lagoon v2.0.0-rc.6
2878 commits
to main
since this release
This release is built on the images
Changes in this release
- update docker used in Lagoon from 19.03 to 20.10 @tobybellwood (#2705)
- Fix task file uploads properly @rocketeerbkw (#2753)
- update chromatic action node version to 16 @tobybellwood (#2765)
- Set bulk SC for node-persistent pvc in OC template @vincenzodnp (#2760)
- Fixes #2708 - Skip Deploy for Bitbucket @dan2k3k4 (#2709)
- Fixes destructuring of async-retry module @bomoko (#2718)
- Fix logs2rocketchat routes check @shreddedbacon (#2757)
- Performance tweaks for Deployments UI page @rocketeerbkw (#2763)
- load esClient fresh insreat from the clients pool @Schnitzel (#2750)
- Updating k8up template backupcommand and file-extension annotations @cdchris12 (#2745)
- Updating Lagoon Backup docs @cdchris12 (#2756)
- Custom Backup Schedules and Hourly Backup Retention Support @cdchris12 (#2721)