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chore: remove api-data-watcher-pusher replace with seed
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shreddedbacon committed Jan 5, 2025
1 parent 1598195 commit bd11c01
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Showing 26 changed files with 182 additions and 1,386 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ local-dev/kind
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,7 +90,8 @@ pipeline {
steps {
sh script: "make local-dev-tools", label: "Configure k3d"
sh script: "./local-dev/k3d cluster delete --all", label: "Delete any remnant clusters"
sh script: "make k3d/test TESTS=[nginx] BRANCH_NAME=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME}", label: "Setup cluster and run nginx smoketest"
sh script: "make k3d/local-stack BRANCH_NAME=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME}", label: "Setup cluster"
sh script: "make k3d/retest TESTS=[nginx] BRANCH_NAME=${SAFEBRANCH_NAME}", label: "run nginx smoketest"
sh script: "pkill -f './local-dev/stern'", label: "Closing off test-suite-0 log after test completion"
// script {
// skipRemainingStages = true
Expand Down
92 changes: 65 additions & 27 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ HELM = $(realpath ./local-dev/helm)
KUBECTL = $(realpath ./local-dev/kubectl)
JQ = $(realpath ./local-dev/jq)
K3D = $(realpath ./local-dev/k3d)
MCLI = $(realpath ./local-dev/mcli)

####### Functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,12 +210,10 @@ build/ssh: services/ssh/Dockerfile
service-images += ssh

build/local-git: local-dev/git/Dockerfile
build/local-api-data-watcher-pusher: local-dev/api-data-watcher-pusher/Dockerfile
build/workflows: services/workflows/Dockerfile

# Images for local helpers that exist in another folder than the service images
localdevimages := local-git \
localdevimages := local-git

service-images += $(localdevimages)
build-localdevimages = $(foreach image,$(localdevimages),build/$(image))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,27 +261,45 @@ build-ui-logs-development:
@$(info Waiting for Keycloak to be ready....)
@grep -m 1 "Config of Keycloak done." <(docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) --compatibility logs -f keycloak 2>&1)
@docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) cp ./local-dev/k3d-seed-data/ keycloak:/tmp/ \
&& docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) exec -it keycloak bash '/tmp/' \
&& echo "You will be able to log in with these seed user email addresses and the passwords will be the same as the email address" \
&& echo "eg. has the password" \
&& echo "" \
&& echo "If you want to create an example SSO identity provider and example user, run make compose/example-sso" \
&& echo "If you want to configure simple webauthn browswer flow, run make compose/configure-webauthn" \
&& echo ""
@export LAGOON_LEGACY_ADMIN=$$(docker run \
-e JWTSECRET="super-secret-string" \
-e \
-e JWTUSER=localadmin \
uselagoon/tests \
python3 /ansible/tasks/api/ && \
echo "Loading API seed data" && \
export SSH_PORTAL_HOST="lagoon-remote-ssh-portal.lagoon.svc" && \
export SSH_PORTAL_PORT="2222" && \
export CONSOLE_URL="" && \
export KUBERNETES_TOKEN="eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjZWamZLTzEzZ2lPSGFtc0d6QXVkWXpDYi1fcmlfLWVBd3JtbEEydGItTHcifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJrdWJlcm5ldGVzL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50Iiwia3ViZXJuZXRlcy5pby9zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC9uYW1lc3BhY2UiOiJsYWdvb24iLCJrdWJlcm5ldGVzLmlvL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50L3NlY3JldC5uYW1lIjoia3ViZXJuZXRlc2J1aWxkZGVwbG95LXRva2VuLXJxNDg1Iiwia3ViZXJuZXRlcy5pby9zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC9zZXJ2aWNlLWFjY291bnQubmFtZSI6Imt1YmVybmV0ZXNidWlsZGRlcGxveSIsImt1YmVybmV0ZXMuaW8vc2VydmljZWFjY291bnQvc2VydmljZS1hY2NvdW50LnVpZCI6IjA3YzViODAxLTI5ZDgtNDU5Ni1hODBlLTZlMmU3MmY3YmMwMCIsInN1YiI6InN5c3RlbTpzZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudDpsYWdvb246a3ViZXJuZXRlc2J1aWxkZGVwbG95In0.srj-zZguNXCQbeTIS5GtJw7Jl61k_miC8hXED70NQULm6OAMkImHrURRCfD4kjKPy-jbwEI88m5TNLFP8_0sMfdwj2vr2Gv8fTC55qoAJ589ff_dwv8THSKdKNj6VaHynzEzQ4IfZscd3ogP4HYF9alt-X4mMcJ2BApBt4F13Hg-bE2-4uzO0b_u13pJhzn0XrH8JGXWP0_oMPtE7M0zJL9BfOrBph_MgSb2djSbVBNbhPJ0fs9-eIB5aAu0NmqPhpxj6WL4UOAKX178IsDAq4vtRZrScZwvZxRcaDUxZ-MgwewWI8Ll0yg7UCxtZTdkLglkCgpjTK33Ei0PXWdE4A" && \
export ROUTER_PATTERN="\$${project}.\$${environment}." && \
export SEED_DATA=$$(envsubst < ./local-dev/seed-data/00-populate-kubernetes.gql | sed 's/"/\\"/g' | sed 's/\\n/\\\\n/g' | awk -F'\n' '{if(NR == 1) {printf $$0} else {printf "\\n"$$0}}') && \
export SEED_DATA_JSON="{\"query\": \"$$SEED_DATA\"}" && \
wget --quiet --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: bearer $${LAGOON_LEGACY_ADMIN}" "" --post-data "$$SEED_DATA_JSON" --content-on-error -O - && \
$(MCLI) config host add local-minio minio minio123 && \
$(MCLI) cp --recursive local-dev/seed-data/minio-data/lagoon-files/ local-minio/lagoon-files && \
$(MCLI) cp --recursive local-dev/seed-data/minio-data/restores/ local-minio/restores && \
docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) cp ./local-dev/seed-data/ keycloak:/tmp/ && \
docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) exec -it keycloak bash '/tmp/' && \
echo "You will be able to log in with these seed user email addresses and the passwords will be the same as the email address" && \
echo "eg. has the password" && \
echo "" && \
echo "If you want to create an example SSO identity provider and example user, run make compose/example-sso" && \
echo "If you want to configure simple webauthn browswer flow, run make compose/configure-webauthn" && \
echo ""

.PHONY: compose/example-sso
@docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) cp ./local-dev/k3d-seed-data/ keycloak:/tmp/ \
@docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) cp ./local-dev/seed-data/ keycloak:/tmp/ \
&& docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) exec -it keycloak bash '/tmp/'

.PHONY: compose/configure-webauthn
@docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) cp ./local-dev/k3d-seed-data/ keycloak:/tmp/ \
@docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) cp ./local-dev/seed-data/ keycloak:/tmp/ \
&& docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) exec -it keycloak bash '/tmp/'

# Define a list of which Lagoon Services are needed for running any deployment testing
main-test-services = actions-handler broker api-sidecar-handler logs2notifications api api-db api-redis api-sidecar-handler keycloak keycloak-db ssh auth-server local-git local-api-data-watcher-pusher local-minio
main-test-services = actions-handler broker api-sidecar-handler logs2notifications api api-db api-redis api-sidecar-handler keycloak keycloak-db ssh auth-server local-git local-minio

# List of Lagoon Services needed for webhook endpoint testing
webhooks-test-services = webhook-handler webhooks2tasks backup-handler
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,12 +397,12 @@ local-dev-yarn-stop:

.PHONY: ui-development
ui-development: build-ui-logs-development
IMAGE_REPO=$(CI_BUILD_TAG) docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.local-dev.yaml --compatibility up -d api api-db api-sidecar-handler local-api-data-watcher-pusher ui keycloak keycloak-db broker api-redis
IMAGE_REPO=$(CI_BUILD_TAG) docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.local-dev.yaml --compatibility up -d api api-db api-sidecar-handler ui keycloak keycloak-db broker api-redis
$(MAKE) wait-for-keycloak

.PHONY: api-development
api-development: build-ui-logs-development
IMAGE_REPO=$(CI_BUILD_TAG) docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.local-dev.yaml --compatibility up -d api api-db api-sidecar-handler local-api-data-watcher-pusher keycloak keycloak-db broker api-redis
IMAGE_REPO=$(CI_BUILD_TAG) docker compose -p $(CI_BUILD_TAG) -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.local-dev.yaml --compatibility up -d api api-db api-sidecar-handler keycloak keycloak-db broker api-redis
$(MAKE) wait-for-keycloak

.PHONY: ui-logs-development
Expand All @@ -404,7 +421,7 @@ api-logs-development: build-ui-logs-development
# ADDITIONAL_SERVICES - a way to pass through additional services ("ui", "ui ssh", etc..)
.PHONY: compose-api-logs-development
docker compose -p $(COMPOSE_STACK_NAME) $(ADDITIONAL_FLAGS) --compatibility up -d $(ADDITIONAL_SERVICES) api api-db api-sidecar-handler actions-handler local-api-data-watcher-pusher keycloak keycloak-db broker api-redis logs2notifications local-minio mailhog
docker compose -p $(COMPOSE_STACK_NAME) $(ADDITIONAL_FLAGS) --compatibility up -d $(ADDITIONAL_SERVICES) api api-db api-sidecar-handler actions-handler keycloak keycloak-db broker api-redis logs2notifications local-minio mailhog
$(MAKE) CI_BUILD_TAG=$(COMPOSE_STACK_NAME) wait-for-keycloak

## CI targets
Expand All @@ -414,10 +431,11 @@ HELM_VERSION := v3.16.1
K3D_VERSION = v5.7.4
GOJQ_VERSION = v0.12.16
MCLI_VERSION = RELEASE.2024-11-21T17-21-54Z
TESTS = [nginx,api,features-kubernetes,bulk-deployment,features-kubernetes-2,features-variables,active-standby-kubernetes,tasks,drush,python,gitlab,github,bitbucket,services,workflows]
CHARTS_TREEISH = remove-data-watcher-pusher
#CHARTS_REPOSITORY = ../lagoon-charts
TASK_IMAGES = task-activestandby
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,8 +583,23 @@ ifneq ($(STERN_VERSION), v$(shell ./local-dev/stern --version 2>/dev/null | sed

# Symlink the installed minio client if the correct version is already
# installed, otherwise downloads it.
.PHONY: local-dev/mcli
ifeq ($(MCLI_VERSION), $(shell mcli --version 2>/dev/null | grep -oi RELEASE.*Z))
$(info linking local mcli version $(MCLI_VERSION))
ln -sf $(shell command -v mcli) ./local-dev/mcli
ifneq ($(MCLI_VERSION), $(shell ./local-dev/mcli --version 2>/dev/null | grep -oi RELEASE.*Z))
$(info downloading mcli version $(MCLI_VERSION) for $(ARCH))
curl -sSLo local-dev/mcli$(ARCH)-amd64/mc
chmod a+x local-dev/mcli

.PHONY: local-dev-tools
local-dev-tools: local-dev/k3d local-dev/jq local-dev/helm local-dev/kubectl local-dev/stern
local-dev-tools: local-dev/k3d local-dev/jq local-dev/helm local-dev/kubectl local-dev/stern local-dev/mcli

.PHONY: helm/repos
helm/repos: local-dev/helm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -618,8 +651,8 @@ ifeq ($(ARCH), darwin)
tcp-listen:32080,fork,reuseaddr tcp-connect:target:32080

K3D_SERVICES = api api-db api-redis auth-server actions-handler broker api-sidecar-handler keycloak keycloak-db logs2notifications webhook-handler webhooks2tasks local-api-data-watcher-pusher local-git ssh tests workflows $(TASK_IMAGES)
K3D_TESTS = local-api-data-watcher-pusher local-git tests
K3D_SERVICES = api api-db api-redis auth-server actions-handler broker api-sidecar-handler keycloak keycloak-db logs2notifications webhook-handler webhooks2tasks local-git ssh tests workflows $(TASK_IMAGES)
K3D_TESTS = local-git tests
K3D_TOOLS = k3d helm kubectl jq stern

# install lagoon charts and run lagoon test suites in a k3d cluster
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -833,21 +866,26 @@ endif
echo "Loading API seed data" && \
export SSH_PORTAL_HOST="$$($(KUBECTL) -n lagoon get services lagoon-remote-ssh-portal -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')" && \
export SSH_PORTAL_PORT="$$($(KUBECTL) -n lagoon get services lagoon-remote-ssh-portal -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].port}')" && \
export CONSOLE_URL="https://kubernetes.default.svc/" && \
export KUBERNETES_TOKEN="$$($(KUBECTL) get secret -n lagoon lagoon-remote-ssh-core-token -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)" && \
export ROUTER_PATTERN="\$${project}.\$${environment}.$$($(KUBECTL) -n ingress-nginx get services ingress-nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')" && \
export SEED_DATA=$$(if [ $(INSTALL_STABLE_CORE) = true ]; then \
envsubst < <(curl -s$(STABLE_CORE_CHART_APP_VERSION)/local-dev/k3d-seed-data/00-populate-kubernetes.gql) | sed 's/"/\\"/g' | sed 's/\\n/\\\\n/g' | awk -F'\n' '{if(NR == 1) {printf $$0} else {printf "\\n"$$0}}'; \
envsubst < <(curl -s$(STABLE_CORE_CHART_APP_VERSION)/local-dev/seed-data/00-populate-kubernetes.gql) | sed 's/"/\\"/g' | sed 's/\\n/\\\\n/g' | awk -F'\n' '{if(NR == 1) {printf $$0} else {printf "\\n"$$0}}'; \
else \
envsubst < ./local-dev/k3d-seed-data/00-populate-kubernetes.gql | sed 's/"/\\"/g' | sed 's/\\n/\\\\n/g' | awk -F'\n' '{if(NR == 1) {printf $$0} else {printf "\\n"$$0}}'; \
envsubst < ./local-dev/seed-data/00-populate-kubernetes.gql | sed 's/"/\\"/g' | sed 's/\\n/\\\\n/g' | awk -F'\n' '{if(NR == 1) {printf $$0} else {printf "\\n"$$0}}'; \
fi) && \
export SEED_DATA_JSON="{\"query\": \"$$SEED_DATA\"}" && \
wget --quiet --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: bearer $${LAGOON_LEGACY_ADMIN}" "http://lagoon-api.$$($(KUBECTL) -n ingress-nginx get services ingress-nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')" --post-data "$$SEED_DATA_JSON" --content-on-error -O - && \
$(MCLI) config host add local-minio http://minio-api.$$($(KUBECTL) -n ingress-nginx get services ingress-nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') lagoonFilesAccessKey lagoonFilesSecretKey && \
$(MCLI) cp --recursive local-dev/seed-data/minio-data/lagoon-files/ local-minio/lagoon-files && \
$(MCLI) cp --recursive local-dev/seed-data/minio-data/restores/ local-minio/restores && \
echo "Loading API seed users" && \
if [ $(INSTALL_STABLE_CORE) = true ]; then \
cat <(curl -s$(STABLE_CORE_CHART_APP_VERSION)/local-dev/k3d-seed-data/ \
cat <(curl -s$(STABLE_CORE_CHART_APP_VERSION)/local-dev/seed-data/ \
| $(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core exec -i $$($(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core get pods \
-l -o json | $(JQ) -r '.items[0]') -- sh -c "cat > /tmp/"; \
else \
cat ./local-dev/k3d-seed-data/ \
cat ./local-dev/seed-data/ \
| $(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core exec -i $$($(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core get pods \
-l -o json | $(JQ) -r '.items[0]') -- sh -c "cat > /tmp/"; \
fi \
Expand All @@ -862,13 +900,13 @@ endif
.PHONY: k3d/example-sso
@export KUBECONFIG="$$(realpath ./kubeconfig.k3d.$(CI_BUILD_TAG))" && \
cat ./local-dev/k3d-seed-data/ | $(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core exec -i $$($(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core get pods -l -o json | $(JQ) -r '.items[0]') -- sh -c "cat > /tmp/" \
cat ./local-dev/seed-data/ | $(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core exec -i $$($(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core get pods -l -o json | $(JQ) -r '.items[0]') -- sh -c "cat > /tmp/" \
&& $(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core exec -it $$($(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core get pods -l -o json | $(JQ) -r '.items[0]') -- bash '/tmp/'

.PHONY: k3d/configure-webauthn
@export KUBECONFIG="$$(realpath ./kubeconfig.k3d.$(CI_BUILD_TAG))" && \
cat ./local-dev/k3d-seed-data/ | $(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core exec -i $$($(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core get pods -l -o json | $(JQ) -r '.items[0]') -- sh -c "cat > /tmp/" \
cat ./local-dev/seed-data/ | $(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core exec -i $$($(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core get pods -l -o json | $(JQ) -r '.items[0]') -- sh -c "cat > /tmp/" \
&& $(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core exec -it $$($(KUBECTL) -n lagoon-core get pods -l -o json | $(JQ) -r '.items[0]') -- bash '/tmp/'

# Use k3d/port-forwards to create local ports for the UI (6060), API (7070) and Keycloak (8080). These ports will always
Expand Down
12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions docker-bake.hcl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ group "default" {
Expand All @@ -76,14 +75,12 @@ group "ui-logs-development" {

group "local-dev" {
targets = [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,15 +279,6 @@ target "task-activestandby" {
tags = ["${IMAGE_REPO}/task-activestandby:${TAG}"]

target "local-api-data-watcher-pusher" {
inherits = ["default"]
context = "local-dev/api-data-watcher-pusher"
labels = {
"org.opencontainers.image.title": "lagoon-core/local-api-data-watcher-pusher - the local-dev data pusher image for Lagoon"
tags = ["${IMAGE_REPO}/local-api-data-watcher-pusher:${TAG}"]

target "local-git" {
inherits = ["default"]
context = "local-dev/git"
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions docker-compose.local-dev.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,3 @@ services:
- "./services/keycloak/startup-scripts:/opt/keycloak/startup-scripts"
- "./services/keycloak/themes/lagoon:/opt/keycloak/themes/lagoon"
- "./local-dev/keycloak:/lagoon/keycloak"
- ./local-dev/api-data-watcher-pusher:/home
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions docker-compose.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -188,12 +188,6 @@ services:
- ./tests:/ansible
- api
image: ${IMAGE_REPO:-lagoon}/local-api-data-watcher-pusher:${IMAGE_REPO_API_DATA_WATCHER_TAG:-${IMAGE_REPO_TAG:-latest}}
image: minio/minio
entrypoint: sh
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions docs/contributing-to-lagoon/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ make k3d/local-dev-logging

#### Re run specific tests

This will re-run a suite of tests \(defined in the `TESTS` variable\) against the existing cluster. It will re-push the images needed for tests \(tests, local-git, and the data-watcher-pusher\). You can specify tests to run by passing the TESTS variable inline.
This will re-run a suite of tests \(defined in the `TESTS` variable\) against the existing cluster. It will re-push the images needed for tests \(tests, local-git). You can specify tests to run by passing the TESTS variable inline.

```bash title="Re-run tests."
make k3d/retest
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,7 +371,6 @@ The configuration for these tests is held in three services:

* `tests` is the Ansible test services themselves. The local testing routine runs each individual test as a separate container within a test-suite pod. These are listed below.
* `local-git` is a Git server hosted in the cluster that holds the source files for the tests. Ansible pulls and pushes to this repository throughout the tests
* `api-data-watcher-pusher` is a set of GraphQL mutations that pre-populates local Lagoon with the necessary Kubernetes configuration, test user accounts and SSH keys, and the necessary groups and notifications. **Note that this will wipe local projects and environments on each run.**

The individual routines relevant to Kubernetes are:

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