lagoon-images 22.9.0
1292 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
UPDATE: 29-Sep-2022 - we have identified an issue with the node-builder images, and have temporarily rolled these images back to the 22.8.0 versions - please use these until we remove this notice!
New Images
No new images in this release, but we will be adding (and deprecating) some in the 22.10.0 release next month that are no longer supported upstream.
Changes in this release
- Fix copypasta debug messages @rocketeerbkw (#559)
- fix glibc build errors @tobybellwood (#562)
- Update nginx.conf to allow JSON:API standard @TomvEtten (#543)
Package Updates
- Update webdevops/go-crond Docker tag to v22.9.1 (main) @renovate (#565)
- Update webdevops/go-crond Docker tag to v22 (main) @renovate (#560)
- Update php Docker tag to v8.1.10 (main) @renovate (#549)
- Update php Docker tag to v8.0.23 (main) @renovate (#548)
- Update dependency blackfireio/docker to v2.12.0 (main) @renovate (#566)
- Update dependency blackfireio/docker to v2.11.0 (main) @renovate (#563)
- Update dependency composer/composer to v2.4.2 (main) @renovate (#558)
- Update dependency composer/composer to v2.4.1 (main) @renovate (#542)
- Update dependency krakjoe/apcu to v5.1.22 (main) @renovate (#561)
- Update Node.js to v18.10 (main) @renovate (#567)
- Update Node.js to v18.9 (main) @renovate (#557)
- Update Node.js to v18.8 (main) @renovate (#546)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.9.14 (main) @renovate (#554)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.8.14 (main) @renovate (#553)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.7.14 (main) @renovate (#552)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.10.7 (main) @renovate (#551)