- Fix Banner not show - Failed to load BANNER ad: NO FILL error (#10)
- BREAKING CHANGES: Change the method of setting StartApp ID. Please update as README.md file.
- Upgrade to StartApp SDK
. - Support enable/disable Splash Ad, Return Ad. See README.md for more details.
- Supporting the new Android plugins APIs (https://flutter.dev/docs/development/packages-and-plugins/plugin-api-migration)
- Update content of README.md
- Support showing Rewarded video ad (with necessary callback)
- Upgrade StartApp SDK to 4.4.1
- AndroidX compatibility
- Update content of README.md
- Add show interstitial ad utility method
- Update document and configuration follow pub.dev suggestion
- Update document and configuration follow pub.dev suggestion
- Support load interstitial ad method
- TODO: Describe initial release.