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120 lines (86 loc) · 7.58 KB

File metadata and controls

120 lines (86 loc) · 7.58 KB

movielens extension for ml-100k and ml-1m


Only ml-100k and ml-1m include demographic information. But there is some missing information for movies, such as the IMDB id and TMDB id. To make my recommendation system perform well, I have to fetch the metadata for each movie. Movies may have the same title but only have one unique ID in TMDB or IMDB. Then the first step is to obtain the unique ID in those two different movie database.

First, I use the latest movielens dataset MovieLens 25M Dataset. From this dataset, I can get a part of these movies' id, but some are missing because some movie names are different in different datasets.

Second, I have to fill those missing value. The first method I tried to solve this problem is searching from the IMDB website, but the results are not always right, comparing to google search. Therefore, I decided to use google search to find those missing id.

Finally, scraping the posters from the IMDB links.

Description for files

Except the origin item from movielens, I build some files in './data/ml-100k' and './data/ml-1m'. (encoding='utf-8')

  • links_artificial.csv: movie_id,title,imdbId,tmdbId
  • movie_urls.csv: The movie_id to IMDB URL mapping.
  • movie_posters.csv: The movie_id to poster URL mapping.

Only links_artificial.csv has the header.

The img folder in './data/ml-100k' and './data/ml-1m' is created by myself to store the scraped posters, named by movie_id. And the log folder is also created by myself, which is used to store the running log.

Note: Under the log folder, you could see the the file 'missing poster.log' which include the following error. Because this movie Wallace & Gromit: The Best of Aardman Animation (1996) is removed from IMDB, but I found the poster on the Internet. So, you can see this in the movie_posters.csv. The corresponding movie ID is 114 and 720 in dataset ml-100k and ml-1m respectively.

HTTPError: 404 114

Update: For dataset ml-1m and ml-100k, I fetch those movies metadata from OMDB. You could see some new files in the corresponding folder.

  • metadata.pkl: ((movie_id, title, imdbId), json) tuple
  • metadata_removed_useless.pkl: DataFrame without useless features.

Also, under the log folder, you could see the output of the script Including useless features and why they are useless.

Update2: For dataset ml-1m and ml-100k, I obtain the genome score from ml-25. You could see some new files in the corresponding folder.

  • genome-scores.csv: Same as ml-25 but remove redundant data. (movieId not in origin dataset)
  • blackList.pkl: Some movies' IMDB ID those can not be found in ml-25.
  • movieId_map.pkl: Origin ID to ml-25 ID mapping.
  • reversed_movieId_map.pkl: ml-25 movie ID to origin movie ID mapping.

Update3: There are many duplicated item in movies' data. I should remove and remap them. So, you could see some files have perfix remapped. They have same structure as those without perfix remapped. At the same time, I have also remapped userID.

  • oldMovieId_to_remappedId.pkl: older movie id to new movie id mapping(start from 0)
  • oldUserId_to_remappedId.pkl: older user id to new user id mapping(start from 0)

Description for Scripts

  • Find IMDB from base-files(ml-25m) and google. This script will build two files, the first two items, as I mentioned before, in the corresponding folder of the dataset.
  • Scraping posters from the IMDB URLs, which are stored in movie_urls.csv. This script will create the last CSV file, and fetch the posters which are available present. Some missing value would be printed at the console or output in a log file, which is up to yourself.
  • Fetching the metadata from OMDB API. You have to upgrade your plan as a Patrons. I use a basic plan 1$/month. I stored my results in the corresponding dataset folder. Of course, you can run it by your self.
  • Find the genome score from ml-25m, to run this script, you should unzip the file in the corresponding folder. This script will generate foue files. genome-scores.csv, blackList.pkl , movieId_map.pkl and reversed_movieId_map. Also the corresponding tag file is same as ml-25. So, I copy this directly.
  • There are some duplicate value for movies. This script will help you to generate non-duplicated dataset. Dropped_movies.csv, Dropped_ratings.csv, Dropped_users.csv and reordered-genome-scores.csv. They have the same structure as origin data. At the same time, this script will generate the remapped data.

Since I remove all useless files but keep the README file for each dataset, so you can clone this repository and run these script without prepare any data.

The full data you can find in the following links.

Run it by yourself

  1. Run on the dataset ml-100k. The last flag 1 means verbose=True (print running details).
    python ml-100k 1
  2. Run on the dataset ml-100k output in a log file.
    python ml-100k > ./data/ml-100k/log/missing\ posters.log 
  3. Run on the dataset ml-100k output in a log file.
    python ml-100k 0 > ./data/ml-100k/log/useless_features.log
  4. Run on the dataset ml-100k output in a log file.
    python ml-100k > ./data/ml-100k/log/missing_genome_scores.log
  5. Run on the dataset ml-100k.
    python ml-100k

Note: The flag 0 in step 3 means fetching the data from OMDB by yourself. You must input your APIKEY in the correct location(line 19) in If you are supposed to use the file I fetched before. But generate the metadata_removed_useless.pkl with a different threshold(default=0.6), you should change the threshold in line 144 and remove the flag 0 or change it to 1.

Similarly, we can run these scripts on the dataset ml-1m by using the command below.

  1. Run on the dataset ml-1m.
    python ml-1m 1
  2. Run on the dataset ml-1m output in a log file.
    python ml-1m > ./data/ml-1m/log/missing\ posters.log 
  3. Run on the dataset ml-1m output in a log file.
    python ml-1m 0 > ./data/ml-1m/log/useless_features.log
  4. Run on the dataset ml-1m output in a log file.
    python ml-1m > ./data/ml-1m/log/missing_genome_scores.log
  5. Run on the dataset ml-1m.
    python ml-1m


Thanks for this repo movielens-posters.


  • Scarping the metadata from TMDB or OMDB.
  • Adding genome-tag and genome-scores to each movie.