- added alias support to the ClassRegistry class
- added method is_alias(...) and property all_aliases to the Registry and ClassRegistry classes
- extended the enumerate_plugins method to allow flagging of aliases (default: *)
- added support for using partial handler/plugin names (as long as they are unique)
- added experimental support for aliases with AliasSupporter mixin
- added setuptools as dependency
- the seppl.io.locate_files method can support recursive globs now (default is no)
- reworked the execute method, properly distinguishing between stream/batch mode now
- the seppl.io.locate_files method can take a default glob now, which gets appended to inputs that point to directories
- reworked excluding of classes
- _determine_from_entry_points method of ClassListerRegistry class now checks whether there the attributes tuple has any elements (i.e., whether the optional :function_name was provided)
- message X records processed in total now only output at the end
- ClassListerRegistry now safely removes any excluded class listers before locating the classes
- ClassListerRegistry now removes any excluded class listers before locating the classes
- the execute method no longer counts None items returned by the reader
- added the seppl.ClassListerRegistry class that offers a more convenient way of discovering classes via a function that returns a dictionary of superclasses and the associated modules to inspect; with this approach only a single entry_point has to be defined in setup.py, pointing to the class lister module/function
- added the dummy type AnyData which is used by default in the check_compatibility method for a match all (ie can be used for general purpose plugins)
- added methods escape_args and unescape_args (and corresponding command-line tools seppl-escape and seppl-unescape) for escaping/unescaping unicode characters in command-lines to make them copyable across ssh sessions
- check_compatibility method now also checks whether generated class is subclass of accepted classes, to allow for broader accepts() methods
- gcd method now creates a copy of the integer ratio list before processing it
- added basic support for meta-data: MetaDataHandler, get_metadata, add_metadata
- added support for splitting sequences using supplied (int) split ratios
- added session support: Session, SessionHandler
- added I/O super classes: Reader, Writer, StreamWriter, BatchWriter, Filter, MultiFilter
- added support for executing I/O pipelines: Reader, [Filter...], [Writer]
- the DEFAULT placeholder in the environment variable listing the modules now gets expanded to the default modules, making it easier to specify modules in derived projects
- added excluded_modules and excluded_env_modules to Registry class initializer to allow user to specify modules (explicit list or list from env variable) to be excluded from being registered; useful when outputting help for derived modules that shouldn't output all the base plugins as well.
- the registry now inspects modules when environment modules are present even when it already found plugins (eg default ones)
- the registry now inspects modules when custom modules were supplied even when it already found plugins (eg default ones)
- suppressing help output for unknown args now
- Plugin.parse_args now returns any unparsed arguments that were found
- the args_to_objects method now raises an Exception by default when unknown arguments are encountered for a plugin (can be controlled with the allow_unknown_args parameter)
- enforcement of uniqueness is now checking whether the class names differ before raising an exception.
- added OutputProducer and InputConsumer mixins that can be use for checking the compatibility between pipeline components using the check_compatibility function.
- added support for dynamic mode which only requires listing the superclass of a plugin and the module in which to look for these plugins (slower, but more convenient)
- added generate_entry_points helper method to easily generate the entry_points section for plugins, rather than manually maintaining it
- added generate_help and generate_plugin_usage methods for generating documentation for plugins
- removed old, logging-related code from Plugin class
- added args_to_objects to quickly instantiate plugins from parsed arguments
- added example to README.md and example library (https://github.com/waikato-datamining/seppl-example)
- initial release