a decimal point as the seperator.

scripts (Array of objects)

Array of data with script animations' information. [{type: "", name: "", data: ""}]

Expected values
  • type: 'sigml' or bml
  • name: './data/animations/myAnimation.sigml or './data/animations/myAnimation.bml - File URL
  • data: { behaviours: [{ type: "faceLexeme", start: 4, attackPeak: 0.6, relax: 1.5, end: 1.8, amount: 1, lexeme: "ARCH" }] } - Optional. Array of BML or SiGML Instructions