View a live demo:
git clone
cd chuckify
yarn install
yarn start
- For the quote I would prefer a horizontal carousel displaying it with 1 full item and 2 half items on the side, it's possible but due to limitations of API not optimal
- The UI favors the consumption of a/one quote
- Reading quotes in a (large) list form is unconventional
- There is always a clear path to the next quote
- The UI will try to always display a quote without the least amount of actions
- On small screens the categories will be reduced to one row that is scrollable horizontally
- You can switch LTR/RTL mode in the top navigation
- The quote, that is always in a LTR language, is always displayed as LTR regardless of setting the bidirectionality
- The rest of the interface is ready for further internationalization and translation
- Bootstrapped with Create React App, more functionality like SSR would probably be overkill
- Router, every webapp needs a router, so I've added the most simple one
- As this is a simple app, most shared state is achieved with the Context API. For larger apps I would prefer Redux.
- While keeping the amount of third-party packages to a minimum I've added an effect for the main purpose of the app, displaying a quote
- React -
- React Router DOM -
- TailwindCSS -
- Axios -
- Material Icons -
- Typewriter -
- ESLint -
- Firebase Hosting
- Github -
- Cypress -
- TailwindCSS graphical framework
- Cypress testing framework
- LTR / RTL interface design