Releases: uselagoon/lagoon-images
lagoon-images 21.7.0
Changes in this release
- use
to activate xdebug instead of any string @tobybellwood (#251) - Install Blackfire Agent and Probe within php containers @Schnitzel (#249)
- only accept
for $NEWRELIC_ENABLED @Schnitzel (#250) - Fail image build if composer checksum does not match. @marji (#241)
- Adds mongodb-tools to toolbox image @bomoko (#247)
- Prevent match in between the string @grappler (#202)
New Images
- No new images in this release - maybe next month 😉
Package Updates
- Bump Logstash to 7.6.2 to match other ELK versions @tobybellwood (#261)
- Update New Relic Agent to the latest stable release @seanhamlin (#253)
- Update ELK Stack Docker tags to v6.8.17 (main) (patch) @renovate (#259)
- Update Node.js to v16.4 (main) @renovate (#257)
- Update php Docker tag to v8.0.8 (main) @renovate (#256)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.3.29 (main) @renovate (#254)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.4.21 (main) @renovate (#255)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.9.6 (main) @renovate (#246)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.8.11 (main) @renovate (#245)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.7.11 (main) @renovate (#244)
- Update rabbitmq Docker tag to v3.8.19 (main) @renovate (#258)
- Update rabbitmq Docker tag to v3.8.18 (main) @renovate (#243)
- Update rabbitmq Docker tag to v3.8.17 (main) @renovate (#234)
- Update composer Docker tag to v2.1.3 (main) @renovate (#235)
- Update composer Docker tag to v2.1.2 (main) @renovate (#233)
- Update openresty/openresty Docker tag to v1.19.3.2 (main) @renovate (#232)
Changes in this release
- use better terminology for default images @tobybellwood (#230)
- Update alpine images to 3.13 @tobybellwood (#167)
- add rabbitmq images to lagoon-images @tobybellwood (#198)
- use github for mysqltuner @tobybellwood (#219)
- version mariadb images @tobybellwood (#216)
- Update php Docker tag to v8.0.7 (main) @renovate (#229)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.4.20 (main) @renovate (#222)
- Update composer Docker tag to v2.1.1 (main) @renovate (#228)
- Update composer Docker tag to v2.1.0 (main) @renovate (#220)
- Update Node.js to v16.3 (main) @renovate (#223)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v12.7 (main) @renovate (#204)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v11.12 (main) @renovate (#203)
- Update ELK Stack Docker tags (main) (patch) @renovate (#179)
- Update rabbitmq Docker tag to v3.8.16 (main) @renovate (#226)
Changes in this release
- delete tests folder @tobybellwood (#214)
- dual publish legacy image tags @tobybellwood (#199)
- Fix PHP Yaml warning @seanhamlin (#213)
- add Python 3.9 base images @tobybellwood (#168)
- update renovate.json to remove maj/min PRs for redis/solr/varnish @tobybellwood (#195)
- Update composer Docker tag to v2.0.14 (main) @renovate (#210)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.9.5 (main) @renovate (#209)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.8.10 (main) @renovate (#171)
- Update Node.js to v16.2 (main) @renovate (#207)
- Update node Docker tag to v16.1 (main) @renovate (#176)
- Update Node.js to v14.17 (main) @renovate (#200)
- Update php Docker tag to v8.0.6 (main) @renovate (#193)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.4.19 (main) @renovate (#175)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.4.18 (main) @renovate (#165)
Changes in this release
- Adding redis-cli and psql to Toolbox image @cdchris12 (#153)
- first set of namespace changes to uselagoon @tobybellwood (#148)
- Changes output stream target for New Relic logs @bomoko (#147)
- add wait-for script to commons and all base images @tobybellwood (#131)
- Use fix-permissions for /etc/passwd instead of chmod g+w @smlx (#87)
- Update Nginx to use SHA-512 to store basic auth password hashes @cdchris12 (#141)
New Images
- add solr-7 image (debian-based, v7.7.3) @tobybellwood (#128)
- Create updated Varnish 6 image, and rename existing to 5 @tobybellwood (#44)
- add Node 16 image @tobybellwood (#149)
Package Updates
- Update New Relic agent to support PHP8. Also bump drush and composer (patch release) @seanhamlin (#146)
- Updated Drush launcher version to 0.9.1. @chandanatk (#136)
- update composer 1 version to 1.10.22 (CVE-2021-29472) @tobybellwood (#154)
- Update composer Docker tag to v2.0.13 (CVE-2021-29472) @renovate (#151)
- Update composer Docker tag to v2.0.12 (main) @renovate (#138)
- Update alpine Docker tag to v3.12.7 (main) @renovate (#144)
- Update alpine Docker tag to v3.12.6 (main) @renovate (#137)
- Update node Docker tag to v12.22 (main) @renovate (#134)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.8.9 (main) @renovate (#142)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.3.28 (main) @renovate (#156)
- Update php Docker tag to v8.0.5 (main) @renovate (#157)
Changes in this release
- Add map hash configuration to nginx image @steveworley (#126)
- use label instead of name for selecting Jenkins node @tobybellwood (#117)
Package Updates
- Update alpine Docker tag to v3.12.5 (main) @renovate (#132)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.4.16 (main) @renovate (#121)
- Update php Docker tag to v8.0.3 (main) @renovate (#122)
- Update composer Docker tag to v2.0.11 (main) @renovate (#118)
- Update node Docker tag to v10.24 (main) @renovate (#108)
- Update node Docker tag to v12.21 (main) @renovate (#109)
- Update node Docker tag to v14.16 (main) @renovate (#110)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.8.8 (main) @renovate (#106
Changes in this release
- Added support for injecting Matomo snippets via ngx_http_sub_module. @thom8 (#96)
- Allow crond to use a non-root working directory @smlx (#91)
- Add configuration option to enable the nginx rewrite_log. @nicksantamaria (#92)
- Adding mongodb-tools package to php-cli @cdchris12 (#94)
- Exclude ELK updates from 7.11 onwards @tobybellwood (#105)
- Componentes Update 2021-02 Edition @dasrecht (#89)
- Typo fix in drupal.conf @dasrecht (#93)
Package Updates
- Update python Docker tag to v3.7.10 (main) @renovate (#102)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v12.6 (main) @renovate (#99)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v11.11 (main) @renovate (#98)
- Update php Docker tag to v8.0.2 (main) @renovate (#85)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.4.15 (main) @renovate (#82)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.3.27 (main) @renovate (#81)
21.2.1 - ssh_config hotfix
Changes in this release
- add /home/.ssh/lagoon_cli.key for root localuser only @tobybellwood (#79)
21.2.0 - Alpine 3.12, upgrades and bugfixes
Changes in this release
- Issue 64/add call to sh for cronjobs @bryangruneberg (#65)
- Cleanup X-LAGOON Header for Varnish @dasrecht (#76)
- Update Alpine 3.11-based images to 3.12 @tobybellwood (#24)
- Add .sql.gz to default block list for nginx-drupal @cdchris12 (#75)
- add testing/alpine_next to renovate branches @tobybellwood (#66)
- Updated ssmtp settings with sensible defaults @cdchris12 (#56)
- re-enable trivy scanning of built images @tobybellwood (#58)
Package Updates
20.12.0 - PHP8 and testing frameworks 🎉🎉
This second monthly(ish) release of the Lagoon images contains a number of automated updates to the base image (thanks to @renovate-bot - it's awesome!), and a number of bugfixes and additions to the images.
We've also introduced a comprehensive real-world test suite to the pipeline - which builds the examples from the lagoon-examples repo, and runs their automated test suites - to give us even more confidence.
This PR also includes the first release of our PHP8-based image. It's currently missing the XDebug and NewRelic functionality, but we'll look to add that, maybe even in a patch release (ooh!). As PHP7.2 no longer has security support from PHP, we will deprecate the publishing of this version in a future release. The currently available versions will continue to be available from Docker Hub.
Changes in this release
- Add PHP8.0 images @tobybellwood (#47)
- add blackfire php probe @Schnitzel (#50)
- remove duplicate dataDir entry from 7.7 solrconfig @tobybellwood (#45)
- pin xdebug to 2.9.8 to avoid Xdebug3 b/c issues @tobybellwood (#42)
- Improve the efficiency of fix-permissions @smlx (#28)
- Add example building to Jenkinsfile @tobybellwood (#38)
- Update version helper script and update Composer/Drush/New Relic @tobybellwood and @dasrecht (#33)
- Bump healthz-php to 0.0.6 (latest). @seanhamlin (#37)
Automated upstream updates
- Update openresty/openresty Docker tag to v1.19.3.1 @renovate (#36)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v12.5 @renovate (#35)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v11.10 @renovate (#13)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.4.13 @renovate (#49)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.3.25 @renovate (#48)
- Update node Docker tag to v14.15 @renovate (#27)
- Update node Docker tag to v12.20 @renovate (#39)
- Update node Docker tag to v10.23 @renovate (#26)
- Update redis Docker tag to v6.0.9 @renovate (#25)
- Update python Docker tag to v3.8.6 @renovate (#5)
20.10.0 - First Image release 🎉🎉
Welcome to the first release of the Lagoon base images.
These images are published to the Docker Hub repository.
Backwards-compatible image tags are also being released to the Docker Hub repository.
Going forwards, these images will be being published monthly (or better), hence the YY.MM.patch versioning.
Changes in this release
- Removing the amazeeio image publishing guardrail @tobybellwood (#23)
- Use NGINX defined log_format main @tobybellwood (#22)
- Bump libcurl to the same version as curl - 7.69.1. @tobybellwood (#21)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.4.11 @renovate (#17)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.3.23 @renovate (#16)
- Update php Docker tag to v7.2.34 @renovate (#15)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v12.4 @renovate (#14)
- Update redis Docker tag to v6.0.8 @renovate (#6)
- Update node Docker tag to v12.19 @renovate (#19)
- Update node Docker tag to v14.14 @renovate (#11)
- Remove more images that are being built by main Lagoon repo @tobybellwood (#20)
- Configure Renovate @renovate (#1)