Renders Facebook Lexical's EditorState serialized to JSON (see sample ./samples/playground.lexical.json
and ./samples/playground-without-emoji.lexical.json
) produced by exporting to JSON default content of
# nodejs starting with version 22 supports native execution of TypeScript without prior transpilation:
cat samples/playground.lexical.json | npx ts-node lexical-cli-render.ts
# if does not use JSX/TSX imports, can use node instea of npx ts-node:
cat samples/playground-without-emoji.lexical.json | node lexical-cli-render-without-emoji.ts
- How to style the produced HTML tags? At the very least, how to ask lexical to add css classes to preserve the original node types?
- How to replace the produed
style="white-space: pre-wrap;"
with some CSS class?