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Bruce Bailey edited this page Jun 21, 2024 · 10 revisions

DRAFT Minutes for Meeting June 21st, 2024

Attendance (10): , Bruce Bailey, Dan Bjorge, Francis Storr, Giacomo Petri, Gundula Neuman, Mike Gower, Lori Oakley, Patrick Lauke, Steve Faulkner, Scott O'Hara

Regrets: Alastair Campbell

Following our Regular agenda


Bruce reminded on facilitators call that repo root includes accurate information, including how to reference a WCAG definition.

After call, Mike will be adding Ready for Approval to AG for their two-week review.

Mike note discussion on A/AA/AAA would like to not spend too much bandwidth.

Drafted column

Update H39.html #2137 needs double check that is does close related issue. Move to Ready for approval.

3540 delete deprecated flash techniques. Moved to Ready for approval.

Updating example within note #2984. Moved to Ready for approval.


Updated Page Titled for better links #3824 minor editorial improvement. Patrick noted that there is room for more improvement in the future. Moved to Ready for approval.


Editorial changes to Target Size Enhanced #3901 request to group failures.

Added "Duplicated text" as guidance to fulfil the 1.4.5 Images of Text success criterion in the Understanding Document #3773 per Giacomo leave in Drafted and he will make edits responsive to feedback in thread.

Grammar fix in use-of-color.html #3909

3775 looks good but Bruce had concern with not being able to have a preview. Recommendation from group to using prose (from anywhere) instead of lorem ipsem text.

For Discussion

Contrast threshold for links

Add link underline color to 1.4.11 #3913 request is for affirmative pass example rather than a near-pass as failure example, and to use a grays instead of red to key example focused on luminosity different an not color.

No one on call disagrees with using ( color + luminosity difference ) as sufficient for indicating link text. There is concern for using poor contrast examples as meeting the requirement. Concern is for desire to use 4.5:1 against background (for link text) but allowing 3:1 for non-link underline. Patrick pointed out that "underline" could actually be a border. Consensus on call that underline (and meaning it conveys) is non text.

Dan note that example purporting to be "default" is no longer correct.

Giacomo note that similar examples (one pass, one fail) next to each other is also useful, and there are examples further down the list.

PR reverted back to In-Progress.


Lori asked about our success rate with AG. Facilitators are very please. Subjectively, nothing but positive verbal (and GitHub) feedback from AG. Objectively, Done columns documents numerical progress.

Kudos all around, and thanks to everyone for their hard work.