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Finance API

Main Features:

  • Secure authentication for user registration and login.
  • Financial transaction tracking (income and expenses) with attributes like amount, category, description, and date.
  • Automatic calculation of the current balance and categorization for detailed analysis.
  • Management of custom categories (create, edit, and delete).

Technical Requirements:

  • Fast performance for calculations.
  • Scalability to handle a large number of users and data.
  • Intuitive and responsive interface, compatible with browsers and mobile devices.
  • Must include E2E and unity testing.
  • Must have run test in github's CI environment
  • Advanced security (HTTPS, JWT authentication, attack prevention).

💻 Prerequisites

Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have installed the latest version of Node.js.
  • You must have Docker installed

🚀 Getting Started

1. Clone the repository:

Open the terminal and use the following command to clone the project to your computer:

git clone

2. Access the project directory:


3. Install the project:

npm install

4. You have create environments variables:

  • this env you need to run application:


  • Create a file with name is .env and enter with your values

5. Run docker compose:

 docker compose --env-file .env up -d

6. Run the migrations:

  npx prisma migrate deploy

7. (if you want): You can run a command to seed data in database, to facilitate:

  npx prisma db seed

Start the project:

  npm start:dev

Running the Project with Docker

This project can be easily run using Docker and Docker Compose. Below are the instructions to run the project in a container.


Before you start, make sure you have:

  • Docker installed on your machine.
  • Docker Compose installed (usually included with Docker Desktop).

Steps to Run the Project

1. Clone the Repository

First, clone the project repository to your local machine:

git clone
cd repository-name

2. Set Up Environment Variables

Create .env file following .env.example

3. Run the Containers

npm run start:containers

This command will:

  • Build the container images.
  • Run PostgreSQL (finance-api-postgresql container).
  • Run the application (finance-api container).
  • Run Prisma migrations if configured.

4. Check the Status

After running the command, you can check if the containers are working properly by running:

docker-compose ps

This will list the active containers and show their status

5. Access the Application



Prisma studio

6. Stop the Containers

To stop the running containers, use the following command:

docker-compose down

This will stop and remove all the created containers, but will keep the volumes and networks persistent.

Packages and Versions


  • @faker-js/faker: 8.4.1,
  • @fastify/jwt: 8.0.0,
  • @fastify/swagger: 8.14.0,
  • @fastify/swagger-ui: 4.0.0,
  • @prisma/client: 5.12.1,
  • @scalar/fastify-api-reference: 1.24.35,
  • bcryptjs: 2.4.3,
  • chalk: 5.3.0,
  • dayjs: 1.11.11,
  • fastify: 4.26.2,
  • supertest: 7.0.0,
  • zod: ^3.22.4,
  • zod-to-json-schema: 3.23.2

Development Dependencies:

  • @rocketseat/eslint-config: 2.2.2,
  • @types/bcryptjs: 2.4.6,
  • @types/fastify-jwt: 0.8.1,
  • @types/node: ^20.12.7,
  • @types/supertest: 6.0.2,
  • @vitest/coverage-v8: 1.5.3,
  • @vitest/ui: 1.5.3,
  • dotenv: 16.4.5,
  • eslint: 8.56.0,
  • eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort: 12.1.0,
  • npm-run-all: 4.1.5,
  • prisma: 5.12.1,
  • tsup: ^8.0.2,
  • tsx: ^4.7.2,
  • typescript: ^5.4.5,
  • vite-tsconfig-paths: 4.3.2,
  • vitest: 1.5.3