Reworked from the great repo by yukulehe/gazpar2mqtt. Main differences are in the login method and allowing to export to HA Long Term Statistics
- Can be installed as an addon and container; collecting data in SQLite, MQTT, InfluxDb, Home Assistant sensor and HA energy-dashboard (LTS)
- no 100% verification if the now 2+-year old source from yukulehe/gazpar2mqtt is still valid in its entirety, bits and pieces may not work perfectly anylonger
- Not yet tested: Grafana dashboard template
For usage and installation etc. see DOCUMENTATION
- 0.8.9
- Add new entity with data for the past 100 days (if loaded in db of course). This to bridge the gap on lacking proper access to statistics (HA-issue)
- 0.8.8
- Fix some smaller issues
- Add gross cubic meters to the Influx output
- 0.8.7
- Align Long Term Statistics with HA Core
- As a result: loss of option to use Apexcharts for LTS, awaiting feature request
- Removed dummy sensors
- 0.8.6
- Add gross gas daily consumption as sensors, providing more detail
- Change default value for LTS dummy to 0 (was 1)
- Improve on price calculation
- 0.8.5
- Add gross gas daily consumption as sensors, providing more detail
- Change default value for LTS dummy sensors to 0 (was 1)
- Improve on price calculation
- 0.8.5 Removal of chromium for login, replaced by request.session
- 0.8.0
Extending LTS sensors with kWh and price import:
- sensor.[device]_[pce-alias]_consumption_stat : for daily figures in m3
- sensor.[device]_[pce-alias]_consumption_kwh_stat : for daily figures in kWh
- sensor.[device]_[pce-alias]_consumption_cost_stat : daily cost
- sensor.[device]_[pce-alias]_consumption_pub_stat : for periodic figures in m3
- sensor.[device]_[pce-alias]_consumption_kwh_pub_stat : for periodic figures in kWh
- sensor.[device]_[pce-alias]_consumption_cost_pub_stat : periodic cost
- 0.7.0
The LTS sensor name can no longer be chosen and is fixed to
- sensor.[device]_[pce-alias]_consumption_stat : for daily figures
- sensor.[device]_[pce-alias]_consumption_pub_stat : for periodically 'published' figures Reason: previously the LTS sensors were added without a regular sensor, this makes their use impossible for e.g. apexcharts who uses the regular sensor-name also for statistics. These 2 sensors will appear both in HA as in HA statistics
- 0.6.5
- Allow to select a date from which to collect data from GRDF (max 3y back in time)
- Allow import of published measures into Long Term Statistics
- Allow to delete Long Term Ststaistics for all PCE
- 0.6.0
- Fix issue with double naming in the HA sensor
- Fix issue with incorrect device_classes for the sensors
- Fix issue with restarting due to non-copied
- 0.5.0
- Use webservice for loading data to Home Assistant, previously this was a spook (app) api
- collect published measures (periodically values registered by GRDF)
- 0.4.1
- initial fix to load also published (non-daily) data, may need a rebuild of the db
- reduce non-needed stuff for the addon
- 0.4.0
- introduce addon (initial version)
- Documentation in French (thanks @Cazzoo)
... history removed
- Home assistant custom entity card (low prio)
The vast majority of the work was done by @yukulehe ... to whom massive thanks goes out !