A simple utility library that implements functional Lenses - composable setter and getter pairs that focuses on particular nested properties of an object.
// Import lenses library
import * as lens from 'lenses'
// Define your lens
const myLens = lens.of("a.b.c")
// Use the lens to get or set a nested value
myLens.get( {a: {b: {c: 42}}} ) // returns 42
myLens.set( {a: {b: {c: 42}}}, 777) // returns {a: {b: {c: 777}}}
// missing properties are created
myLens.set({}, 777) // still returns {a: {b: {c: 777}}}
set() method is a pure function. It creates shallow copies of objects along the path.
const fooBarBazLens = lens.composition(lens.of("foo"), lens.of("bar"), lens.of("baz")) // or...
const fooBarBazLens = lens.of("foo.bar").compose(lens.of("baz"))
// lens compositions are associative:
const fooBarBazLens = lens.of("foo").compose(lens.of("bar.baz")) // is the same as...
const fooBarBazLens = lens.of("foo").compose(lens.of("bar").compose(lens.of("baz"))) // is the same as...
const fooBarBazLens = (lens.of("foo").compose(lens.of("bar"))).compose(lens.of("baz")) // is the same as...
const fooBarBazLens = lens.of("foo").focus("bar").focus("baz") // is the same as...
const fooBarBazLens = lens.of("foo").focus("bar.baz") // is the same as...
const fooBarBazLens = lens.of("foo.bar.baz")
Projections are lenses with arity > 1, defined as complex lenses. Projections point to multiple properties of an object at any levels of nesting. Projections can be nested.
const shortContactInfoProjection =
const personInfo = {
name: "John",
surname: "Smith",
age: 30,
sex: "male",
otherPrivateInfo: {...},
contacts: {
tel: 111222333444,
email: "jsmith@example.com",
address: "Earth"
otherInfo: {...}
shortContactInfoProjection.get(personInfo) // returns ["John", "Smith", 111222333444, "jsmith@example.com"]
shortContactInfoProjection.set(personInfo, "John", "Smith", 111222333444, "jsmith@example.com") // returns updated copy
Associative projection composition. Currently a Projection can only be a terminal element in a Lens composition chain.
[Optimization] Do not copy an object if the current value is equal to the updating value.
Performance testing