- remove unneed
- refactor interval of
, support "preserveStart", "preserveEnd", "preserveStartEnd" - add payload in the
, and unify the payload of Components
support events triggered on the entire bar- support customized lable in
- support
- fix multiple y-axes breaks chart when plotting only single datum
- Relax propTypes.ticks in CartesianAxis
- support customized scale function of categorical charts
- support customized events in Legend
- refactor ResponsiveContainer with ReactResizeDetector
- change the default value of isAnimationActive
- remove some unneed default attributes of Components
- fix wrong written default props
- fix twice triggered event in Bar
- fix treemap stroke pollution cause by defaultProps
- fix strokeDasharray of Line
- add payload in Legend payload item
- fix position of vertical Legend
- Recalculate points after width or height change
- refactor ticks filter algorithm of CartesianAxis
- change order of stacked BarChart and AreaChart
- refactor event handlers of PieChart, RadarChart, Brush, RadialBarChart
- support onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onMouseMove, onClick in categorical chart
- fix dash line animation
- fix the bug when the children of categorical chart change
- support shape in ReferenceLine
- render Bar, Area, Line according to the order of Bar, Area, Line in ComposedChart
- refactor to treat NaN like undefined or null, fix #303
- fix tranform origin of Bar, fix #292
- support customized position of Tooltip, fix #31
- fix LodashModuleReplacementPlugin
- Major Performance Change - Re-Use Expensive To Generate Data
- support both x-axis and y-axis are numerical axis, fix #183
- add animation events in
- fix angle of PolorRadiusAxis
- Add angle property to PRESENTATION_ATTRIBUTES (#307)
- chore: update istanbul plugin and add yarn.lock
- support empty margin in generateCategoricalChart
- fix the label of RadialBarChart
- fix the bug of {0}
- fix the bug of ScatterChart when margin lose some attributes
- support maxBarSize in BarChart and Bar
- support fill in CartesianGrid
- simplify the calculation of width and height when specified aspect
- Fix label/tick vertical alignment of Text
- New Component
- Fix possible memory leak warning of events
- minPointSize working when value is 0
- Restored support for discrete values in Line and Area charts
- Allowed for strings to be used as axis id in the ScatterChart
- Stop caching span in memory of getStringSize
- Fix the bug of LineChart and ScaterChart when some data is null or undefined
- ScatterChart support for attributes using data and Cell
- Fix webpack.config.js
- allow label function to return a string
- Pass entry to formatter function
- Support labels in ScatterChart axis
- Add dataKey in the payload of Legend
- support allowDataOverflow in XAxis, YAxis, PolarRadiusAxis
- Refactor the received props of Surface
- Fixed up handling of nulls for domain creation
- Stopped domain calculation reverting to 0 for missing data points
- Fix the bug of stacked areas which have yAxisId different from "0"
- Fix the spelling error of AniamtionDecorator
- Update webpack.config.js, to support AMD
- Add cartesian Component ReferenceArea
- Refactor ResponsiveContainer and support minHeight, minWidth, aspect in ResponsiveContainer
- Fix the position of Bar for charts which have multiple y-axes
- Support the functionality that syncs multiple categorical charts when mouse enter, move, leave a chart, or when change the brush of one chart
- Fix the bug of stack offset function - "sign"
- Fix the propTypes or legendType
- Add an option "sign" to the props stackOffset in BarChart and AreaChart which allows the bars and areas to be stacked according to the sign of value.
- Fix the the bug of legend in ScatterChart and refactor symbols.
- Fix the bug that tooltip did not show up for pie chart while using nameKey and valueKey
- Refactor Brush as controlled component
- Ensured all tooltip-related state gets reset upon receiving new data for all the charts
- Support smooth curve in Scatter
- Support props connectNulls in Area, Line, and Curve,
- Refactor animation of Area
- Fix the bug of getTicksOfScale
- Fix the bug of radius of ClipPath is so small that some texts of Pie is covered
- Add itemSorter to tooltips
- add props allowDecimals in XAxis and YAxis
- Support Tooltip of RadarChart
- Fix the initial value of state isAnimationFinished in Line and Area
- Fix the spelling error, pressentation => presentation (CartesianAxis)
- Tweak text in RadarSpec
- Add paddingAngle in Pie, fix #142
- update version of react, fix #138, fix #103
- Fix the bug of calculation accuracy in IE(Sector)
- Remove unneed props "formatter" in Area and Bar
- Fix props which can be supported by html tags and svg tags
- Support multiple activeIndex in Pie
- Update d3-scale and d3-shape to the latest version
- Update version of react-smooth and recharts-scale
- Restrict the version of react to '~15.1.0'
- Fix the bug that no animation when data change, but points of Line are the same
- Remove xAxisMap and yAxisMap in ReferenceDot and ReferenceLine
- Add margin props in Sankey to avoid outer-clip
- Add shape props in ReferenceDot
- Fix the width and height of wrapper
- Fix the bug with a hack method that global css will affect the width and height of Legend, Tooltip
- Add padding in XAxis and YAxis
- Support minPointSize in Bar
- Support "dataMin - 110" and "dataMax + 100" in the domain of numeric axis
- Refactor Treemap, change ratio to aspectRatio
- Fix the bug of axisId in BarChart
- Fix the bug of tooltip's position in BarChart
- Fix PropTypes of
- Add Sankey
- Fix the bug of Area when the data break off in some points
- Fix the bug of ticks when 0 in ticks
- Refactor the payload of tooltip, and the props of activeDot in AreaChart
- Fix the position of labels in Bar
- Use react-container-dimensions to refactor ResponsiveContainer, close #104, close #105
- Support any svg elements in the charts, such as defs, linearGradient
- Fix the bug of Brush when data or the size of container changes.
- Add customized event handlers in BarChart
- Add curveMonotoneX and curveMonotoneY in Curve and Line
- Pass stackOffset type as an optional parameter for categorical chart
- Add
in ReferenceLine and ReferenceDot to support auxiliary information at differents z-index
- Fix legend position with margin
- Support more interpolations in Curve, Line
- Allow to set custom tick formatter function for Brush start/end index
- support animation when data update
- refactor event handlers in charts
- fix tooltip position in BarChart
- fix bug of ReactUtils in Firefox 31
- refactor data in Pie which was modified internally
- Support Tooltip in Treemap
- Rename
- Fix the key of
- Refactor ticks specified in
- Use area of
to show the size of number in ScatterChart - Refactor the
- Add
and support differentSymbol
in ScatterChart
- Fix the content of legend in
- Fix the crush bug when categorical axis has duplicate labels
- Fix the bug of calculating tick width
- Update react-smooth to 0.1.4
- Update react to 15.0.0
- Fix the bug of bar animation
- update version of rechats-scale, and babel-eslint
- Remove default event handler in Pie, and add
to let user control the active sector - Remove detectElementResize
- Add activeDot in Line and Area
- Fix the bug of updating line when the length of line is zero at first
- Fix the base value of AreaChart which was set to be 0 before
- Support fixed value of width or height in ResponsiveContainer
- Don't overwrite payload in Legend when customized payload has been setted
- Use detectElementResize in react-virtualized to refactor ResponsiveContainer
- Fix ssr render bug of CartesianAxis
- Add support of function type customized element
- fix the props labelLine in Pie
- fix the bug of PureRender
- Add more test cases
- Refactor the implementation type of renderPolygon in
- Refactor code in
- Remove
and addLogUtils
- Add animation of Area, Radar, RadialBar, Scatter
- Add label formatter to default tooltip
- Add props labelLine in
- Add Cell of
to set different options for each sector - Add Cell support in
- Fix Pie chart Label position, When using custom label It was not rendering as part of the curve group.
- Fix
props inArea
- refactor CartesianChart to a high order component, move some function to /util/CartesianUtils which can be used in ScatterChart.
- Simplify ComposedChart, remove duplicated code
- use
to add events props - cancel selecting line and area in LineChart, AreaChart, ComposedChart
- rollback last fix of Line animation from value
- fix the bug of Line animation from value
- implement ReferenceDot in cartesian charts
- support alwaysShow of ReferenceLine and ReferenceDot
- refactor domain of CartesianAxis and PolarRadiusAxis
- refactor this props name in ReferenceLine
- fix the bug of calculate extent in RadarChart
- fix some bugs of server side rendering when document is called
- feat: support dasharray line animation
- refactor(CartesianAxis, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis):rename label to tick
- feat(label): add label of CartesianAxis, PolarRadiusAxis, ReferenceLine
- feat: Implement tooltip for PieChart
- feat:Implement tooltip for RadialBarChart
- deps(d3-scale,d3-shape,oui-dom-util): 1.update version of d3-scale, d3-shape, oui-dom-util 2.update some api of d3-scale
- refactor(Legend): refactor the location of legend
- fix(CartesianChart,CartesianAxis): 1. fix the bug of dataStartIndex && dataEndIndex when the length of data was changed 2. fix the default value of tickFormatter
- fix(cartesian/Line.js): fix Line animation bug
- feat: use lodash
write new pureRender
- fix(Pie, RadialBarChart): fix the default value of cx, cy, innerRadius, outerRadius
- refactor: rename AdaptionWrapper to ResponsiveContainer
- refactor: delete some repeated codes, and use polarToCartesian in PolarUtils
- fix: update the defaultProps of cx, cy, innerRadius, outerRadius
- fix(Sector, AdaptionWrapper):1. fix the bug of Sector when innerRadius is 0 2. fix the bug of unbind event when component is unmounted
- feat(util): use lodash replace utils
- fix(RadarChart): fix the bug of unreasonable default value for radius in PolarAngleAxis
- chore: change main and jsnext:main in package.json
- feat: support percentage string in the props(cx, cy, innerRadius, outerRadius) of RadarChart, PieChart, RadialChart
- fix(PolarRadiusAxis): add props domain
- refactor(CartesianAxis): remove unneeded props domain
- chore: optimize npm script commands
- chore: update pkg
- feat(AdaptionWrapper): add AdaptionWrapper to make charts adapt to the size of parent dom
- refactor: directory structure adjustment
- fix(LineChart, CartesianChart): 1.fix the bug of margin when only part of the attributes are specified 2.fix the bug of number axis when domain is specified 3.fix the bug of category number when no dataKey is specified 4.format the code in README.md
- refactor(treemap): support tree structure data; changed props that pass to shape
- test: 1.rename some test files 2.add test case of LodashUtil
- test(treemap): modified treemap test
- deps: add dependence oui-dom-utils
- chore(README.md): add syntax highlighting to the readme
- chore(package.json): add keyword react-component
- refactor(CartesianAxis, PolarAngleAxis): change props name "orient" to "orientation"
- refactor(Line, Bar, Pie): refactor animation using new react-smooth
- refactor(Pie, RidalBar): remove the props clockWise, and add the props endAngle
- test(Line, Bar, Radar, Scatter): add test case
- refactor(RadarChart, Radar, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis): refactor the components of Radar
- refactor(classNames): refactor the method of package a className
- refactor(Pie): add nameKey in Pie
- refactor(Legend): refactor the legend in all the charts, change the location method of legend
- feat(radar): add new RadarChart with the new component used in Chart, like PolarAngleAxis PolarRadiusAxis PolarGrid Polygon ex
- feat(test): add test for charts, chartWrappers, components, and shapes
- fix(Curve): fix the bug of curve defined function
- fix(ComposedChart): fix the bug of bar position when a line and a bar display a same group of data.
- chore(webpack.config.js): add react, react-dom, react-dom-server to external
- deps(react, react-dom): update version to v0.14.7
- chore(webpack.config.js): add build command
- deps(recharts-scale, react-smooth): update version of recharts-scale and react-smooth
- refactor(Bar, RadialBar, TreemapChart, Tooltip): rename the props customContent
- Add support of stack value in BarChart, AreaChart, ComposedChart
- Change name of the props in Tooltip, Legend
- Fix the bug of customized label element in CartesianAxis
- Remove repeated, meaningless constructor functions
- Refactor some components, include CartesianAxis, Legend, Tooltip etc, to unify some props name.