A Java library for printing labels via USB on Brother QL series label printers.
This package implements the raster language protocol and allows you to control these printers and receive status via USB connection. No printer driver is required since this package communicates directly with the label printer. It allows to bypass difficulties encountered by many drivers and generic printing API to set the page sizes and margins, in particular for endless labels.
The following printers should be supported:
- Brother QL-500
- Brother QL-550
- Brother QL-560
- Brother QL-570
- Brother QL-580N
- Brother QL-650TD
- Brother QL-700
- Brother QL-700M
- Brother QL-1050
- Brother QL-1060N
The code has been developed and tested on a Brother QL-700 printer, on Linux.
Options supported (see BrotherQLJob javadoc for more details):
- autocut: whether to automatically cut the label (default is true)
- cutEach: the number of labels after which a cut is applied (default is 1)
- feedAmount: the feed amount. Note that in case of using QL-550/560/570/580N/700, 35 dots is always used, and 0 for Die-cut labels.
- delay: delay in millis between prints
- dither: whether to apply a Floyd-Steinberg dithering during conversion to black and white (default is true)
- threshold: the threshold value (between 0 and 1) to discriminate between black and white pixels, based on pixel luminance. Lower threshold means less printed dots, i.e. a brighter image. Meaningless if dither is true
- brightness: Brightness factor applied before dithering. Higher means brighter.
- rotate: rotate the image (clock-wise) by this angle in degrees. Accepted angles are multiple of 90 degrees (90, 180, 270).
The package is available from Maven Central and can be used with the following dependency :
Here is a quick example of how to print a label using the library:
// Create or load one or more images
BufferedImage image = ...;
// Create a print job
BrotherQLJob job = new BrotherQLJob()
// Print the job, using the first detected USB Brother printer
BrotherQLConnection connection = new BrotherQLConnection();
try (connection) {
// Open the connection with the printer
// Check the printer state (optional)
BrotherQLStatus status = connection.requestDeviceStatus();
if (status.getStatusType() != BrotherQLStatusType.READY) {
// Printer is not ready !
// Note : this checks the printer state before printing
connection.sendJob(job, (pageNumber, s) -> {
// Called when a page is printed.
// Return true to continue with next page, false otherwise
return true;
} catch (BrotherQLException e) {
// Error while printing, See e.getMessage()
The list of available USB printers can be obtained through a call to BrotherQLConnection.listDevices()
that will return a list of printer identifier like usb://Brother/QL-700?serial=XXXX
, where QL-700
is the name
of a model (see BrotherQLModel
enum class), and ?serial=XXXX
is optional and can be used to define the serial number
of the printer to use.
The identifier is to be used as parameter of the BrotherQLConnection
Please note that the package need Read/Write access to the USB printer device. It might be needed to add specific UDEV rules to add these right.
Example :
- Create a new udev rule file :
sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/50-brotherusb.rules
- Write in this new file the following rule (example) :
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", MODE="0666"`
- Reload the rules :
sudo udevadm control --reload
This software package was written by Cédric de Launois based on Brother's documentation.
This package was made thanks to :
- the libusb library for the generic access to USB devices
- the usb4java library to access USB devices with Java
- the Brother QL printers documentation
- the brother_ql package that implements the same protocol for the Python language