Changes in this release
- Added support for injecting Matomo snippets via ngx_http_sub_module. @thom8 (#96)
- Allow crond to use a non-root working directory @smlx (#91)
- Add configuration option to enable the nginx rewrite_log. @nicksantamaria (#92)
- Adding mongodb-tools package to php-cli @cdchris12 (#94)
- Exclude ELK updates from 7.11 onwards @tobybellwood (#105)
- Componentes Update 2021-02 Edition @dasrecht (#89)
- Typo fix in drupal.conf @dasrecht (#93)
Package Updates
- Update python Docker tag to v3.7.10 (main) @renovate (#102)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v12.6 (main) @renovate (#99)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v11.11 (main) @renovate (#98)
- Update php Docker tag to v8.0.2 (main) @renovate (#85)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.4.15 (main) @renovate (#82)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.3.27 (main) @renovate (#81)