All notable changes to shopware-php-sdk
will be documented in this file.
Updates should follow the Keep a CHANGELOG principles.
- feat: adding the previous exception to the ShopwareResponseException when it's mapped in Client
- fix: catching the ShopwareResponseException in AdminAuthenticator since a BadResponseException always gets mapped to it in Client::handleException()
- Compatibility with Shopware
- Update Criteria to support partial loading (Criteria.addFields)
- Added
method to fetch aggregated data - Fixes #89 Missing associated entities with same type in repository requests
- Fixes #86 Notification classes (definition, entity, collection) are missing
- Fixes #96 Class "Vin\ShopwareSdk\Data\Entity\Custom\CustomDefinition" not found
- Fixes #98 Deleting a Version does not work
- Fixes add custom definition, @see: examples/custom-entity.php for code example
- Throw ShopUnreachableException when the shop server is unreachable
- Fixes
to use the same http client as the repository - Fixes #87 Extensions not loaded into ProductEntity
- Fixes #50 Work with custom entities
- Fixes #78 Allowed memory size exhausted
- Added #77 Add support for criteria in SyncService / SyncPayload (@see: examples/sync-service.php)
- Updated the entity-schema for Shopware version 6.6
- Updated the entity-schema for Shopware version 6.5
- Added EndPointTrait for supporting to remove the unnecessary last slashes of an endpoint
- Updated
to remove the unnecessary last slashes of the provided endpoint - Fix Call to a member function getSource() on null
now also considerlocation-id
- Fix GET Requests of Webhook are not validated correctly
- Fix EntityCollection is returned for empty result
- Fix EntityRepository::searchIds does not throw ShopwareSearchResponseException
- guzzlehttp/guzzle updated to version 7.5
- PHP 8.1 compatibility
- Add property getter for Entity
- Introduce new admin api gateway
to work with media endpoint and media-service in examples - Fixed AdminActionService to allow uppercase and lowercase http method
- Fixed AdminActionService to allow uppercase and lowercase http method
- Fixed AdminActionService to accept non-array data as third argument
- Updated Latest DAL Classes
- Continue to hydrate remaining relationships event if schema is partly defined
- Give the possibility to reload default mapping
- Add internal cache for EntityHydrator's schema to avoid call getSchema multiple times with CustomDefinition
- Updated Latest DAL Classes
- Added NotificationService to allow sending/getting notification from external app (success/error/warning/info)
- Added UserConfigService to getting/saving admin's config
- Added AdminSearchService to search for multiple entities as one request
- Added more service's examples
- Deprecated SystemConfigService::saveConfiguration, use SystemConfigService::save instead
- Deprecated SystemConfigService::batchSaveConfiguration, use SystemConfigService::batchSave instead
- Use correct sync operator for syncDeleted
- Remove extends HttpClient from GuzzleClient
- Added
entity definition
- Shopware 6.5 compatibility
now also considersw-context-language
- Added properties
- Hydrate Bug fixed
- Update Latest DAL Classes
- PHP 8 compatibility
- Added SystemConfigService, MailSendService
- Changed ApiService constructor do not require a $context object, using setContext method instead
- Fix some minor bugs
- Added RepositoryFactory::createFromDefinition that allow to generate the repository from an EntityDefinition
- Added ActionButtonResponse classes that can be return directly when receive an action button request
- Added RegistrationResponse that can be return directly when receive an app register request
- Updated Docs for App
- Added plugin custom Definition at runtime
- Updated all latest entities from SW
- Better Collection generator method annotation
- HttpClient decoupling
- Added IframeRequest DTO and ShopRequest constant
- Package initial structure
- First release