This widget is for Shopify's dashing framework to display graphs of Prometheus monitoring system.
To install this widget in your dashboard, please copy all files from folder src
to your dashing installation.
Now your dashboard available at http://<dashing-host>:3030/prometheus
Insert the HTML code in your erb file like this :
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="1">
data-id="scrape_duration_seconds" data-view="Prometheus"
data-title="Scrape Duration Seconds" style="background-color:#E1502B">
also you can you Graph
as data-view
To configure Prometheus job, you need set host
and port
in creating, see following code :
prometheus =
:host => 'prometheus',
:port => 9090
Invoke method query_range
required parameters:
- Prometheus expression query stringstep=<duration>
- Query resolution step width.start=<rfc3339 | unix_timestamp>
- Start timestamp.end=<rfc3339 | unix_timestamp>
- End timestamp.
And return array of pairs, example: {"x":1234567890,"y":1.23}
, where x
- timestamp, y
- value