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Allows processing of images with MMSegmentation.

Uses PyTorch 1.11.0 and CUDA 11.3.


MMSegmentation github repo tag/hash:


and timestamp:

December 14th, 2023

Quick start

Inhouse registry

  • Log into registry using public credentials:

    docker login -u public -p public 
  • Pull and run image (adjust volume mappings -v):

    docker run --gpus=all --shm-size 8G \
      -v /local/dir:/container/dir \

Docker hub

  • Pull and run image (adjust volume mappings -v):

    docker run --gpus=all --shm-size 8G \
      -v /local/dir:/container/dir \
      -it waikatodatamining/mmsegmentation:1.2.2-3_cuda11.3

Build local image

  • Build the image from Docker file (from within /path_to/mmsegmentation/1.2.2_cuda11.3)

    docker build -t mmseg .
  • Run the container

    docker run --gpus=all --shm-size 8G -v /local/dir:/container/dir -it mmseg

    /local/dir:/container/dir maps a local disk directory into a directory inside the container

Publish images


docker build -t mmsegmentation:1.2.2-3_cuda11.3 .

Inhouse registry

  • Tag

    docker tag \
      mmsegmentation:1.2.2-3_cuda11.3 \
  • Push

    docker push

    If error "no basic auth credentials" occurs, then run (enter username/password when prompted):

    docker login

Docker hub

  • Tag

    docker tag \
      mmsegmentation:1.2.2-3_cuda11.3 \
  • Push

    docker push waikatodatamining/mmsegmentation:1.2.2-3_cuda11.3

    If error "no basic auth credentials" occurs, then run (enter username/password when prompted):

    docker login


The following scripts are available:

  • mmseg_config - for expanding/exporting default configurations (calls
  • mmseg_train - for training a model (calls /mmsegmentation/tools/
  • mmseg_predict_poll - for applying a model to images (uses file-polling, calls /mmsegmentation/tools/
  • mmseg_predict_redis - for applying a model to images (via Redis backend), add --net=host to the Docker options (calls /mmsegmentation/tools/
  • indexed-png-stats - can output statistics for datasets, i.e., listing the pixel counts per PNG index (for quality checks)


  • The annotations must be in indexed PNG format. You can use wai.annotations to convert your data from other formats.

  • Store class names or label strings in an environment variable called MMSEG_CLASSES (inside the container):

    export MMSEG_CLASSES=\'class1\',\'class2\',...
  • Alternatively, have the labels stored in a text file with the labels separated by commas and the MMSEG_CLASSES environment variable point at the file.

    • The labels are stored in /data/labels.txt either as comma-separated list (class1,class2,...) or one per line.

    • Export MMSEG_CLASSES as follows:

      export MMSEG_CLASSES=/data/labels.txt
  • Use mmseg_config to export the config file (of the model you want to train) from /mmsegmentation/configs (inside the container), then follow these instructions.

  • Train

    mmseg_train /path_to/ \
        --work-dir /where/to/save/everything
  • Predict and produce PNG files

    mmseg_predict_poll \
        --model /path_to/epoch_n.pth \
        --config /path_to/ \
        --prediction_in /path_to/test_imgs \
        --prediction_out /path_to/test_results

    Run with -h for all available options.

  • Predict via Redis backend

    You need to start the docker container with the --net=host option if you are using the host's Redis server.

    The following command listens for images coming through on channel images and broadcasts predicted images on channel predictions:

    mmseg_predict_redis \
        --model /path_to/epoch_n.pth \
        --config /path_to/ \
        --redis_in images \
        --redis_out predictions

    Run with -h for all available options.

Example config files

You can output example config files using (stored under /mmsegmentation/configs for the various network types):

mmseg_config \
  --config /mmsegmentation/configs/some/ \
  --output_config /output/dir/

You can browse the config files here.

  • If necessary, change num_classes to number of labels (background not counted).
  • Change dataset_type to ExternalDataset and any occurrences of type in the train, test, val sections of the data dictionary.
  • Change data_root to the root path of your dataset (the directory containing train and val directories).
  • In train_pipeline, val_pipeline and test_pipeline: change img_scale to preferred values. Image will be scaled to the smaller value between (larger_scale/larger_image_side) and (smaller_scale/smaller_image_side).
  • Adapt img_path and seg_map_path (as part of data_prefix) to suit your dataset, remove redundant, nested data_root properties.
  • Interval in the checkpoint default hook will determine the frequency of saving models while training (4000 for example will save a model after every 4000 iterations).
  • In the train_cfg property, change max_iters to how many iterations you want to train the model for.
  • Change load_from to the file name of the pre-trained network that you downloaded from the model zoo instead of downloading it automatically.

You don't have to copy the config file back, just point at it when training.

NB: A fully expanded config file will get placed in the output directory with the same name as the config plus the extension .full.


When running the docker container as regular use, you will want to set the correct user and group on the files generated by the container (aka the user:group launching the container):

docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -e USER=$USER ...

Caching models

PyTorch downloads base models, if necessary. However, by using Docker, this means that models will get downloaded with each Docker image, using up unnecessary bandwidth and slowing down the startup. To avoid this, you can map a directory on the host machine to cache the base models for all processes (usually, there would be only one concurrent model being trained):

-v /somewhere/local/cache:/.cache

Or specifically for PyTorch:

-v /somewhere/local/cache/torch:/.cache/torch

NB: When running the container as root rather than a specific user, the internal directory will have to be prefixed with /root.

Testing Redis

You can use simple-redis-helper to broadcast images and listen for image segmentation results when testing.

Testing inference

You can test the inference of your container with the script as follows:

  • create a test directory and change into it

    mkdir test_inference
    cd test_inference
  • create cache directory

    mkdir -p cache/torch
  • start the container in interactive mode

    docker run --gpus=all --shm-size 8G -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -e USER=$USER \
      -v `pwd`:/workspace \
      -v `pwd`/cache:/.cache \
      -v `pwd`/cache/torch:/.cache/torch \
  • download a pretrained model

    cd /workspace
    mim download mmsegmentation --config pspnet_r50-d8_512x1024_40k_cityscapes --dest .
  • perform inference

    python /mmsegmentation/demo/ \
      --img /mmsegmentation/demo/demo.png \
      --config /mmsegmentation/configs/pspnet/ \
      --checkpoint pspnet_r50-d8_512x1024_40k_cityscapes_20200605_003338-2966598c.pth \
      --device cuda:0 \
      --output_file /workspace/demo_out.png
  • the model saved the result of the segmentation in test_inference/demo_out.png (in grayscale)


  • Training results in a core dump with the following error message:

    File "/mmsegmentation/mmseg/models/losses/", line 49, in accuracy 
      correct = correct[:, target != ignore_index]

    Check that your PNG files with the annotations all have the correct indices in their palette.

  • Training with only a single class:

    set num_classes=2 and add parameter use_sigmoid=False to the loss function

  • Binary segmentation tips: 1, 2