An exploratory ‹cesium-ifc-viewer›
Web Component, which adds an IFC datasource to a Cesium scene. Built with Cesium.js, IFC.js and LitElement.
MVP quality. Package was built during a hackathon: it worked, we shipped it, to showcase and collect feedback. Not intended for production use.
- Drag & drop IFC file to import it;
- View the imported IFC model in the Cesium 3D canvas;
- Highlight IFC model parts on mouse hover;
- Tooltip with level and category names, while hovering model parts;
- Pick a model part (only shows Cesium's InfoBox with its ID so far);
- Custom data attribution dialog.
Essentially based on IFC.viewer.GLTF.exportIfcFileAsGltf:
- uses IFC API to import the file;
- IFC THREE to export to GLTF in-memory (ugh);
- then import in Cesium as Entities.
Available on GitHub Packages as @uzufly/cesium-ifc-viewer
npm install
Import as ES modules:
import '@uzufly/cesium-ifc-viewer'
import '@uzufly/cesium-ifc-viewer-data-attribution'
And use with such HTML code:
cesium-base-url="/static/" ifc-base-url="../../static/"
model-origin="[ 6.137499506, 46.192506022, 425.999 ]"
model-orientation="[ 90, 0, 0 ]"
<cesium-ifc-viewer-data-attribution for="mainViewer">
There are many opportunities to optimize this codebase:
- cleanup the code, namely check if there would be opportunity to reduce the number of BLOBs created with
hanging around; - fix the odd
version mix, that was introduced to fix incompatibleweb-ifc-viewer
peer deps at time of writing (see IFCjs/web-ifc-viewer#188); - run the transform of IFC models to Cesium Entities off main thread, in a Web Worker;
- exploit upcoming IFCjs/fragment library;
- build the IFC geospatial model and link it to the Cesium entites.
Browsers without native custom element support require a polyfill.
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
Distributed under the Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.