V1.0.0 alpha2
- Support private repositories
- Use Github API to configure webhook
- Cleanup completed workflows from Kubernetes CRD
- Use minio ( and mysql ? ) to show historical data
V1.0.0 alpha3
- Support more user friendly build pipline definition. Candidates:
- ksonnet to generate argo workflow
- generate argo workflow yaml from drone.io pipeline definition http://readme.drone.io/usage/getting-started/
- Support more user friendly build pipline definition. Candidates:
- Argo CI UI: CI/CD specific UI which allows to view build status/logs etc and manage CI specific configuration
- User management
- V1.0.0 alpha1
- Implemented bare minimum which is required to automatically run CI workflow on each push/pull request
- GitHub webhook handler
- Integration with Github commit status
- Helm chart which packages Argo workflow, Argo UI and Argo CI service
- Argo CI is used to build/test Argo